Ned Hallowell likes to say that while ADHD can be a reason you did something in the past, it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to do it over and over again. But before the non-ADD of you start to say “see, this is exactly what I mean!” let me clarify. Both ADHD and non-ADHD spouses sometimes use ADHD as an excuse for their behavior…just in different ways. So where do you draw the line? What’s an excuse, and what’s real? How much does either partner accommodate ADHD, and when do you draw a line and say “enough!”? It’s a delicate balancing act.
First, let’s look at the difference between ADHD as a “reason” something is done and an “excuse” by looking at examples:
Reason: Previously undiagnosed ADHD led a man to be distracted so regularly that his spouse felt unloved.
Excuse: The same man, now diagnosed, refuses to work on diminishing the distraction he experiences even though in conversations about their marriage his wife has indicated that this is one of the main sources of pain for her in their marriage.
Reason: Woman with ADHD cannot make it out the door to important monthly office parties with her husband as she has no sense of time and gets lost in the act of getting ready. She says she tries hard but her efforts aren’t paying off.
Excuse: Same woman continues to be late, and makes no effort to try other strategies for getting out the door. She also gets angry when her husband decides that he’ll leave ahead of her and meet her there.
In both of these examples, the ADHD symptom (distraction, inability to track the passing of time) explains the initial behavior. It is the unwillingness of the spouse to take responsibility for finding a suitable “middle ground” with his/her spouse that turns the symptom from “reason” to “excuse”. Most people with ADHD are able, with perseverance, to find a way to manage at least some of their most problematic symptoms. From a healthy relationship standpoint, it’s important for the ADHD spouse to make this effort.
The ADHD version of using ADHD as an excuse is “you know I can’t do that because I have ADHD. I’m done trying (or don’t need to try).” The non-ADHD spouse’s version of using ADHD as an excuse is “You’ll never be able to do that because you have ADHD. There is no reason to keep hoping that things will get better because you prove time and time again you can’t succeed.”
Neither is accurate. The best ADHD marriages are those that find a middle ground. Put another way, it is NOT the responsibility of the ADHD spouse to become “non-ADHD”. Nor is it the responsibility of an ADHD spouse to meet every whim and expectation of an ultra-demanding non-ADD partner. On the other side of things, it is not the responsibility of the non-ADHD spouse to constantly have to pick up after the disasters of an ADHD spouse who is not treating his or her ADHD. The idea here is to acknowledge the needs of BOTH partners, and find a working middle ground that works well enough for both to become happy with their relationship again. In the worst case scenario, a couple will find that there are “deal breakers” – things that are incredibly important to one spouse that simply can’t be accommodated by the other. This is where divorce comes in…but that is, of course, a last resort for most. It’s much more desirable to find that middle ground.
You might think that finding this middle ground would be easy, but in ADHD-affected relationships, there is a complicating factor – the ADD spouse is often out of touch with how their ADHD affects other people. In addition, after a lifetime of listening to people tell them they could do better “if they would only try harder”, people with ADHD are understandably sensitive to criticism that their spouse might make of their role in the decline of their relationship.
Couple this with an almost uncanny ADHD ability to create their own happy little zone that doesn’t relate to the world (and people) around them, and you have the makings of a great deal of miscommunication, misunderstanding, and hard feelings.
My husband will still tell you that the hardest part of dealing with his ADHD wasn’t learning about what ADHD, or experimenting with ways to deal with it. The hardest part was seeing – and internalizing - what effect ADHD had on me and the people around him. He was pretty happy doing his work and being on his computer (and having the house and family organized by his spouse). Even though I told him repeatedly how miserable I was, he still didn’t comprehend what I was saying. The eye-opener for him was that he started working for someone with ADHD and got to experience first hand what it was like to be with someone who was completely unaware of how his answering a cell phone interrupted a meeting, or how the impossible requests and always late timetables he imposed kept everyone running without purpose. George tried to “talk some sense” into this man, only to be rebuffed. Soon he began to see parallels between how his ADHD symptoms affected our relationship and what he was seeing in the office.
You can’t replicate this experience, though you can ask your spouse to trust others who have had it (i.e. us and others like us). It simply takes a willingness to suspend the ADD spouse’s disbelief in what his unhappy spouse is telling him for a while, and replace it with an openness to deciding that ADHD can, and is, affecting everyone around him as much as it is affecting him.
Once an ADHD spouse is willing to admit that those whom they love are affected in a negative way by his behaviors, the logical next step is to ask for input on figuring out what needs to change. Or, put another way, if your motivation is to change what hurts your spouse and your relationship most, don’t waste energy and effort changing just any thing. Target what needs changing the most. As people with ADHD are notoriously bad at creating hierarchies (i.e. most in need of change at one end of the list to least in need of change at the other) and because the issue isn’t how one person is acting, but how two people are interacting, it makes sense to do this together.
You can’t change everything that makes you unhappy. My personal rule of thumb is to “let go” of at least 50% of the things that bother me (the non-ADHD spouse) and ask my husband to let go of half of what is bothering him. As a couple, focus on only those symptoms that you identify as being most destructive. If you can’t tease out which these are from a rather long list, get a therapist to help you. (For us, the first two things we chose to focus on were diminishing my anger, and having him spend more time with me when he was focused just on me and us.)
