My husband really struggles with anger management and the volatility of things is affecting our marriage. Does anyone have any recommendations of online anger management courses or books etc particularly that would be suit someone with adhd. There are so many to choose from and it's a hard thing for him to do so want it to be worthwhile! And if anyone has any positive stories to share around this improving would love to hear, to give me some hope ...
Submitted by c ur self on
If he wasn't having these issues before your marriage, you need to look into why now!....You will need a respected third party or counselor to help navigate the sensitive subjects...The worst thing in my opinion is to use labels, (adhd)...Label's can have many effects, and they are all negative to a healthy marriage....I suggest you stick to acceptable and respectful behaviors toward each other, from the both of you...(Because the results are always the same....Use kind words, respect and acceptance...The most critical error most couple's fall into (and it's so easy to do no matter your age) is attempting to think for each other, never do that...And giving "help" when none is sought, wanted,or felt is needed...This is automatic conflict!....The reason it's automatic conflict is because it highly disrespectful...Thinking for a spouse happen's because one spouse is looking for a certain product they want their marriage to mirror....And, that spouse will justify it with words like "Normal" and "right"....Your husband can and will have to seek to end any struggles he is having w/ his emotions on his own....What can you do? You can never allow yourself to be the target of his anger, (quietly walk away w/o a word) and never mimic it by taking up the sword of words with him...When emotion's are hightened, the only way to force accountability on the angry party is to leave them with it....Any time our conversations can't be calm and peaceful, two people sharing and listening for understanding, then we aren't having a conversation, we're being destructive to our marriage....If your husband is willing to read a book...Melissa's book is a very good source of explanation as it relates to conflicting mind type's and the trouble that can evolve in our attempted interactions...