Breaking Parent Child...Learning how to win!

In my efforts to change the dynamic in my relationship, some things are becoming very clear....1) The parent (the responsible party/enabler, is always at fault, and is always the loser (Me)...If that statement makes me or you angry, then my point is proved! 2) Also the things that keep us locked into this dynamic are an illusions and excuses, in most cases...(If I don't do it, it want get done, I'm scared of him or her etc,,etc..)....3) Gaslighting is mostly self inflicted, simply because sound thinking, and behaving people want walk away from a dysfunctional living excuse making concession seeker...This happen's for most of us because we refuse to not stop pointing out the dysfunctional living to someone who in many cases, don't give a shit what you think and is going to die someday blaming and making excuses for their intrusive and irresponsible life styles...And sadly they are taking us with them?? I don't want this any longer, how about you?

If you have been strong enough and wise enough to not get caught up in parent/child, or if you have been able to break it, you are my hero....Boundaries related to parent child are difficult for me because of my own selfish reasons.....Why, well my own fears are....# 1 intimacy, I don't want to live w/o physical touching/intercourse.... #2 I'm fearful of ending up being separated or divorced at age 63...#3 I hate messes, so I make the self excuse that I shouldn't have to wait for her to finally clean up messes that effect me...#4 The disappointment our children and grand children might feel if we split up....

In reality my reason's are excuses and illusions....I'm 63 for heaven's sake,  Doing w/o sex for a while (long as it takes) isn't going to kill me.......What's worse, what's happening in this relationship or separation or divorce... Da!...... Messes want kill me, and all I'm doing by picking up behind a person who's mind is such, that she can't even remember 8 hours later that she left the mess, so an invalid is continuing to be born, made by me!...It also makes her think she's keeping the house available for guests, or she can use me to do all the heavy lifting, while she plays....Neither are good for me any longer...There is not a greater gift I can give our adult children and grand babies than to end the dysfunction they have been subjected to by our dysfunctional attempt to live together as it has been.....

I had a friend who has passed away now, he was highly successful....He use to say the problem with most people and business's was...They don't how to win....

So the question for me (us) is, do I want want to stay stuck in our fears....OR do we want to be winners....I've been a loser long enough.....