This may sound as if you are giving up a lot. "Let go of 50%?" you say! But what we found is that the stuff at the bottom of the list wasn't as important as we had thought. It only seemed important because we were at such odds with each other. Once we focused on the important things, our increasing happiness with each other and with our relationship helped those smaller things disappear.
If the relationship is to be repaired, neither partner can use ADHD as an excuse. Somewhere deep inside the ADHD spouse has to find the energy to attack important ADHD symptoms from every angle until he finds an approach that resolves the issues those symptoms were creating. And somewhere deep inside the non-ADHD spouse has to find hope, forgiveness and generosity of spirit.
It takes immense effort (and usually improved communication), but the rewards – a relationship which is more balanced and respectful – can lead to the next step, falling back in love again.
Re: The ADHD Marriage Balancing Act
Submitted by Tara McGillicud... (not verified) on
Thank You, Melissa!
Submitted by Fran on
Two ADHDers out of sync
Submitted by Mike Doyle (not verified) on
new here--so happy to have found you !
Submitted by dvance on
Someone to Talk to
Submitted by Katherine (not verified) on
Are you me?
Submitted by Kate (not verified) on
Thanks for replying
Submitted by Katherine (not verified) on
What Were Those Two Things?
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
Katherine - WHY won't your husband try taking meds? (Has he tried before, or just refused flat out?) And, secondarily, what is it that you expect will happen if he does take meds? How do you expect it would change your relationsihp?
Melissa Orlov
What If??
Submitted by SunnyNights0909 on
"If he was diagnosed with
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Alzheimer's disease and ADHD
Submitted by Sueann on
If my husband had Alzheimer's disease, at least he could get disability. ADHD isn't recognized as a disability, so people who can't or won't work because of it can't get disability, their spouses have to support them.
My husband does worse things than not leave the car in park One day last week, he forgot his meds, and he left the car running for over an hour in a parking lot while he had a meeting with a client. He was so lucky his car was still running and still there! At least it convinced him he does need his meds.
sunday march 8 2009 I understand all the above
Submitted by tracy (not verified) on
Support Available
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
Though it is not available everywhere, there are support groups for spouses of adults with ADHD. Certainly the Hallowell Centers provide this, and I suspect there are others out there - check with ADDA and CHADD.
Thank you for YOUR support!
Submitted by Colleen on
Have been away from this site for quite awhile, but want to express how important it is to know it is always there....there is NO WHERE else on the Internet where I have found any kind of reliable and balanced support for those who are "married" to ADD/ADHD. Finding the time to attend anything locally, even if those support structures CAN be found, is so often just not an option. If we work, if we have children, etc, we are more likely than not carrying the greater share of the burden of maintaining a household and other responsibilities. When one member of a partnership is prone to "checking out," it's just a fact of life that the other must become prone to picking up the pieces.
Nearly 33 years now of dealing with the in's and out's of a three-way that alternates with OCD and ADD - not always sure if our coping skills have been the most healthy - but we do have three children, now grown and well launched, and although we are dealing with the challenges of empty nesting, this next chapter in our lives together, for the most part we are in a peaceful stance right now. How much of that is him? How much of that is me? It is such a joint endeavor, so who's to say?
Anyway, I just want to thank you so much for providing a safe sounding board, a balanced presentation and addressing of the complex issues involved in walking relationships through the minefield that is ADD/ADHD.
Time to Take Stock
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
You may have been having a bad day when you wrote this, but if not, it is time for you to take stock. What do you want out of life? What makes you happy?
You only have one life to live, and it sounds as if it may be time to take control of it again.
Melissa Orlov
Submitted by Dana (not verified) on
30 plus years and tired too
Submitted by Colleen on
Reply to Colleen
Submitted by Katherine Smith (not verified) on
Re: reply to Colleen 8-6-08 Colleen, I would love to correspond with you privately. I have found that with other issues, just verbalizing it helps put the problem into perspective and helps me deal more rationally. I have so appreciated, and learned, from Melissa listening and replying to my posts. From my readings I have never found anyone else with a 35 year marriage. I think we probably could help each other work out some issues particular to long term marriages. I have set up an account ~ {email address deleted by admin} ~ which you are welcome to use. I will look forward to corresponding if that works for you. Katherine
{note by admin - per the "Instructions - Read First" in the top menu, posting of real names and email addresses is discouraged.}
Wonderful person
Submitted by jfd on
Okay, I'll answer you as to
Submitted by Dana (not verified) on
Same husband?
Submitted by Mylank on
Hi Dana,
As I read your response to the person that asked why others think our spouses are terrific while we have such difficulties with them I wondered if perhaps you, too, were married to my husband. The outside stuff is almost identical. The inside stuff is a little different but not much.
My guy will jump and run if anyone asks him for help -- anyone but me. I believe he does this partly because he knows I'm not helpless -- he has one friend who is frail, weak, ill, etc., and he will run to this guy's house to change his cat litter box even though ours is overflowing; he'll take this guy grocery shopping when we need groceries (and I of course have to get ours). Other people he does chores for or favors for just because they are friends and somehow he can see that something needs done right now -- he can't see that at home.
Our friends love my husband so much -- he's intelligent, charming, funny as hell, sings beautifully, is helpful, dependable to them, etc. But they also know that it's different for me. So they are very supportive. But still, when we go somewhere to meet up with friends, when they see me first they say "Where's Mylan?" I'm like, what the hell? Say hello to me!
