I feel so ashamed, i am crying. My son is brilliant, fantastic, clever, ambitious......and a ball of energy i need to handle in the right way. Im exhausted, im running on empty.
Inbetween a full-time career, solo parenting 4/5days of the week and remembering everything, i cant cope. Im full of anxiety and back on medication.
Today one has been a 13hour day with my son. 7am to 8pm and he still isnt asleep. We have played darts, basketball, devised a garden activity course, played footbal, watched TV, ive cooked, cleaned, washed, gardened. He answers me back at every turn if i get the slightest word wrong, because in his mind, i am simply not correct. Not factual and it must be rectified. Had i known my ex had ADHD before i married him, im not sure i would have. Its just too much energy, correction, ticks, constant need for attention, and RSD if i pull my son up on certain behaviour (its then a 15minute monologue of how stupid and bad he is if i tell him to stop answering me back). Today i just hate ADHD and my life.
Had i known divorce was even more lonely and tiresome than marriage, i wouldnt have done it. He had lots of good points and i would have put up with it all! My ex has, what i feel, abandoned me. I have a far more demanding job. He does 2nights per week. And 2 days per week he pops round for 2hours. I do everything else. I dont know how much longer i can cope with this.
Your ex should step up
Submitted by Swedish coast on
He should spend more time with your ADHD son. Maybe 50%, or at this time more since you're not feeling well. I suggest you send your son to his father's for a week straight away and get some rest to start with. It shouldn't even be negotiable since you're ill.
Dear Elliej, I hope for the best for you.
I have done that
Submitted by Elliej on
Hi swedish.
How are you?
Ive recently had a weeks break. Its a catch22, as i dont want to loose my son 50%. So i will silently scream into the internet whilst my ex makes comments about me keeping the microwave, toaster (that i paid for) and 15year old iron. Divorce brings out a different side.
So sorry
Submitted by Swedish coast on
Sometimes nothing feels right, I can truly understand that. It seems unfair that we need to share our children with those who've betrayed us.
I resolved to at least be relieved by my ex husband. It's not ideal to be without the children half the time, but I found I desperately needed the rest.