Two people have commented that they are in couples where both spouses have ADHD and that they find this very difficult. I would like to address this a bit here but will start by recounting two comments specific to this topic to make it easier for those of you on a blog feed who aren’t always referring back to the site itself:
From mhmarel:
What about if both spouses have ADHD? I find it much more difficult to set up routines and coping systems, because I know my partner will not help me maintain them, and may even undermine them (example -- I spend an entire day organizing our financial files, only to come home a couple of days later and find the entire contents of the file box strewn on the living room floor, because he was looking for something and it was " just easier to find it that way.") On the other hand, there are plenty of times when I am the saboteur: he has managed to get ready to go on time, but we are late anyway because *I* can't find my keys/wallet/glasses, etc. How do you cope when you BOTH need help?
Also, what if only one spouse has been officially diagnosed? How do you get the undiagnosed spouse to recognize their own ADD issues and get help(instead of blaming them on *your* ADD)?"
And from Lisa:
"My husband and I both have ADHD. We have had a constant struggle during our marriage and many non-resolved issues. We have all the issues brought up in the comment mentioned above, but we are both diagnosed. We are considering separation. We have the chore/gender issue, I act as the "non" adhd person and am responsible for 98% of everyting. He has been very resistant to marriage counseling. It is exhausting."
Let’s face it, until both parties in any marriage (ADHD or not) manage to find a balance where they have developed systems that let them live together in peace, the institution of marriage can be exhausting. In an ADHD-affected marriage, this is an understatement. Just getting out of bed in the morning feeling that you are going to face another day of disappointment, struggle, unresolved issues, and ugly surprises (like the undoing of that file box) is exhausting. You can feel as if you are drowning. I will admit (and remember, I have a very good relationship with my husband now) that there were times that I literally fantasized that he would get hit by a bus so that my misery would disappear. That’s how hard it was to put one foot in front of the other and face each day.
While the prospect of separation may sound appealing (and may be the right solution for some), it doesn’t get at the heart of the matter. You are neither of you bad people. You are people who have not yet agreed that your ADHD is causing many problems in your relationship. You can get separated, but you will both still have ADHD…which means that at some point you will STILL need to address how to make sure ADHD doesn’t affect your current marital relationship…or your next marital relationship…or the next one after that…You get the idea.
This is not to say that neither of you will ever be happy in marriage. Quite the contrary. You can both be very happy in marriage – even your current marriage …the question is, do you care enough about the person you are currently married to “relearn” some of what you have learned about them throughout the course of your past relationship and to both make the effort to do it? (This idea of relearning is an important one – and I will post an entire entry on it.) It can be hard, but one of the steps to improving your relationship is letting go of the perceptions you have both cemented into your minds about how the other will behave in the future. A lot of the relearning is really “reapproaching” – that is approaching your spouse with a different point of view.
There is no doubt that having two spouses with ADHD can compound some of the organizational problems in your relationship. But perhaps not as much as you think. Because I can’t see that it’s any better that a person with ADHD “takes on the role of the non-ADHD person” and does all the chores than it is to simply BE a non-ADHD person who does all the chores. It feels pretty much the same – terrible. And both the ADHD person and the non-ADHD person resent their role. Okay, it might be harder to get organized. On the other hand, the organizer with ADHD might have more sympathy for just how hard it is for an ADHD person to get organized and be more likely to give his/her spouse a break now and then.
Here are some ideas that you might try out:
- Try to inject humor into your lives. This may seem hard at first because things don’t seem very humorous at this point. But if you are late because you can’t find the keys, consider laughing and letting it go. (Chances are that being late isn’t a real crisis, just a perceived one because it’s just irritating you within the broader context of your relationship.) You want to reduce tension between the two of you at every opportunity so that you can be easy enough with each other to start to work together toward change. Humor is a good way to work on this.
- Aim for being “well enough organized”. This means organized well enough that your mess doesn’t get in the way of living your life. It doesn’t mean being as perfect as your parents or as the house beautiful magazines! In my house, my daughter’s room looks like a tornado hit it – every day – and my kitchen is ALWAYS strewn with socks, shoes (the most irritating of which are actually on the counter), books, dirty dishes, etc.!
- Consider getting outside help with your most intractable problems. Don’t be ashamed to say that organization is your most intractable issue – it is frequently a key area of conflict in the ADHD marriage, even though that sounds silly! Think creatively on who might be able to help you. If your spouse can’t manage to bill the hours of his business promptly enough to provide a steady income and this is a bone of contention, get him to hire a part-time accountant to do it for him (the resulting income stream and efficiency will likely pay for itself). If neither of you is good at creating systems because both of you are ADHD, hire an organizer to help you put a few systems in place that solve your most irritating issues. Find a good book on organizing with ADHD and use that advice to put a couple of systems in place and try them out. If you need ongoing input, consider a coach who can check in with you regularly. If you can’t afford any of these, ask for assistance from a supportive family member (on a limited – and grateful – basis!)