I wouldn't want my husband or the original inquirer to change -- it's part of who they are. But this is why others think our ADD spouses are spectacular on all counts and we struggle with them. Like Dana said, things are different at home where mundane tasks have to be done and typically WE are the ones doing them and sometimes it looks to us like they get to have all the fun and attention.
Hello JFD - and I'm so glad
Submitted by Colleen01 (not verified) on
Oh Colleen that is the best
Submitted by Dana (not verified) on
Hi Dana Thanks! And I
Submitted by Colleen on
My Adderal XR leaves me by 3:00
Submitted by clacius on
Submitted by Partner Has ADHD on
My partner has been prescribed Ritalin (20mg, I believe it is) by her family doctor. She was told to go to another doctor to be properly diagnosed with ADHD and would in turn be given the correct doseage. A few problems with what seems to be an easy task...
1. Family doctor told her to see this 'specialist' about 6 months ago. Specialist was never seen...referral paper was lost, found again and then put through the washing machine. Family doctor never called to get another referral paper.
2. Meds forgotten. Supposed to be taken every 4 hours. Meds may actually get taken 1 time each day if she's lucky. She forgets to take them.
3. Can't take meds after 1pm as she says they keep her awake at night.
So here we have someone who was diagnosed with ADHD by a family doctor and was told to go see a specialist who could properly diagnose and medicate her. So in the interim, I have a partner who is inadequately medicated (the 20mg or whatever it is does nothing to help her) and can't seem to get it together to go to the specialist.
She does exhibit about every single 'symptom' of the folks I have seen on here. And I exhibit every result of the 'symptoms' addresses my the non-adhd partners on here...I wish she would go to the specialist and get properly treated but no matter how often I ask her to do just keeps getting put off.
RE: Meds
Submitted by Nerdmom920 on
Having to take meds more than once a day? That must truly be a nightmare for an ADDer. My husband could never handle that. He was taking a dosage of time-release adderall that lasted for 12 hours. Now he is taking Vivanse, that lasts for 16. Here's how it works for someone who can't make that initial psych appointment.
You call and clear an appointment time with the psychiatrist, then you put the ADD person on the phone to officially agree to the appointment. You pick them up and take them to the appointment. YOU take the prescription, drive straight to the pharmacy, pick up the meds, and watch as the person takes the medication.
After that things get better, not perfect, maybe not totally acceptable, but definitely better.
ADHD affecting relationship
Submitted by jfd on
ADHD affecting relationship by jfd
Submitted by jenmouse on
You mention that everyone says she wears the pants-just wondering how that made you feel or act towards your wife since I think a few people might be suggestion that to my husband and I don't want him to feel bad about it. I just know that with money and certain things I handle them better. You also mentioned (sometimes everyone thinks that I am crabby, ususally with my oldest (12) just wondering what lead up to it and what helped to not make it as bad? My husband and son have ADHD and get into arguments that make no sense and won't stop until they both say to many hurtful things to each other.
jfd, I have been through this
Submitted by Overwhelmed (not verified) on
to Overwhelmed
Submitted by jfd on
Thank you for your response. I can see where this is a problem. Some of the things you write about, especially the check thing, applies to me most. Since I have begun treatment for ADHD, I have done a turn around. In this time also my wife has had a new job so now the tides are turned. I am the one who is home most of the time, she works full time during the day, as my full time job rotates and my part time is also different. I have found I am doing most of the work at home now and am trying to be the person I was not. I am very happy with it and it is prerty cool how much I can actually accomplish. Now somtimes I feel like I am trying to start over, cause it all came to a "breaking point" so to speak which started all this for me to actually get diagnosed. My biggest problem is now letting time take its course and be able to have a functioning balanced marraige and not be lopsided, which it was appretnly, which i did not really see or understand at the time. I beleive thsi cause some negativity/resent (maybe not the right exact words), fustration i guess, that you are exereiencing. Now Ihave to try as she too I guess to move past it and continue with the way it was when we were first togeter, as you had stated before. In my mind I am still there after all the problems as mentioned it has moved our marraige away from that a bit. I want both of us to have the repsonsibilites and also have fun!
For jfd
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
You don't mention how your wife feels about your progress since your diagnosis. Sounds as if you are doing great, which is wonderful...but make sure that she has the right outlets to progress with you. This may mean getting past some pent up frustration and anger, as well as the stress of her job...also, it's important to start doing fun things together so that you reconnect in positive ways.
So, if this isn't already happening, you might ask her if she needs further help, possibly the help of a therapist or something (you have to ask this at the right time, which would NOT be while you are fighting because then she will take this as a comment on her bad mood, rather than as a "I've been thinking about how much I love you and how I want to make sure we are BOTH doing as well as we can" comment.)
I would be interested in your feedback on these ideas...
