Dr. Hallowell often states in his speeches that people with ADHD have only two concepts of time – “now” and “not now”. How true that is! If a project or idea is in front of a person with ADHD it gets done now…or, if not now, then perhaps never! This trait has plusses and minuses in the ADHD marriage.
Starting with the negatives (so that I may end on a positive note!) it means that people with ADHD have trouble planning to do something
Dr. Hallowell often states in his speeches that people with ADHD have only two concepts of time – “now” and “not now”. How true that is! If a project or idea is in front of a person with ADHD it gets done now…or, if not now, then perhaps never!
This trait has plusses and minuses in the ADHD marriage.
Starting with the negatives (so that I may end on a positive note!) it means that people with ADHD have trouble planning to do something in the future. Notes, lists and other physical reminders can help, but it is a challenge to think ahead. In addition, they can have trouble anticipating what might happen as a result of their actions. Think about it – if you are genuinely positioned in the “now” when you are doing something, it is easy to see how you wouldn’t be considering what implications your actions might have for the future.
For a non-ADHD spouse, there are emotional implications to “now and not now”. I was distraught when my husband suddenly stopped paying attention to me after we got married. I couldn’t figure out why I was no longer interesting to him after our vows had been spoken. I felt hurt and confused. It took me years to realize that he didn’t love me any less. It was simply that while we were dating I was his “now”. After we got married I tended to fall into his “not now”. During those periods when he “resurfaced” and I was back on his radar screen we had fun. When he got distracted by other parts of life (his job, hobbies, computer) I felt hurt and alone. If this seems like complaining, it’s not. Because of the extreme distractibility of people with ADHD, spouses can be in the “not now” the vast majority of the time.
On the plus side, people with ADHD are often very heavily invested in whatever is currently their “now”, so when they get going on a project or an idea they do it to the max, with high energy and enthusiasm (sometimes called “hyperfocusing”). Because of this, they can be lots of fun to be with, and they can have an intensity which can be appealing and exciting. It’s fair to say that many who fall in love with those with ADHD do so in large part because of the ADHD and its attendant positives like high energy, a good sense of humor, and high intelligence.
Couples can use the “now and not now” to their advantage as they work through how they will relate to each other in the most positive way. The first step to doing this is to acknowledge that “now and not now” is a very strong element of how ADHD people live in the world. This approach is different from the “past, present, future” way that non-ADHD people live, but it is no better or worse – just different. So use your knowledge of this difference to your advantage.
For example, if you decide to go to marriage counseling, be careful to work with someone who works with you in the present and the future. Yes, you may need to dig around in the past, but try to do so when it is relevant to what is going on today. This will make your counseling much more relevant to the ADHD spouse. While a non-ADHD spouse may be still stumbling over an event that happened two months ago, discussing that 2-month old event will likely be of little interest to the ADHD spouse – it will be irrelevant for them now. Instead, take what you learned from that event and discuss it as it relates to something that has happened today or yesterday. If you keep your conversations as non-accusatory as possible you will find that this approach will help tremendously.
Around the house, “now and not now” plays strongly into the household chore dilemmas you face. If you ask an ADHD spouse to do a boring task, he may well say “sure”. But if he doesn’t do it quickly – or write a big reminder note immediately – the task moves from the “now” (relevant) to the “not now” (forgotten). The reason big notes tacked to the front of computers, refrigerators or bathroom mirrors work as reminders is that they physically bring what has been quickly put into the “not now” back into the “now”. At the opposite side of the spectrum, simply asking for something to get done and hoping it happen almost never seems to work for there is little chance that the project stays in the “now” for the ADHD spouse. So life is easier all around if you don’t rely on just asking someone to do something and then expecting it to get done.
Once you start thinking in the “now and not now” it will be easier to think of things that can support an ADHD spouse. Here are some ideas:
- Set an alarm to remind an ADHD person to do something at a specific time (when absorbed by a task it is all too easy to not look at a watch). The alarm brings the “forgotten” task back into the now. Cell phones, computers and microwave timers work great for this.
Now that you are both thinking about the “now and not now”, make an agreement that a non-ADHD spouse won’t nag in order to get something done. Nagging is a way to bring something back into the “now”, but it is so unpleasant to be on the receiving end of it that the natural response of the ADHD person is to resist. This resistance then builds resentment in the non-ADHD spouse. Instead of falling into this destructive communication pattern, both spouses can work together, companionably, to recognize that something in the future needs to be brought into the “now” at a future point and figure out together the most palatable way to do this. (Soon enough, the ADHD person can set up systems without the help of the non-ADHD spouse, once he sees what a benefit this is in terms of emotionally positive reinforcement!) - Make an effort to live your relationship in the present and the future, rather than lingering on the worst part of the past. This can take some real willpower, because there are often deep, difficult hurts that build up over the course of tough relationships, but you may well find that when you stay in the present you are in better synch with each other, and therefore some of the hurts fall away from your lives together.
