narcissism & sadness

Anyone else following the work and outputs of Dr. Ramini? Specifically, the few podcasts she's put out with Mel Robbins? I know there's a blog post on how to not confuse narcissism with ADHD behaviour/symptoms, but man, when she speaks, I feel like most of what she says can be applied to our situations but really, the only option is to leave. And that makes me so sad. 

I'm really struggling right now with the sadness of what is in my heart. It's like my brain and body know what to do, are screaming at me to do it, but my heart just doesn't want to listen or understand. It keeps saying 'it's fine, it's going to be ok, it's going to sort itself out, don't worry about it today, nothing you can do' and now days, weeks, months, YEARS have passed and I'm almost 45 and I've made a promise to myself to NOT live like this any longer. But then, taking the steps towards this is really scary and frightening and I genuinelly don't know if it's the right thing to do. Truly. I don't know. There are times that my ADHD spouse 'comes to' and is engaged and it's like 'YES, it's all going to be OK!' but more often than not, he's so disengaged we live parallel lives and I definitely do NOT live in my values or boundaries or whatever. 

And I woke up today really, really sad about it all and not sure what to do about it.