When children leave for a week at their father's I again get this feeling I have no idea how to live. Or be a parent. I feel like by now a year after ADD divorce I could have a clue. I don't.
Someone said parents of our time are way too concerned with being ideal. An ideal parent, an ideal family, it forces children too to strive for perfection rather than joy and authenticity. I think by my constant overcompensating for the ADD ex whose capacity is currently unknown to me ambitions might run too high. I struggle to evaluate and maybe change this but I don't know how. I try every day to focus on the important things, which are love and communication and culture, but also home-cooked food and rides to extracurricular activities and adequate clothing and some days special treats. But I'm not getting the balance right, I feel overwhelmed and anxious. If I don't manage to keep on top of things, like when ill, I feel terrible. Less control doesn't seem like the answer.
Does anyone else feel like this? Like living with ADHD has made these (responsible but suffocating) behavior patterns for you, and you're not sure whether you should get out of them (perhaps you are doing the right thing but just feel bad anyway) and in that case how to get out?
In fact, I'm sick of producing healthy educational culturally sound choices for everyone (not least other ADD members of the family). Organic whole meal sociable nice-looking sensible spending whatever, I hate it. And yet the alternative is going with the children's father's inertia - unhealthy, wasteful. He's already spent the margins. It's my job to minimize the effects of it on my children.
So tired.
I can't be a model to the children like this. My entire rhythm is off.
Last few days I've concluded this looks like clinical depression, and so I've prioritized long walks. It helps, I get glimpses of interest in things, but still it's pretty bleak.
I thought about J and his Sunday recreation. Today I've tried to go abut my day like that, haphazardly. I just felt anguished trying and started to make long to-do lists of things to silence mental alarms as I moved through the home and saw everything that needed doing. The lists made me exhausted.
How does one parent alone? I haven't felt much support from my ex for years. But now there's no one to talk to. And I'm lost.
I started seeing a therapist
Submitted by AG on
I started seeing a therapist myself Swedish, recently. I'm trying to focus on me- my thinking patterns and why they are the way they are. I don't have kids, so I can't speak to that part. I do have 2 cats and a small dog that (I feel / I think) creates a constant low level of tension in my life. The dog has been gone a week bc construction going on at our house and it has been so peaceful to me. My one cat is normal again.
Anyway maybe talking to someone /a third party person might help. For me, it encourages me to be introspective and think more about my why's ( why am I thinking this way) and what's (what can I do to make things better, what other perspectives could there be)
Not sure if this makes any sense, it is nice to have this group. I signed up for one of the live nonADHD spouse support groups coming up in January. Gives me a sense of direction/ hope
Thanks AG
Submitted by Swedish coast on
I think the parenting part is the hardest. You're forced to balance your needs and resources with the needs of several other (dependent) people. And if some of them have ADD, you need to also be their executive backup.
A dog is probably a good comparison - you are so very responsible for it's happiness and health.
I hope therapy will make a difference for you. Maybe I'll try it again too.
All the best to you.
Cut yourself some slack...
Submitted by c ur self on
I suggest you attempt to relax, and mimic the husband's life at times...There is absolutely nothing wrong with fun and terrible eating at times...The problem it can create is when there is no discipline of life to stop it from being or becoming the norm...Responsible living should be our priority, and we teach that to our children when we discipline away from those fun moments of frivolity back to the responsibilities life demands....
I can tell you, depressive and down moments come from loneliness...All normal human's feel the need to be touched, to be loved, and to love...Recognizing our vulnerability is mentally and emotionally healthy...I've been the rock....You've been the rock...It's ok for the rock to have tough moments...Being a survivior is good...But have some fun! The work will be there...((((<3))))
Thanks C
Submitted by Swedish coast on
Loneliness, oh yes. Haven't been out of a romantic relationship more than a few months since I was 18... It's foreign. But the thought of a partner is vaguely disgusting and also frightening. I couldn't trust anybody.
Today it's Sunday. I'll try to do as you say and relax. It might mean digging up the rain wet garden for flower beds and putting in some late tulip bulbs. I think physical and mental distractions play a big part in getting out of the shakiest patches. Couch is a fickle friend. It may just as well make things worse.
Deleted this
Submitted by Swedish coast on
Submitted by c ur self on
I'm w/ you, relaxing doesn't mean idleness for many of us...I tend to not over think things when I continue with my regular routine's....My wife came home around 6:30 and packed up the kitchen...Most everything we have she say's belongs to her...LOL...I told her to take anything she wants...I'll be the happiest guy in town eating off of paper plates....:)
I’m so happy for you C
Submitted by sickandtired on
Good for you for picking your battles. If she's continuing packing and moving stuff to her old home, you don't want to upset the momentum by arguing over individual items. I argued with my ex over a few things, and he used it as an excuse to stop packing and not leave.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your new, peaceful single life after she has totally moved out of your life! Congratulations!
Thank you so much S&T....
Submitted by c ur self on
I'm trying to stay out of her way....She and I have been having mostly all calm dialog...Once she finally accepted this time, I was done...But, I got a call from my Attorney two days ago...He said she had hired an attorney and sent over a countor proposal...Of course she did (smh) LOL....Basically it said the same thing I had put in my papers, but, she was asking for 40,000, and had it labeled as "property settlement"....I had agreed to a 30,000 dollar gift to help her remodel her house...So I went and got another 10,000 dollar check in her name...But, told my attorney No! to the property settlement notation....I said I'm fine w/ 10,000 being listed as property settlement, even though in 16 years she hasn't put more than a few thousand tops into this place...(Just want it over, no price tag on peace!) So when I came home last night I spoke to her kindly and told her I had dealt with it....So she will get in gear ( as much a gear as she has) now, she thinks she has won, she got her way....
She’s packing
Submitted by Swedish coast on
C, I'm happy too that she's leaving. Hoping for a peaceful future for you!
Thank you SC...:)
Submitted by c ur self on
I'm so excited!!! It's not that I'm am happy about a divorce...It's just that I am extremely thankful and excited to not be held hostage by an uncaring soul any longer!!
C When I've been alone and single...
Submitted by J on
one of my ADHD strategies for house keeping is not making work that I don't want to do. Even though it's not environmentally friendly, buying plastic plates, cups and silverware worked exceptionally well for me at various times! I also made a lot of one skillet meals, usually stir fry. One skillet, one utensil and one knife. The combinations are endless and they take minutes to make. At least the kitchen was always clean. Lol
thank J...
Submitted by c ur self on
I am good w/ all the cooking and cleaning stuff (raised by a highly energetic working & disciplinarian mom w/ 2 brothers, no sisters)...I taught my first wife (I was 20, she was 19) how to cook...So maintaining a clean healthy environment will be normal for me...I'm planning on remodeling my home once she has moved...I will just take it one room at a time...Strip up the carpets, remove wallpaper, float out the walls, paint the ceilings, replace the light fixtures/fans etc...I'll probably do the kitchen last...Only countor tops, new sinks and faucets, back splashes and the walls are needed....My cabinets are very nice oak, but, dated...I'll probably sand them and paint them...I will also replace my deck, the structure is sound, but, it needs new deck boards and rails...I'm excited about getting the opportunity to actively function peacefully again!
I'm new-ish here and just
Submitted by winter white on
I'm new-ish here and just want to say how relieved I am to read the way you've written this. We are still together but I feel this pressure to show up for our kids. To provide some healthy discipline/nutrition/relationship to time/emotional mgmt and response and yet I'm suffocated too. It's scary because if not for them, I could let up more control. But I can't see how less control will benefit them.
thank you for your post. I'm sorry things felt so hard and hope it's going better for you and the kids during the holidays.