
After several day's of quiet reflection and thought concerning our struggles. I've come to the conclusion my wife is unapproachable...It hasn't stopped me from trying for 7+ years...But the fruit of my attempts hasn't changed much of anything for the better anyway.... I know we learn to navigate some of the behaviors and some of our differences without to much damage to the relationship by trail and error eventually...But, a person who lives in a mind that has these faces most all the time: Competitive, Denial, Combative, Controlling, Forgetful, Self-Absorbed, who is a hoarder and who swings from extreme Independence to super co-dependence....Is unapproachable....

Now when you place her in a relationship with a Husband who is a Type A engaging talker, that loves intimacy and thinks there is nothing that can't be conquered with love and hard work...(Sadly my own denial) You have a recipe for disaster! The moral of this equation is: Believe what you see, learn to be quiet, and never put words in a person's mouth. If they can't say it and show it, it's probably not there....

Bad is Good if you accept it and find peace with it.....