Staying calm with ADHD spouses frustration

I am seeking healthier ways to handle my ADHD partners frustration. His frustration tolerance is especially low after work, even with a "booster." His tone with me is often frustrated. It's something he struggles with in his family of origin with his sisters and past coworkers as well. He's worked on it and his work situation is actually quite healthy now but we are struggling at home. I'm going through my own health issues and having peri menopausal rage at times that I'm working on. If I'm at that time in my cycle, it's a perfect storm and we just can't seem to not react out of frustration with one's usually me getting upset with him hearing his tone. Then he plays the victim and says, "well I'm always the problem, so I'll shut up so I don't offend you." Am I part of the problem when I get upset by his tone with me or do I need to be more compassionate? I don't know where to draw the line and how to communicate how I feel when he just plays the victim and doesn't really truly get it. Thank you for your input!