Smiles Follow Tears

ADHD & Marriage Weekly Tip - August 19, 2015

Quote of the Week

“For every dark night of the soul there is a sunrise, a brightening of the inner landscape. Smiles always follow tears. Joy will find a way, if I let it, to push up and out, through the rich, dark loam of heartache…” - Katrina Kenison

Smiles Follow Tears

“If I let it…”  These words are critical.  Are you seeking joy?  Or even letting it ‘push out, through the rich, dark loam of heartache?’  I remember all of the years in which my husband and I struggled.  Part of our problem in recovering was that as hopelessness took over – as we both started to feel that the issues were intractable – we have trouble finding the energy to seek joy together.  Now, many years later, I think couples who seek patience with the chaos of their lives, and who continue to pursue joy at least as often as they seek to remediate weaknesses, do the best.

In other words, maintaining an optimistic (or even neutral) outlook can really help you live more peacefully even if your life is crazy busy.  Are there simple ways you might be able to open up to let joy ‘push out’ through your heartache?  For me, taking time to think each day about what I am grateful for can help, as does regular exercise.  And I’m guessing you can add your own ideas…

For those in marriages impacted by ADHD

You can find great resources for couples impacted by ADHD at, including: a free online treatment overview; free downloadable chapters of my books; a community forum with other couples facing similar issues; a large number of blog posts on various topics; referrals; and my very popular couples courses:
ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - Next live session begins October 6 - this eight-session seminar has helped many couples turn around their relationship, and
Recovering Intimacy in Your Relationship - Next session begins November 10 (may change slightly) - This new seminar is designed to help couples become more intimate on every level. Both seminars are given by phone, so anyone may participate.
Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD wins 2 book awards!

Adult ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationship. can literally change your life!

© 2015 Melissa Orlov