Anti ADHD !?

I'm reading a lot of comments on here which hit someone with ADHD really hard.

I'm beginning to realize after 25 years of marriage that I should never have got married because I cannot consistently meet non-ADHD expectataions.

I'm becoming ever disillusioned by romantic love and beginning to think that being vulnerable and expressing who I am is not possible in a relationship.because someone is always going to judge, criticise, verbally abuse, derrogate, and destroy my self esteem. Just a warped extension of childhood abuse and being bullied at school.

I know I'm a mess, every surface covered with stuff piled upon piles. Sometimes I have motivation to do something, sometimes not - but I never know when; but I guess I'm not be that disorganized. I have moments where I can tidy up stuff and be on top of things. I'm in impressed by anyone who can maintain that kind of approach consistently, just like being impressed by NASA scientists and complex differential equations and atomic physics.

There must be a place for me where I can be appreciated and not ultimately be yelled at for not meeting another's anathema expections. Just haven't found it yet I guess. Beginning to wonder if I ever will. Always been a bit of an independent loner, probably just messed up my wife's life by not meeting her expectations. Suicide crosses my mind when I've been at the end of long verbal attack tirades of derrogative judgements. Often I'll slip into dissociation and paralysing freeze - which do nothing to ease relationship tensions. Trying to work through these outdated childhood based coping mechanisms but it catches me sometimes.

Apparently I'm not allowed to find it difficult to do things anymore, and am always to blame if I forget something. If she forgets something, no problem, it's ok. Same when I'm late.

Doing my best is no longer enough too apparently - as I was told at the end of a angry personal attack rant recently.

Don't really know what to do anymore. I seem to be ever more up and down in extreme. Getting things done can be virtually impossible sometimes because just WTF is the point - because someone is going to tell you that it was the 'wrong thing' to be doing and there were so many other 'pressing things' to be done.

Super difficult to live up to the expectations to a perhaps pathological 'doing' based person who cannot stop because it is 'too painful to face the silence of stopping' - her phrase.

I'm not sure how to show up anymore, every which way is wrong, so I'm losing/(lost) faith/hope completely for a marriage of true connection, vulnerability and love. Walking on eggshells trying desperately to work out what she is expecting to be done is so exhausting. If I ask, I should have known - it was apparently obvious - so another verbal attack ensues.

She does a lot of the thinking, I appreciate that it is exhausting, but dare not now show how grateful I am, because it backfires into another verbal tirade of 'should have'/'lazy'/'useless'/'stupid'.

Perhaps there is no where to turn, except out of the door and live alone. :(
