Since most ADHDers don't exhibit all symptoms, I wondered which common ADHD symptoms you might either be grateful you don't have (as a person with ADHD) or grateful your spouse does not exhibit (as the partner of someone with ADHD).
For me, my husband is not an impulsive spender. He still does not hold traditional employment or contribute enough to our household income, but he is very frugal and careful with his/our money. Despite the many other ADHD symptoms present, I am very grateful for that.
My ex-husband is not an
Submitted by PoisonIvy on
My ex-husband is not an impulsive spender. He likes to buy lots of little things but mostly avoids big purchases.
Missing symptoms
Submitted by Brindle on
H doesn’t bounce from job to job or get fired. He values having a steady income.
H doesn’t struggle with the bedroom stuff like I’ve read about with others. And he doesn’t think cheating is ok.
If H is asked to pick up something from the store, he never forgets.
Submitted by AdeleS6845 on
My boyfriend has worked for the same company for 6 years. He is better with money than me. He usually does not spend compulsively spend money.
Something I am also grateful
Submitted by Sollertiae on
Something I am also grateful for. My partner prides himself on his ability to live and travel on almost nothing, so he spends a great deal of time working out what he can spend on impulsively that is small, and of emotional value if not monetary. I am also deeply thankful that while he will have bouts of frustrated anger at the world and at people, he is also aware enough to take himself away and it is almost never directed at me as a person. Otherwise, he has also been cheated on too many times himself, leaving him utterly heartbroken, and will not tolerate the idea of doing it to someone else. Finally, he is incapable of lying, even when perhaps it would be wise for self preservation.