Feedback to Melissa
Submitted by jfd on
Hi Melissa... I read your response above and somehow realized i didn't write back. I haven't actually been on here for a while, been very busy...anyway I was reading your response and as I am in a bit of a slumpr or down level, I figured it was pertainint to this entry. I stated that I have been doing well, she hasn't said I haven't improved but I really have stopped asking cause I don't want to get into the reassurance thing. The last thing that I was told, at a counsoling session was to just go about my thing and not nag her about trying to make it work, which is what ihave been doing. I think that i have been doing a good job but then it is like I havn't done as much as I thought. She still does not like her job very much so that is still an issue. I also realize that I do need to wait untill the right time to talk to her, which is why i get so fustrated becuase there seems to never be the right time or not enough of it to ask her all that i want to, or get it all out. Like i stated before, I think that i have done a good job or leaving her alone or not always being need or in her face all the time, whichi was a HUGE problem before and the brut cause of some issues i am dealing with now. But once i feel like I have left her alone or not been in her face, I will try to go to her, or be near her and it is like I have been in her face all day. This is the part I am having trouble with, for all the progress I have made and my thinking that I am not in her face this happens and I don;t know what I have done that was a bother. SHe stated she just wants me to leave her alone and not be always "crowding her" (my words, not hers. Can't remember exactly what they were but i think you get the picture). I would love to go away with her for a night or the weekend, but that I think would just make it worse becuase it seems as though she has had too much of a good thing, as she has said before. THis is where the problem is, i was hyperfocusing on her. I beleive that I have stated this before. So I think that us going away together to try to talk about things that have been going on would be good, but I think that I am beating a dead horse, trying to hard to make it work and she just wants to let it work itself out and not beat it to death just to let it work it out. Which is why there is an issue I think. The harder i push to make it work or to get close to her the more she pushes away. Does that make sense? The harder i try to get close to her the more she pushed back. IT seems as though things get better then they turn around and get worse. Overall think they are better then a year ago, but still not where they were or what I think to be a healthy relationship. One other point that I want to bring up is that soemtimes everyone thinks that I am crabby, ususally with my oldest (12) and then my wife also. Yea I am crabby soemtimes just because I am stressed or tired as we all are but most of the time it is because I am not able to have a husband/wife relationsship with my wife. I don't see her all day becuase she works then when she get home I am raelly can't go runnign to her so it takes a lot of me to stay away, (which is a BIG change from before), hence the fustration. ANtother point re;ated to this is her boss, which she can't stand, is ALWAYs right over her shoulder all day watching her and her work. Do you think that this has somethign to do with it? SHe has someone over her shoulder all day, litteraly, for the most part anway, she just wants to be left alone when she gets home. I am trying my hardest, but it seems like it is working and then it goes backwards. I went off track but hope you can make it out. One other thing, would it be beneficial do you think to just write everything done and give it to her rather then wait to try to explain it to her so I can tell it all at once?? Just wondering, i am interested to see what you think./
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
A couple of things that may be continuing here. First, are your counselling sessions solo or together? If they are solo, I would suggest that you explore whether or not you are more needy than many people and, if so, why. If they are joint, then you might request some solo sessions to explore this issue. If it turns out that you are more needy, then being happy probably comes from working in two directions -addressing your issues so that you can be a bit less needy, and also getting to a place (with your wife or some other outlet) that meets a bit more of your neediness. Your post is striking in that you are trying to address her needs, but you are clearly stifling your own...which is taking its own toll.
Your insight into the role that your wife's boss plays in your own relationsihp seems a good one. Certainly, if you are under a certain type of pressure all day, you don't want that same type of pressure at home. Is there another approach that you can take that would not resemble glomming on to her, but which would provide you with positive emotional connection? Perhaps talking with her about trying to shift into doing things together that are just FUN, and perhaps include you as a couple with other couples might help. That way you are together, but you are not only interacting with just her - she gets the space she needs, too.
It's hard to tell from your note whether or not your perception of how much you are hanging onto her is wrong (i.e. that you are still more hyperfocused on her than is desirable, but think you aren't) or whether she is stuck in the past somehow. For example, she feels that you might be doing fine now, but if she "lets you in" then you'll revert to your old stuff and be all over her again. I know from experience that fear that what used to happen i nthe past can certainly color what you do in the present, even if it's unfounded fear. One approach might be to discuss this specific issue. If she says you haven't changed, as her for concrete examples - not as proof, but so that you can learn from her opinions about what you can do better. (Make sure that when you ask for that proof you tell her that you aren't asking her to defend her position on this, but that you are interested in learning from the examples she gives you so you can do better.) If she admits that you have actually changed, but she fears reversion, then you should ask for some window when she gives you the benefit of the doubt and test out if she is correct. This is relatively low-risk for her. Ask her to give you two weeks where she works hard to overcome her fear and treat you with less distance, and you take those same two weeks to try hard NOT to justify her fears and hyperfocus, and see what happens. Agree to discuss it again in two weeks so you can both get feedback on progress. If you have joint counselling, a counsellor might be able to assist in this experiment.
You seem to have done a good job of trying hard...please work on the crabbiness (sleep and exercise can both help in this department) and also acknowledge that your wife might be tired, too, and that some of her behavior might not be personal (just as your crabiness isn't personal towards your kids but a result of your exhaustion). It's not fun to be in a job you hate - really depressing, in fact.
Finally, be aware that many overworked parents (and particularly overworked moms in my experience) have a sense that they "just can't add another thing to their plate". She may simply be feeling overwhelmed and putting you off because EVERYONE around her is needy - her kids need her asisstance (all kids do) her boss seems to be needy (else he would be off doing his own thing)...she may simply view you as the person who ought to be able to stand on your own the most easily...the straw that broke the camel's back. This attitude may help her, but doesn't help you meet your own needs, so you should consider that two-pronged approach that I suggested earlier. But also, be compassionate. We are all humans, with very real physical and mental limitations. Sometimes too much is simply too much.
