Bryan Hutchinson, who wrote a memoir about growing up with ADHD called "One Boy's Struggle" has just released a support group discussion guide with Sharon St. John, a counselor from Utah in our recommended professionals area. The book is a very moving account of Bryan's struggles with undiagnosed ADHD and his eventual triumph in finding a life in which he thrives. The discussion guide for the book is a terrific resource for those who want to discuss what their experiences are - either a group of ADHD adults or groups of couples looking to better understand the issues their own partner experienced. The discussion guide is free, you can find it at this link and in my resources section.
The guide will help you explore concepts such as which coping strategies you've put into place, and why; blame vs. accountability; learning differently and how the world perceives this attribute of people with ADHD; fear as a motivator and much more. It's a very rich resource. If you're currently in a support group - consider forwarding the link to your moderator for consideration. If you're not in a support group, but just curious, give it a peek. It is, after all, free.