Communication Missing the Mark

I believe I understand what my SO is trying to say,  but she's not only missing the mark, its making me feel criticized and disapproved of at the very same time. This is one reason I came back here talking about her going on a roll of periods of non-stop criticism.  I realized, this method she's been using has great deal to do with it,  as this method  happens quite often.... even again tonight.  In fact, this is the reason we had our first conflict together. Ironically, it's conflict she's trying to avoid. The message is definitely not coming through loud and clear! 

What she does ( the method ) is ask a lot of leading questions....actually, it's just one leading question.

"Why did you do it that way?"  ( or how come ? )

This is not actually a question but questioning my methods when I do things at times. This always comes after I do ( the thing ) which many times, I have no answer for.  I've found simply saying "I don't know?" serves to shut this down plus it's the truth. I don't know why I do everything I do? Especially things I've been doing all my life almost involuntarily. And for the record....I haven't broken anything since I've been here. She has, but it's her stuff. She's mostly concerned with spills, crumbs and food stuff getting on the floors and counter tops. She keeps them immaculate which is a tough act for me to follow always.

I believe I understand this now,  it's a fear response in that, she's afraid something will happen that she doesn't want to have happen and she feels she can't control it.... because she can't physically control another person to prevent this ( thing ) from happening.  In other words, she's feeling out of control. I'm saying this because I feel this way too at times for the same reason. This is akin to back seat driving which is also something she does chronically.

The net affect is making me feel disapproved of, incompetent and criticized....because this is actually what she's doing: It's a thinly veiled form of criticism in the form of a question.   It also makes me feel like I'm being watched all the time because she's actually doing that too. Watching me and checking to make sure I'm doing ( whatever ) the way she would do it. And when I don't do it that way...out comes that question. I understand also, the way she does it actually works so she has a good reason ( at least in her mind ) to do what she does. She has pulled me aside many times showing me how she likes things done down to the specific movements and specific ways she does it. It's really is a form of micromanagement.

Anyway. I haven't been reacting to this because it happens a lot and I calmly say"I don't know". This  seems to works for now.  But I can tell she's still frustrated because she's not getting the response from me she's looking for. I believe this is an indirect form of passive aggressive communication. I also believe shes doing this because she's afraid of conflict with me, if she were more direct.

If she were more direct, she'd probably get a different response from me as well as telling me exactly what's on here mind. At the same time, I wouldn't feel like she was always disapproving me and being criticized every time she does it.

Actually, since I believe I understand what's's really not having much affect on me any more. For now,  I know the "I don't know" response is working but I wish I knew a netter way to confront her on this.

Any ideas or suggestions would be very much appreciated. 

Also, thanks to the person who commented that having someone move into your space in middle age can be stressful because people get set in their ways. It caused me to remember this was a concern of hers prior to me moving in. She even said it close to something like...."I'm very set in my ways and I was getting use to living alone"  This was very helpful information to keep in the back of my mind.