Three Faces of a Victim

If you are struggling as I have to find emotional, mental, and spiritual well being...You may be stuck in an illusion or a place of partial reality. This has followed me since my childhood and surfaces in most all of my relationships. It is reversible, but, it must be recognized, and dealt with.

I tend to be a Rescuer the right one! with all the answers, who would argue you down that I'm right, and I had a life time of hard work and successes to prove I was right....My Wife tends to lean toward a Persecutor or Blamer, never wanting to take responsibility for anything...Most of our problems or found is this truth; being that a Rescuer and a Persecutors are in direct opposition to one another!....I'm working on me, and I can tell you life has gotten so much better as I have faced up to my own dysfunction; and it has had a very positive influence on my wife...

I found this great article that first brought this to my attention, if any one would like to read it, this is the site: There is hope for our marriages and for those of us who will become of aware of US, and discipline ourselves into change.... Blaming my wife's add/adhd for all our problems was just the cowards way out....

Blessings friends; May Peace be with you today!