Thanks for checking back in - keep in touch.
The reason everyone else on
Submitted by UNEVRNO (not verified) on
Wonderful person
Submitted by jenmouse on
I think its because the other people usually do not see all that the non ADHD person has to deal with they just see what the ADHD person is doing that they are good at. My husband has ADHD and he is wonderful. He likes helping others (yet he complains of feeling used), he is amazing at woodworking (yet forgets how to do certain projects at times), he has a great sense of humor (yet repeats certain jokes all the time), he can be a great dad (yet when he gets stressed it can be horrible and make him look awful to the kids), he does the dishes some times and helps out with chores (yet creates huge messes that never get put in order), usually the stuff in brackets no one else sees or notices but me. Sometimes I am looked on as not being a great wife to my husband or moody by some people but they have not seen all of my day and the fact that I get tired by him and my son who is ADHD as well. Another part of it is that if those people see something in the bracket then all you hear is your husband is smart he can do it or he's an adult he should be able to do it they do not understand that it is not that easy or that the problem is what it appears to be.
Hi Katherine... sorry for
Submitted by Dana (not verified) on
Self Centeredness of ADHD
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
Here are the sentences in your post that most sticks with me "My husband would be shocked if he knew I thought he was self centered. He thinks he does a great job of paying attention to us. He would be shocked if he knew how lonely and frustrated I get with him."
I'm going to say this in a straight-forward way, and I hope that the effect is that I give you something to think about, rather than offend you. Feeling disconnected and lonely is pretty common for a non-ADHD spouse because people with ADHD are pretty easily distracted (away from being with their spouse), but in this case I think that you, too, are partially to blame. It sounds as if you haven't communicated with your spouse about your frustration with his schedule and the "optional" activities such as golf, T.V., etc. that he is choosing over you. Furthermore, it also sounds as if you have taken on the role of primary "yucky task" person in the household without much discussion about whether or not this makes sense for the two of you. You have needs, too, and part of his responsibility as a spouse is to acknowledge this and help you out a bit.
Worse yet, I'm guessing that you are in a worse position than you think, because since your role is that of mother and maid, part of the reason that there is no intimacy may be that he isn't really viewing you as "spouse and lover" anymore.
Time to change all that, and you're the person to do it!
I don't know the exact dynamics of how the two of you interact, but figure out a way to tell him (nicely) that you want to spice your joint lives back up a bit. In my opinion, this usually means making a better offer than the alternatives (golf, soft ball, tv), such as a romantic vacation, regularly scheduled dates, love notes, new sex toys...whatever. You shouldn't have to initiate forever (that gets tired, fast!) but it would be unrealistic to expect that you could say - "hey, I'm unhappy, let's get more connected" and he would just start being creative and attentive! So, give him something to attend to!
If it were me (and I'm very straightforward) I would also have a conversation that started something like this: "I know you don't realize this, and haven't been doing this intentionally, but I'm starting to feel like just another piece of furniture around this household! (Make sure to say this with a smile on your face, not in a mean tone!) When we got married, I have visions of us doing things together, yet we've both gotten into the habit of dividing and conquering. While that's one strategy that can work, I'm finding that it is making me feel very disconnected from you, and this is hard for me. Can we take a look at our responsibilities and activities and see how we might make our lives more interconnected again? Also, raising kids is making me pretty exhausted, and I'm hoping we can make some plans to have some fun together fact, how about a date soon? I need to get rejeuvenated, and I know just the guy who can do this with me!"
I will tell you that when my husband and I had these very same issues, he had no idea that he was ignoring me. Furthermore, when I told him I felt that way, he felt that I was mistaken. Part of the reason he felt that way was that I approached it from the negative (so he thought I was just complaining), but also he just genuinely didn't understand the concept that doing all the stuff around the house without any help from him was a real burden. (What he saw was that I was very competent at it...but he didn't understand that competancy and pleasure are very different things.) He also felt I wasn't any fun anymore...and I wasn't, because I was too busy taking care of things (and too busy resenting that I was taking care of things and was lonely since he was off doing things that interested him more than spending time with his boring wife!)
He now sees that I was right - that he was ignoring me, and that a healthy relationship includes setting aside special time to be with your spouse (some of ours comes in the form of bike rides together...I've heard of other couples who like to take walks and talk with each other, still others who like to go on evening what your special time looks like very much depends upon who you are. A good bet, though, is sharing hobbies or activities that you can enjoy together - which may mean getting a sitter, even just for going to the softball game and hanging out with the other couples.)
I've also learned that he was right, too. A household contains an unlimitted number of things that "need" to get done. But sometimes you just have to leave them undone and focus on your relationship and having fun together. Developing the habit of distinguishing between "must get done" and "nice to get done" is an important part of leaving time and energy to focus on your partner.
Anyway, please start opening the channels of communication on this one. You may not be immediately successful, but it's time you communicated how you feel (in a constructive way) and started to push for some more fair boundaries in your relationship - boundaries that include making sure that he is meeting your needs, not just that the housework is done, the bills paid, and the kids fed.
Let us know how things go!
