Everyone who has browsed the forums a little will have already noticed that there are countless realistic reports of situations that led to the end of the relationship. I believe there is a lot in common in all of them. But would it be possible to open a topic just with suggestions from those who have had real success in their relationships? I'm looking for suggestions on how to make the partner realize the extent of the problem for the marriage (he knows he has ADHD, but is unaware of the impact on the marriage).
Success depends on the partner
Submitted by 1Melody1 on
If you could encourage him to take Melissa's course with you or read the book together, he may be better able to understand your perspective. ADHD-informed couples counselling could help.
I think the issue is that ADHD relationship success isn't about your initiatives. It's about your partner's ability or willingness to understand (and take meaningful action) -- and that's something the non-ADHD partner has virtually no control over, unfortunately.
Wishing you and your relationship a happy future. ♥️