Great news! Dr. Hallowell and his wife, Sue (who is a social worker and experienced marriage therapist in her own right) are going to give a special marriage weekend June 20-21 in Boston specifically for couples where one or both parthers has ADHD/ADD. They will limit it to 25 couples total, and the sessions will include teaching, coaching, small group a nice hotel. They've just written a new marriage workbook that they will be giving to participants to take home, too.
The weekend is for both members of the couple, in keeping with the idea that both parties need to be informed about ADD and be given ways to improve their marriage. There is a full agenda, registration form and more details at this link. The cost is $750 a couple, including the hotel. I've seen the transformative power of being with Dr. Hallowell for even just a few hours...I think this experience is going to be well worth it.
marriage seminar june 20-21 boston
Submitted by mandi (not verified) on
Unmarried couples
Submitted by Tania (not verified) on
I, too, would like to see
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Marriage conference in June
Submitted by Outsidethebox on
I am interested in this conference and would like to inquire if it is full.
Other Seminars?
Submitted by kacey13 on
We could not get anyone to watch our kids (Animals) for the Jun seminar. Will you be scheduling another over the summer?
Kacey Horvath
Vince Riordan
marriage seminar update
Submitted by MelissaOrlov on
The Boston seminar is sold out. Dr. Hallowell and Sue have scheduled a general marriage seminar for New York City for June 5-7. This seminar won't be ADD specific, but more general, with a somewhat larger group (50 couples rather than 20). Go to the Hallowell web site home page for more details.
Also, I think they have plans to do more marriage seminars, both for ADD couples, and for everybody, probably starting up in the fall. But they haven't been set yet, which may mean they never if you are interested in immediate help, check out NYC.