So distracted he forgets about intimacy?

We have been on an extended timeframe with family trips. My husband seems to only be interested in spending time with members of my family and although we use natural family planning methods, he is ignoring my time of infertility (aka the only days per month we can be intimate without having a baby). I will shortly have my period and then a few more weeks until we can be intimate again since we are being very careful to avoid pregnancy currently. 

Its very hard to find the right times to discreetly enough be intimate since my family is so large and we all are in our beach week of vacation. 


Is this part of the hyperfocus of ADHD? I love my family dearly and don’t get to see some of them much at all since they live overseas, but usually my husband is pretty much begging for physical intimacy the rest of the time and I make adjustments often to do it more for his sake, and I do enjoy it.

I think there should be a balance here. He just sees one thing at a time, but we need to see the big picture. One hour to be together doesn’t sound unreasonable to me.