Melissa Orlov
Taking Your Words to Heart
Submitted by Katherine (not verified) on
Katherine - You did not go wrong
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
Katherine - you did not go wrong. You did everything right with only one haven't yet gotten a good system in place for the laundry. But all the other stuff was GREAT!
Think about what you wrote - you had a wonderful time together (I'll guarantee that there are many who read this blog who are envious of your nights out); you communicated well; your husband agreed to try some things around the house that he hasn't done in the past (and you correctly assumed that it will take time for him to learn how to do the dishes AND put the food away)...He heard you, etc.
As for the laundry - it's an easy fix - have two different laundry baskets. That way none of your things can sneak into his laundry and get missed (have you ever put money through the wash or had a white sock end up in the darks? So easy to miss a shirt...but just to make sure you're not disappointed in the future, just keep your laundry in your own closet...)
Your husband's mind works differently from yours. He may not "see" food on the counter without training himself to do so. My experience is that a couple can usually work out a system that works for them (in our household my husband cleans the dishes and puts them in the dishwasher (in a very specific, neat, and "effecient" manner - so engineering-like!) and I put the food away and (sometimes) do the counters. Sometimes I don't do the counters (I used to always do them, but now...I've learned to let go of some things, too. No one really seems to care if the counters are perfectly clean every night as it turns out!)
You are definitely on the right track...just don't fall into the trap of expecting that something that is asked for once will happen exactly as you expect! (And don't "punish" him for his laundry mistake by taking it away from him again - let him keep at it. As long as he's only doing his, whatever mistakes he makes will be mistakes he alone is dealing with.) All of this takes time and mutual adjustment - you are adjusting to how he settles down and does things (he may well have his own way) just as much as he is adjusting to doing them.
And my congrats on the way you chose to open up your discussions with him by doing some joint, intimate activities and talking with him when you were both in a positive and constructive mood. Keep it up (and keep up your spirits - you're doing great!)
Melissa Orlov
P.S. My husband read your post with interest, as well. He is somewhat briefer than I am, but his comment was this - "Please take a deep breath! Shirts are cheap." In other words - you may be letting your impressions of his past behavior get in the way of your priorities. Your relationship should be more important than any possession you own. You had a wonderful couple of days together, some great communication around a topic, and a husband who seems willing not only to volunteer to help, but who also immediately followed through with his volunteering. Encourage and support his efforts, understanding that he will not get it right every time. No one does.
Award Winning
Submitted by Kplee on
Award Winning ~ Which One?
Submitted by Katherine on
Award - Self Centered
Submitted by Kplee on
reply to Melissa
Submitted by Dana (not verified) on
Self Centeredness of ADHD
Submitted by jenmouse on
Last night my husband with ADHD said we don't do anything together anymore yet he seems to forget he is gone when he has days off fishing or helping others or when I plan something to do as a family he at the last minute doesn't want to go. He also forgets that since having our two year old it left me ill which I'm just starting to get under control with meds and feeling better enabling me to do things again. I have been wondering how he could think what he does and thanks to this site it is helping to understand where he's coming from. My only major think that needs changed is he's relationship with his step son. My son has ADHD and both of them seem to argue and get under each others skin all the time to the point of stressing the rest of us and taking the joy out of doing fun things together. Yet there are some times when they have a great time together like when they paintball. Then on the other hand it seems when my husband is stressed he takes it out on my son. I get so tired after dealing with both of them as well as my own issues and would like some suggestions on what to do please.
I'm with you
Submitted by Allyson on
Submitted by jfd on
I just wanted to share that
Submitted by Sarah (not verified) on
ADD, Grief, and a Teenage Daughter
Submitted by plantlover on
I've just joined the group and having been reading the posts. I'm at my wit's end with my husband and need some ideas. We've been married for nearly 30 years, and have 3 grown sons and a daughter just turning 13. He's only had the ADD diagnosis for 2 years. We've had some counseling to help with the ADD, but my husband is reluctant to do anything to change. He feels a lot of judgment and shame from growing up "wrong" and wanting to just be accepted as he is. He tried some nutritional supplements for the ADD, but they gave him headaches. He doesn't want to try medication, both on the advice of our therapist and because he doesn't want anything to change who he is.
My husband has run his own business for years and done very well running it. Our youngest son worked for his dad part time for several years, then started full time once he graduated from high school. During the past 2 years, he had taken on more and more of the memory work required for the business; details about changes or when work was due, etc. My husband relied on him quite heavily, without being totally aware he was doing so. At the beginning of the summer, my husband's father had surgery for cancer. Two months ago, his father passed away. His passing happened just days after we moved our youngest son to another state to attend school. My husband is dealing with the loss of his father and the absence of his son/employee. For the first time in 27 years, my husband is outnumbered with just girls in the house. I know this is a time to be very patient with him. Yes, the ADD symptoms are more pronounced, as I've noticed they become when he's really stressed. I'm trying to give him a lot of support and space to do what he needs to do during this time of early grieving, whether it's to just sit around or go work out more or talk about it - or not to talk about it.
