Hello, I am new here, and I came to this website because I am struggling greatly with my marriage. I don't think my partner, who has ADHD, has any idea about how difficult this is for me. We've been married for 24 years. He was first diagnosed in 2019, but then Covid struck and everything went out the window. He finally revisited the diagnosis in 2022 and found a therapist to work with as well as a psychiatrist who could prescribe medication. I've been doing my own work and I've come to a point where I just don't see how this relationship is possible anymore. His ADHD makes him defensive and unreachable, and I've been trying for 24 years to be heard. We have a parent/child relationship. I am always the bad guy. Everything I say about my emotions is thrown back at me. Now that I see the situation for what it is, I feel hopeless that there is no way to fix it. I've been trying to do the work for both of us, I don't feel confident that he has the ability to stay with the work and see his therapist consistently. I'm shutting down. We have two beautiful children. I'm trying to find community because I feel so alone with this. Thank you
Submitted by OneWorthyOne on 11/14/2024.