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The ADHD Effect on Marriage was listed in Huff Post as a top book that therapists suggest all couples should read.
Submitted by lauren07 on
Submitted by Standing on
The mother in me says: A new love interest right now, before you have healed from your current situation, could get you into even worse trouble.
If you can delete all that you've shared on social media, you may prevent it from coming back and biting you in the butt.
If he is crafty enough to empty the bank account, then he may well take your own words and use them against you.
Take care.
I grabbed my son and dog and
Submitted by lauren07 on
I grabbed my son and dog and left everything but my purse and clothes.
Thanks Standing.
Submitted by lauren07 on
Thanks Standing.
We've been separated two years.
He finally started thinking rationally. He's putting the $ down on my new apartment and I never have to go back to his Mom's.
I really like this place. I never wanted to leave.
Whew, crazy pills;p
I'm glad to know that you're okay for now
Submitted by Standing on
Stay safe! All things seem so temporary when dealing with this sorta stuff.
Submitted by lauren07 on
Things should greatly improve from now on.