Hello to all of my blog readers! I want to let you know that I will be taking a medical leave starting about June 18, lasting possibly into August. The website will be up and running, and Nancie Kohlenberger, the co-author of The Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, will be posting here and keeping an eye on the forum conversations. So things at adhdmarriage.com will go on pretty much the same except you might notice my silence. Please welcome Nancie if you come across her - I hope she will continue to be a presence on the site long after my return! And make sure to pick her brain - she's not only an expert in ADHD and relationships, but she is also a woman with ADHD, married to a man with ADHD, so she has much to offer with her perspective.
Temporary changes
Submitted by lulu18 on
I hope all goes well for you during this time melissa . You have done so much for so many people , myself included, and I will be sending lots of good thought and healing prayers your way. I look forward to the insight that Nancie will bring to this forum.
To your health, Melissa
Submitted by jennalemon on
I hope you are OK. My thoughts and good wishes for your health are with you. Speedy recovery!
Good luck this summer.
Submitted by ADHDMomof2 on
Hi Melissa,
Best of luck managing your health issues this summer. I hope you are able to take it easy while you recover; it's not easy for moms to just "stop doing!"
Sending you positive thoughts :)!
Submitted by copingSAH on
I hope that you are alright and that your convalescence/hiatus will be very good for you.
You've done so much for everyone by giving AD/HD partners a forum. You gave us all a voice (though I'm probably the whiniest one of all) as well as clarity and hope.
Wishing you all the best Melissa.
Good Luck
Submitted by Mtn Di on
I just joined your website today and with the little amount of reading I have done thus far, I truly believe I have received the most hope and understanding from you since I have been researching ADHD in marriages.
I wish you Love, support, strength and healing. And look forward to your return and also looking forward to Nancy's comments and stories.
Thank you for helping me to fill sane in an insane but getting better marriage.