When you’re in a committed relationship, money can give you freedom to live a life of your own design or bind you in shackles. You need to: meet on the same page; work together towards the same goal; and give each other consideration for things like ADHD and impulsivity spending. In this article financial expert, Rick Webster, will take you through steps to make and keep a budget - all for the goal of financial freedom.
Here is a link to a good article that was recently released about money management tips when you have ADHD. It provides some solid statistics about the challenges plus a solid list of good ideas to improve things. Go to this link... I would be delighted if people wanted to start a thread about money management with this post.
The New York Times recently published an article about the importance of having conversations about how money is being spent before you're in an emotional situation. Conversations around money, if done right, can also be a time to dream a little bit, especially if you're talking about travel, vacation or retirement. Even if you are fighting, can you find common ground in shared dreams of a possible future together?
People with ADD have a higher rate of debt, more impulsive spending, and more arguments with their partner/spouse over money issues. However, there is hope (and help available).