The ADHD “now and not now” approach to time is something that is built into how the ADHD brain tends to work. It is a recognizably different approach to organizing time than that used by most people who do not have ADHD. Understanding that ADHD people are this way is very helpful in improving ADHD marriages. (Note, it should not be an excuse for not getting things done – with recognition should also come responsibility to use the information constructively for the sake of both spouses.) Perhaps thinking about “now and not now” will help ADHD spouses be creative about how to bring things they need in the future back into the “now” at the right time. And perhaps “now and not now” will help non-ADHD spouses be more tolerant of unexpected surprises resulting from “not now”!
Posting for the ADHD Audience
Submitted by confused60 on
I would like to thank all of the members who post their comments in a clear, concise way that makes it possible and even enjoyable to read the post. Not sure if it is my ADHD or simple communications etiquette, but I find I cannot read large blocks of text. Posts that are a single stream of text are impossible for me to follow. I've tried putting a ruler up to my screen to allow my eyes to read but my mind keeps forgetting what came before or where the poster is going.
There is a large body of knowledge about presenting information to your audience. One proposal I embraced many years ago is called "Information Mapping". It recommends a "chunking factor" of 7 lines per paragraph in printed text and 5 lines per paragraph on the screen. I don't see anything wrong with 7 lines on the screen when it is needed to complete a thought or point.
This makes it easy to read the post and even invites me to read it. I avoid posts that are a single large block because it is frustrating to try and plow through it.
Thanks for your consideration of this suggestion. Does anyone else share this experience, or is it just me?
I tend to have this thing
Submitted by SherriW13 on
I tend to have this thing that I don't want to change paragraphs if I'm still on one subject...and since I can tend to go on and on when on one subject, this happens a lot. I will definitely keep this in mind when posting from now on.
I did notice that when I posted from my daughter's iPad the other day that it shoved all of my paragraphs together as one...not sure why.
It's not just you
Submitted by jgf on
My husband (ADHD) also says that large blocks of text are hard for him to read (so he too, avoids them). When I email him, I try to make sure that my paragraphs are short and I don't have more than two thoughts in the entire email. I hadn't heard about "Information Mapping" before. I'll have to keep that in mind. Thanks for sharing.
This is very good. Some
Submitted by kippei on
This is very good.
Some spaces, not too much info and using bold, italic and sometimes color if possible is really good. If you're handwriting something, highlight pens are really good. It's just easier to remember with color.
Addendum to Posting Etiquette
Submitted by confused60 on
Don't know why this didn't occur to me sooner but there's a fairly easy way to get around my "large blocks of text" hurdle: posts which are a continuous stream of thought, if you will. I just keep a MS Word document open and copy/paste the block into it. Then as I read, I break up the block into paragraphs as I see fit.
- helps me to stay focused since I have a job to do other than just read,
- increases comprehension of the material since I am in it and not just on it,
- improves my ability to find where I was when i get lost,
- makes it easy to go back up when I forget what came before,
- enables a clean re-read when I get interrupted.
I only do this for enormous posts that I really want to read and possibly contribute to. Mentioning just in case I'm not unique and others have a similar issue.
PS - apologies to the webmaster for dirtying up the site, my post does not belong in this blog subcategory. Feel free to prune it. I thought I was posting to the major category instead of "now and not now" :)
re: The Importance of "Now and Not Now" in ADHD Marriages
Submitted by Matt-MAN1978 (not verified) on
re: The Importance of "Now and Not Now" in ADHD Marriages
Submitted by Amy (not verified) on
re: The Importance of "Now and Not Now" in ADHD Marriages
Submitted by Jeff (not verified) on
re: The Importance of "Now and Not Now" in ADHD Marriages
Submitted by Dana (not verified) on
re: The Importance of "Now and Not Now" in ADHD Marriages
Submitted by heyshippy (not verified) on
re: The Importance of "Now and Not Now" in ADHD Marriages
Submitted by celeste (not verified) on
re: The Importance of "Now and Not Now" in ADHD Marriages
Submitted by Betsy (not verified) on
living in chaos
Submitted by ADDMomma on
Amy -
I haven't read all of your post, so I hope I'm not misfiring but I'd like to help if I can.
I feel so sad to read about how your home is out of control and you miss your clean orderly classroom. If you haven't already, go to Flylady.net and just try it. I know that it doesn't make sense, or look like it can work, but it has helped me so very much. I believe that even under very stressful conditions, you can fight anxiety '15 minutes at a time.'