Recent Comments

  • by: Swedish coast - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    I'm so sad today about this senseless waste of life. I never could see the whole picture until after divorce. Then it all showed itself, the slow loss of everything I cared about during the ADHD marriage. The people. The dreams and hopes. My confidence. I feel life has been ruined. There's a new year coming but I have no anticipation. Why did we subject ourselves to this for so long..?
    >>> on Forum topic - Energy drain

  • by: c ur self - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    I watched her play her life away, w/ no concern for how she left any room in the house, Eat, play, TV, little to no thought of what she left in her wake, for the family to deal with..(Me), and no thought of my needs.....I was in shock most of the time....Anxiety and Stress has been my closest companions....
    >>> on Forum topic - Energy drain

  • by: c ur self - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Here's the thing about generous, loving and fun human beings....They starve to death right along w/ anyone who depends on them...It is so easy to fall into the trap of loving someone who isn't responsible...And then you end up carrying them, doing double work and burning out while your health declines.... Who wants to work when we could play?...That's a child's mindset...Expect him to be a responsible adult, husband and Father...To work faithfully and take care of HIS responsibilities....Place boundaries...
    >>> on Forum topic - Progress but hope-less with young family

  • by: Swedish coast - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    C, I agree from my experience at least. Anxiety from feeling helpless and still responsible for everything...
    >>> on Forum topic - Energy drain

  • by: c ur self - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Do you think it could be anxiety?....From day one, there was always a lack of connection w/us, which sponsored an uneasiness in me...I could never relax, everything in me had to be flowing out to her...With little to nothing flowing back...I was focused on (hyper) while we dated, and maybe six month after the vows...It's been mentally and emotionally draining... c
    >>> on Forum topic - Energy drain

  • by: Swedish coast - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    I'm sorry you feel this way today.
    >>> on Forum topic - Energy drain

  • by: J - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Can also cause these symptoms.  I'm experiencing burnout currently from the Christmas season and I'm recognizing the symptoms. Being on antidepressants and amphetamine can also mask the symptoms as well. Not taking my meds yesterday morning caused me to crash, and feeling the brunt of what lies underneath.  Causes: Unmanageable workloads Unfair treatment at work Confusing work responsibilities Lack of communication or support from managers Immense deadline pressure Too much work, not enough time to rest...
    >>> on Forum topic - Energy drain

  • by: Swedish coast - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    This is exactly what I've felt too The ADD lack of initiative, the depression and anxiety all resulted in me feeling I needed to do something, or else all of our family's lives would be wasted. This constant pull at my nervous system never allowed any relaxation. Hence exhaustion.
    >>> on Forum topic - Energy drain

  • by: J - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Not being able to communicate your needs or emotions to someone who either: doesn't want to hear it, doesn't care, or just stops the conversation before it gets very far ( or it starts a conflict if you do ) will make me feel this way. If you can't express it, it has to go somewhere?
    >>> on Forum topic - Energy drain

  • by: a look into the... - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Thank you, J. Your personal examples are very helpful. You sound like an expert backpacker and have found many of your own tricks, especially regarding your wallet and keys, that provide great perspective. Thanks again!
    >>> on Forum topic - Just getting started

  • by: J - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Hi a look into the, I didn't think I'd have any help to offer not having kids myself, but I realized, growing up having ADHD,  and no one in my family knowing either, my mom did a lot of things right and wrong raising me, simply from not knowing what to do? If I could go back and tell her now, for me specifically, there's a number of things I could say. This might give you some ideas especially with what works. I was thinking about myself in terms of the messy room, not finding things and the almost...
    >>> on Forum topic - Just getting started

  • by: paulabeeee - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Hi , nice to meet you and thanks for sharing. I found this site about a year ago and it has helped a lot.
    >>> on Forum topic - Just getting started

  • by: paulabeeee - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    That's a very good idea! Every bit of encouragement helps.     Paulabeeee  
    >>> on Forum topic - Is it normal

  • by: J - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    That you have to deal with this Swedish, I can deeply empathize with the pain. And thank you for putting this into perspectictive: prioritizing.  That helps a little to simply identify the problem. And you're absolutely right. The second anniversary ( no card ) I knew exactly why when it happened.  She was so immersed in her painting ( and buying products ) it was the only thing on her mind at the time. That was more obvious than letting others decide what her day will be. As I recall, her sister was...
    >>> on Forum topic - Being Objective and Identifying the Battle

  • by: Swedish coast - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    The anniversary story tells me your SO has no ability to prioritize. She's caught in the moment and lets others (like her sister) decide what her day will be like. This sucks. I have this with several people around me. We're mostly ok. But then there's a special occasion. You've made an effort. You've planned something. You focus. And then their disability to prioritize hits you hard.  Like you, I'm used to this. I don't take any of it personally anymore. Of course it's insulting. Of course it tells you...
    >>> on Forum topic - Being Objective and Identifying the Battle

  • by: J - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    This is probably the biggest reason that I've been upset or have gotten angry which seems to be a running theme. Being devalued and left feeling unimportant.  I said this directly to my SO in another one of the few times I've been really angry. It was our one year anniversary together and we had plans for dinner. I was looking forward to it and excited.  I come home with less than a 1/2 hour to leave and she's asleep on the couch...not dressed.  I wake her up and she's groggy from going out shopping with...
    >>> on Forum topic - Being Objective and Identifying the Battle

  • by: Swedish coast - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    I'm glad you feel you're among friends.
    >>> on Forum topic - Just getting started

  • by: a look into the... - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Thank you so much Swedish Coast. What you said about understanding that success is more than reaching potential and your children's verbal talent never matching their talent or lack thereof with executive functions is definitely a paradigm shift that I need to work on. I'm not looking to dwell on excuses and really do agree with you. I wish it were simpler where I live that I can only assume is a tiny part of the problem... i.e. a large urban coastal city of nearly half a million people in Los Angeles...
    >>> on Forum topic - Just getting started

  • by: Swedish coast - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    I'm with you. It's painful to see your children fail. Almost unbearable. And if you're resourceful - as I see you are - it's not easy to sit on your hands and let them slam into their disappointments. What my child's evaluation psychologist told us parents was that we should avoid settings where our child would fail. It was better, she said, to choose the less competitive route through education and extracurriculars. Succeeding was more important than reaching potential. I think that advice was sound. It'...
    >>> on Forum topic - Just getting started

  • by: a look into the... - 1 month 3 weeks ago
    I am a text book case of trying to fix things. As a mother I think there is a degree of parenting that looks like fixing when children are young. I have tried, perhaps not successfully, to let natural consequences occur but definitely fell victim similar to all the other entitled parents in my community who struggle to see their children fail (regardless of ADHD or not). Obviously I know this is a recipe for disaster as any human being matures, and am now realizing that for a person with ADHD it's even...
    >>> on Forum topic - Just getting started