- DON’T fall into the trap of thinking that just because other people can organize you should be able to do so, as well. You and your spouse are not like most other couples. NEITHER of you is good at some of the things that other people take for granted. THAT’S OKAY!!! But the first step in dealing with it is recognizing this and accepting it. Really, you don’t have to be like your parents or your friends. You just have to find happiness!
Which brings me to the final topic of this blog – not being willing to admit that ADHD affects a relationship. Mhmartel wrote “how do you get the undiagnosed spouse to recognize their own ADD issues and get help, instead of blaming them on “your” ADD?” This, again, is a huge topic worthy of an entire entry (or more!). Here is something quick to think about, though. “Blame” doesn’t belong in ANY marital relationship - ADD or not. Blame is accusatory and never constructive. It causes hurt to both parties (the blamer feels resentment – hence the blaming. The “blamee” feels attacked.) Yet blame is prevalent in almost all ADHD relationships because it is so easy to target someone who doesn’t/can’t pick up his socks or who is always late.
It is easy to use blame as a weapon when you are feeling hurt, attacked, scared or frustrated. Is it possible that mhmartel’s spouse is responding to being scared about possibly having ADHD? And what is the tone of the conversations they are having together in which she suggests he “needs to get help”? If they are like those that we used to have around our house, the “help” conversation may be one that is confrontational and accusatory. (As in “I’m not the only one with problems here…what about YOUR problems? You have this awful thing that you are accusing me of having, too. You need help, too!") It is easy and natural to respond in a defensive way to the suggestion that either spouse needs help if that suggestion is put forth in any but the most loving and helpful way. And even if you think you are putting forward the suggestion in a loving way your spouse may not hear it that way because of his/her own issues. At least not at first.
Aarrgghhh! This is all so COMPLICATED!! A couples’ responses to each other are intricately related and often subtle. Clear, un-nuanced communication in a household where there is underlying hurt, resentment, frustration and, yes, exhaustion, seems almost impossible. But it's not. I hope as you continue to read this blog that you are provided with food for thought that will encourage insight into gradually improving your own situation. It won't happen over night (though there will be some "eureka!" moments, I assure you) but the beginning of learning to trust and love each other and be happier is to start to understand your ADHD.
-Melissa Orlov
stress and adhd couples
Submitted by mechanisms on
my husband and i have been married for seven years, we have two young children under 5, about a year ago my husband was diagnosed with adhd, since then i have realized that everything i loved about him when we met was a symptom of this "disorder" and now as a husband and a father its everything that drives me crazy. he came home one day with his adderall and all seemed good for a month. finishing projects around the house etc. but then i did what no type-a, addictive personality should do... i took some of this wonder drug and my house has never been cleaner, i lost all the baby weight and we were happy....for a moment.... now we are both moody, lash out at each other, our kids... do i blame the drug?? no.. i realized that i may also have this disorder and by taking medication with no therapy... you are traveling on dangerous path. I have created mechanisms to deal with my inability to focus my whole life and they worked very well as a single person, even as a newly married person, but with 2 children and a husband diagnosed, you finally have to say.. i cant deal with this all by myself anymore.
both with adhd
Submitted by Ladygodiva on
Ok so we both have ADHD. My husband is inattentive, and I am hyperactive. We have lots of conflicts. But we are workign on them. I am unmedicated (though I take omega-3s and after reading Hallowell will likely try higher dose, after I find the recommendation again). My husband is on vyvanse plus omega-3s and vitamin B. We have recently started seeing an MFT to help us prioritize and deal with other issues not adhd related (family of origin, self talk etc).
Chores are a constant battle though we work on it. I think key for us is accepting 'good enough'. Its 'good enough' that the kids are clean and happy and have clean clothes even if they wear them to bed. (that works out way better for morning routine) Laundry - it gets done, put in sorted laundry baskets and put on a shelf in the person's bedroom. Socks -- all one type for winter and one type for summer. The kids both have shoes that don't really need socks in case we cant' find any. The daycare has extra clothes in case we are running late.
Our christmas decorations go up christmas eve and as I write I am looking at the taken apart christmas tree that still needs to go in its box. Periodically we get a housecleaner in - like when one of our mothers is going to visit. But mostly we joke that we need a traditional 50s wife. Humor is a wonderful thing.
Somewhere along the way we decided that living in a bit of disarray never killed anyone and we sorta muddle along. We love each other - foibles and all - and that we would just manage to figure out how to make it work. We remain committed to each other and our children - and in fact have a my stepson from a previous relationship living with us who is NVLD/AS. But you know what? We are more important than clean socks or pristine floors. Our kids are happy and healthy -- not perfect, but hey.