The biggest challenge for me now is that he can't seem to get along with our daughter. She's just hitting the teen years and there are some adolescent attitudes and hormones at work. She is also grieving the loss of a grandparent and her last brother leaving home. But they're like oil and water right now, and it's driving me bats. Over the years, I've had to explain to the kids that they have to let certain things go about their dad. Sometimes he says things that come out sounding angry or stronger than he means. I'm doing the same thing with our daughter, but she's only 13 and she IS the kid in the house. I'm getting really tired of his reactiions to her being almost as adolescent as her are. He gets angry and frustrated with her so quickly. They can't be together for 15 minutes without some kind of verbal explosion. I don't like leaving them alone together for even a couple of hours - not because of any danger to her, but the emotional cost on both sides is high. And, of course, I put myself between them trying to calm both sides and get them to see the other perspective.
I'm reading the other postings about how patient the non-ADD spouse has to be, but my patience is just about gone. This is a really hard time for both of them, and for me, and I haven't found an answer to this. I know my husband is really sensitized to any comments I make about his relationships with the kids, because I've often stood up for them and found him at fault. Some of this is an over-reaction from my own childhood where my mother never stood up to my dad for the things he did that were out of line. But looking back with the knowledge that his behavior was affected and formed by ADD, I believe I've had to be the adult and get between him and the kids to keep them from being overrun by his behaviors.
If you have any thoughts about a person with ADD dealing with grief, stress, and too many life changes, I'd be happy to hear them.
Help I am about to lose the love of my life!!!!
Submitted by copperhead_chick on
Dear Melissa,
I am a 27 year-old woman with ADHD. As a child and a teenager I was socially awkward with a few acquaintance, very few friends, and even less love interests. Most of my relationships have been with men who didn’t love me, so they didn’t really care about my negative ADHD behaviors like not listening or poor communication.
A year and a half ago I met a guy that was different than all the others. He is the ONE, but my negative ADHD behaviors are threatening our relationship. He somewhat understands how the ADHD affects me, but not really. Tonight he said, “be proactive about it [fixing the problems] and just start doing it, don't work on it or intend to do it. It's like doing the laundry, you learned how to do that easy enough, learn how to do these things, there is much less to remember.” I know he wasn’t trying to be hurtful, but it frustrating because these things aren’t easy for me at all. He doesn’t understand why I am always making the same mistakes, why I forget things that just happened and why I say I am trying, but nothing seems to change. Looking back on the situations that keep coming up it seems that I try for a week or so and then lose focus without even realizing it. Then the problem resurfaces and he is more upset.
The problems that constantly plague our relationship are my communication skills and that I don’t pay enough attention to him or his feelings. I am really not sure how to communicate the way he wants me to. Additionally, when he explains it I either still don’t understand or forget by the next time and I am back to square one or maybe even negative1. Sometimes forget to ask about him and how he is doing; he feels like I am just not there for him; that this is a placeholder relationship. I post reminders on how to be a better girlfriend all over my walls, but they don’t really help. I take responsibility for my actions, but I need some guidance. We are both getting discouraged and I don’t want to lose him because of my ADHD. I know if I just had some help sorting things out this relationship would work out. How do I go about focusing my energies and mend our relationship before it’s too late?
ABout to Lose Love
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
You don't mention whether or not you are being treated by a doctor for you ADD. Are you? Are you seeing a therapist who can help you devise strategies for working through some of the key issues? Help you learn to communicate better?
Second, your partner needs to learn a bit more about how ADD works and what is going on in your brain. Have him read up a little bit - not in a defensive way (as in "Here, read this book because then you'll understand why this is so hard for me") but because he really deserves to know what you are dealing with, and what he will be dealing with, if the two of you get married.
There are many wonderful things that you add to the relationship - he can help you identify and celebrate those things, too, so that you don't feel as if you are constantly under attack. Remember that YOU don't need a relationship where someone is trying constantly to change is just as important that he is flexible as it is that you are flexible...
But, the bottom line is that a good match up for an ADD person is a person who loves you, ADD and all, and who loves you enough that he is willing to put in the effort it takes to help you fulfill who you are as a mate. AND, YOU need to make sure you are doing all that you can to make the relationship work, too. In your case, that means treatment if you arent' getting it now, and prioritizing what you will absolutely, positively, figure out how to work around. The two of you should figure out what is most getting in the way - is it the communication? Is it the forgetting? Is it the not recognizing him when he comes through the door? Then do whatever it takes to work through that particular issue. You CAN learn to communicate better as a team (this takes your learning some new techniques as well as his learning some new techniques) and you CAN remember to pay attention to him at specific times (for example, setting a specific bedtime and creating a habit of getting into bed together and cuddling every night or by setting appointments for sex or whatever).
Be careful about feeling as if it is only your responsibility to mend the have a large responsibility, no doubt, but please make sure that he has some flexibility and curiousity about who you are, too.
Keep us posted, and please feel free to ask for assistance from the folks on this site who have been through exactly what you have...they can provide excellent ideas for you.
ADD or Narcissism
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
ADD Vs. Narcissism
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
You can get more info on ADD vs. Narcissism at this newsletter (go to link). I would suggest that the two of you go to counselling, as it sounds as if you are cross-communicating (or not communicating) in a way that can be improved with the help of an outside party. However, understand that it isn't your job to make up for your husband's ADD. It's HIS job. So comments about how you are to blame for his not doing something because you forgot to remind him don't cut it with me. He needs to write himself a note, or set his watch or cell phone to remind him or whatever it takes so that HE is responsible. Somehow, with effort, he can figure out a system that works for him...and that doesn't include making YOU responsible instead!
Your comments remind me of a job I had early in my career. There was one woman who scared me...and after a while every time I had to turn something in to her I did it wrong and she then chewed me out. I was completely competent in all areas of my life except when it came to was uncanny! Anyway, your description made me think of that...and think that you are hypersensitizing yourself to your husband in a way that may not help you (while he seems to be de-sensitizing himself, so it's a bad combination) please seek a counsellor who can get you both out of this mode before it gets worse.
My life has changed ..but for the better?
Submitted by BreadwinnerADD on
I am so glad I found this site! I am a mom with ADD and was diagnosed when I found out my husband was having an emotional affair and I happened to be in seeing a Psychiatrist for my depression. He not only put me on an antidepressant but also an Add med. We sought counseling and within months life changed. I eventually went off the Antidepressant but my marriage never really recovered. Its been 5 years and i have had this awakening to life. I have much of my ADD controlled but through this process, I realized that my self esteem was so low that I essentially settled for any man who would put up with me. He is eduacationally unequal, and we are complete opposites in our likes and dislikes. I am highly educated (with two children of ours) who $ has made triple what my husband makes. I am so confident now and have built up resentment for the way I was treated in our marriage before his affair/during his affair. Although we had poor counseling,....I am not sure if even a good therapist could salvage much. You see, husband grew up and matured in the last 5 yrs which has made him tolerable. I do not hate him but I feel like since medicated,..I have been able to learn and absorb information....and I am more organized and focused. I am confident and driven....but find that the old me was better suited for my husband. He loves me (and our two children). I have become more successful and he no longer has to tend to my needy behaviors. I am not a total success story, organization and procrastination still need fine tuning! :) My children love their father and mother together,...but at what point do I blame the ADD or Blame my poor decision making and move on? Or do I deal with my mistakes and settle my desire to conquer this illness by waiting for 10yrs (when youngest is 18) and then move on. We dont argue....we just have nothing in common but our children.
Is my story characteristic of a properly diagnosed/responder to medication ADD patient?
Of course, I am keeping it together for my children but I am not sure for how long. I feel like I need to grow mentally and find myself. I feel so complete on medicine but I struggle with being the new me. He cannot understand nor does he really like "who I am". He just cannot share my passion for feeling alive! I feel like medication has helped me focus on the things I love,...reading, learning, fixing things, finishing things! But the old me was needy, insecure, lost, disorganized,...constantly frazzled, and out of it.
Anyone have similar situation?
Meds have changed a lot
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
Congratulations on taking control of your life with the help of ADD medications. You are not the first person to say that meds have really changed how they see themselves.
It is unfortunate that you feel so out of synch with your husband now. I would think that your psychiatrist can help you work through some of your questions about whether or not you should stay with your husband. You say that you have no common interests...could you create some? Find some ways to make those bonds stronger? Some marriage research suggests that the fastest way to strengthen bonds is to attempt "exciting, challenging" things together. The act of doing these new things gets people interested in each other again. Some find travel does this, others trying new sports or challenges. Perhaps, ifyou and your husband have "gotten into a rut" you might find this helps.
You may find that therapy with your husband might help, too. I suspect that he has some strong feelings about the "new" you (if you were attracted to him because you were insecure and lost, it's likely he was attracted to you for the same reasons...) Learning about these may give you some insight into whether or not your relationsihp can be shaped to fit the two of you better.
ADD has mentally check out from our marriage
Submitted by tarjavj on
My husband of 14 years had an affair this summer. He only let it go when I gave him two options: to choose this woman and leave the house or to stay with me. Well, he told this woman that it is over, mainly because he did not know where to go (this woman was recently divorced with 2 daughters), as she could not accomodate him.
Afterwards he was upset and sad that I forced him to make the desicion and at the moment he is very difficult to handle. He says that he has no interest what so ever to make our relationship better. He agrees that he has ADHD, but does think that the reason for our problems is me and my nagging. He is partly right, I was really mad at him, but I have made lots of progress and have also understood where I did wrong. and Now I also know that what he did, was not done on purpose. He doesn't think he need medication nor more information about his condition.
It is very fustrating to be the only one who would like to try to change our lives together. He only stays because he has no place to live (and cannot organize it :0)) and because he loves our 2 daughters very much.
Do I just stand the situation and be patient, or should I tell him to leave? I still love him and he still sometimes (even every second day) shows affection to me as well, so it is very difficult to understand what goes on in his mind. He will not tell me, except that he is done with nagging and all the problems we had. In my opinion he would like to lead a life of a single guy again at age of 45.
Please help to do the right thing, should I just give in or do you have some good advice?
To tarjavj
Submitted by vcalkins on
Yes, you made him choose but he could have chosen the other woman. AND you didn't make him have the affair in the first place. Did he want to stay with you but keep her on the side. Talk about having your cake and eating it too. Eight years ago I gave the same ultimatum to my husband and he chose me and I don't think he has regretted it. When her life somehow crosses ours again, he realizes how lucky he was to get away from her.
My recommendation to you is to stay. Stop the really doesn't help....and it gives him an excuse to blame the problems in your marriage on you. When I feel frustrated at having to do "everything", I remind myself that if I left him I would be doing the "everything" and the few things that he does do. Work at healing yourself. Find some support....not so you can complain about him but so that you can vent to someone outside your marriage. I found support at my church.
My husband and I joke that even though he's 59 years old, he's socially almost 20.