There is something to be said for the buddhist principle of letting go of desires and expectations. Of accepting what you have .. and further for us, its revelling in the beauty of what we have been able to accomplish. We still have unfocusey days and days of frenetic activity, and low days. But overall, we are so much better together than apart.
Spider Robinson said something along the lines of shared pain dimishes and shared joy multiplies. We have found that, with help from making sure that we take of care of the third partner in our relationship -- the adhd!
What if I want to be with someone who also has ADHD?
Submitted by ToeRmt on
I'm not married but have been in a very close committed relationship for three years. I was recently diagnosed with hyperactive type adult ADHD and it has been an epiphany. Also very scary. I see everything I've ever thought, wanted, done, or felt in an entirely different light. I realize I have been immensely attracted to girls with ADHD. I never understood this before, didn't know what ADHD was. These relationships were scattered throughout my life, interspersed with relationships with non-ADHA girls. These were loving and caring but lacked a connection I only now recognize as shared mental processing? (to put it positively) or a shared kind of mania? (to put it negitvely). The first relationship I had with a person with ADHD was wonderful. We were very much in synch somehow. It ended because she had to move away for grad school and I just could not move at the time. I've never really had a chance at that again. And I want it! Reading these reports scare me. I want to be with a.person with ADHD not just for the connection but for the understanding, as well. Just not having to explain my behavior over and over would be a big relief. Can't there be some benefits to being with someone who you have this connection with? Who is also a person with ADHD? Am I just romantisizing? And, if so, what do I do with this hole inside of me that says "see me, recognize me, understand who I am, and try to share in the positives this part of me can offer?" I also feel there are positives to ADHD. Imam engaging. I love talking to people. I love being hyperfocused on a project. I love being willing to do things others aren't. Aren't there positives to a bi-ADHD relationship?
There are positives
Submitted by ambyellen on
My husband and I both have diagnosed ADD and take medication. (Not the same one :). One of the best things about our marriage is the incredible feeling of support from someone who understands how hard your struggles really are, because they struggle as well. We both have issues at work and have been written up for housekeeping/paperwork/administrative complaints. We don't get in trouble for our actual job performance; our employers love that because we're both creative and intelligent at what we do. My boss can't understand how I taught myself web development and I can fix anything, but I can't keep an accurate timesheet. I got written up again the other day, with threats of termination if I mess up again, and I came home and told my husband about it. He hugged me and understood exactly how I feel. Then he tried to one-up me with silly things he's forgotten or mixed up as well. We ended up laughing with eachother.
This happened a day after I had gotten frustrated with him for forgetting to do things he said he would do, and being kindof hard on him. It really gave me a reality check; we're trying and we need to give each other grace. If I hold him to a standard I can't meet myself, I'm being hypocritical. Sometimes I worry that we act as a crutch for one another, so we don't have to improve ourselves. However, I think the truth is we get enough pressure and criticism from the rest of the world without contributing to it by criticizing each other.
We do have a messy house. I wish we didn't; we both feel better when things are clean and organized. However, we traded housecleaning for rent with someone (non-ADD, organized with mild AS). for about six months, and while the house was cleaner, it was basically hell on earth. We have lived with just the two of us for the rest of our marriage and I had no idea how special our domestic compatibility truly is. We just flow around each other. I can't get mad when my husband leaves his underwear on the floor, because mine are right there next to his. I get the occasional pang of guilt that I should be upset by such things, but I just can't make myself feel it. I used to covet some of my friend's husbands who were disciplined, clean freaks, or maybe military guys. I imagined how wonderful it would be to have a husband who would "fix" me by leading me by example into an organized lifestyle.
One day, I was visiting a friend with that type of husband. We were out, having a great time. Suddenly, she realized the time, and she had to rush home to load the dishwasher because her husband would be home soon. I was confused. Why would that matter? She explained that her husband thinks dishes left in the sink after meals are disgusting and it makes him upset. I couldn't imagine that scenario ever playing out in my marriage. My husband doesn't think I socialize with friends enough. He'd be happy that I was having fun, and he glides past the mess like it is invisible.
I would never be happy with a partner who constantly makes me feel like a failure for my ADD symptoms. "All the other wives can manage to do xyz, why can't you?" Living with a neatnik wouldn't turn me into one, after all, I did for six months. We were so uncomfortable around this judgmental housemate that my husband and I often retreated to our bedroom right after work to hang out, because that was an area of the house we'd asked her not to clean. How ironic is that?
At the end of that six months we decided that coming home to a clean kitchen after work every day wasn't worth what we were giving up in exchange, our often messy, but wonderful refuge from the rest of the world that just doesn't 'get' us. We're still working on it, I'm trying to do flylady stuff for house cleaning and putting more reminders on my phone and things like that. It will be a lifelong effort, so no need to get intense about it (that's a note to self for me). Bottom line, I wouldn't trade my ADD husband for anything, and those disciplined men I admired would kick me to the curb in a year tops, anyway :D