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  • New to ADHD by: Mrs. K 6 years 11 months ago

    My husband has not been diagnosed with ADHD ( yet). We have been married for 13 years. We both know that he is ADHD & we both are reading up on it. Me more then him.

    This diagnosis will answer alot of years of wondering what the hec is wrong with our life.

    Allthough it does not begin to help us at this point. I think that I feel worse!! I dont know how he really feels because he isnt willing to talk much about it. I mentioned many times, (years) that I am done with the way our life is going.

    I have allways in the past been a very understanding wife, very supportive,  the cheerleader for him . About a year ago I stopped!  Everything about our life I am reading in the blogs. It scares me!! I can't keep going like this. He has never followed thru with Anything that we talk about for our marriage. I truely do not see it happening either.

    He says if I leave (separate) with our son whom is 13 that he will get worse not better. To me suicide comes into my mind. Also going back to alcohol. It's all most like I'm trapped here.

    I don't want to give him alternatives but I am not willing to give up any more of my life with an untreated ADHD husband. From what I'm reading, he has to come up with the plan for his life & what he is going to do with the treatment available. 

    What do I do now? Yes Loving, caring,  patient, tolerant and kind, got that, but I am so much in my head( those thoughts that it's never gonna change). Is there life out there? Years of this can rake a toll on us both and I understand  that.

    I am watching my life go by & can't seem to get real positive about this journey.

    We are both 55 years old.

    What do I do if he doesn't seek treatment?

    Thank you for letting me vent, Lord knows I haven't found anyone that understands what we are living thru, UNTILL I found this site and the people willing to talk about (IT).


  • recently discovered husband has Adult ADHD by: pqs 6 years 11 months ago


    My husband is 40 years old. We've been married for 5 years, together for almost 15, and have a 4.5 year old son. We've recently realized that my husband exhibits many symptoms/behaviors of ADHD. It came to a head about a month ago, when I had him hospitalized in a psychiatric ward, because he had become extremely manic and was not making sense to me. He came to learn that he was experiencing extreme racing thoughts. The things that led him to that place were in summary:

    • being fired from his family business by his mother 3 years ago, this was our sole income and we had a young child and a mortgage.
    • he worked in this business his whole life and thought he was in charge - his mother wasn't happy with his performance or his lack of communication with her and decided to end the business relationship. Needless to say this was VERY hurtful and scary for my husband and myself. 
    • I decided we needed to move from our current home to where I am from, 1500 miles away, so that we could be near my family for support and I could go back to work as a full time graphic designer. 
    • We moved, found a nice house in a nice community, I found a very good job making more money than we were making before, and my husband stayed home with our son - who was almost two at the time. He would be the primary caretaker, and work on fixing up our house. and think about what he might want to do for a job when our son got a little older. 
    • This past summer, he started becoming more and more overwhelmed. He turned 40, our son was in school part time, and I was reminding him that once our son was in full day school, he should think about what he'd want to do for a job. 
    • The house was not being kept clean, getting more and more full of junk. I began to nag more and more, and withdraw from him, because I was resentful of his behavior. 
    • He began drinking more and smoking pot more (he's always smoked pot to deal with his "anxiety", and to be honest it never bothered me, and I thought it helped his moods, and ability to get his chores done)
    • I drink wine regularly, but my father was an alcoholic, so I have a hard time with my husband drinking one or two too many. 
    • At the beginning of october, his mother was coming to visit. And it turns out he wasn't as ok with that as he thought, so I think that combined with all of the above, pushed him into a nervous breakdown of sorts. For about 4 days, he was talking non stop, about thinks I coulnd't really follow, the house was a disaster, and I was freaked out. 
    • I asked him to come to the doctor with me, but he dind't want. 
    • I ended up calling the local police for help. After speaking with him, they called an ambulance. And he was talking to the ER in restraints. 
    • It was very scary, and I felt awful about it. 
    • He was hospitalized for 1 week, and got very little help. 
    • He saw his primary care doctor a couple of times when he got home and began to realize that while he didn't feel he needed to be hospitalized in that manner, he realized we had a problem. to him at that time, I wasn't listening to him (which I guess was true)
    • We started seeing a psychologist together. I described the things that brought us to there, and he described some of the things he was feeling. She said it sounded like ADHD to her. 
    • We were a little shocked by the assessment - it seemed too simple. 
    • But then we read a list of 100 questions in the book driven to distraction. and he could answer to yes to about 85% of them. 
    • He continued seeing the therapist on his own, but he has been resistant to medication until last week, he decided he would try it. So he's waiting to talk to his GP to discuss getting a prescription. Our psychologist can't write Rx. 
    • That bring us to the present. We went to my mom's house for thanksgiving. He was VERY nervous to go, as it was his first visit since his hospitalization. It didn't go great.
    • He and my mom don't have a great relationship. She doesn't understand him or his ways, and can be pretty judgey and passive aggressive. I usually interfere too much in their interactions and cause more stress. I also tend to defend his behavior. 
    • We were supposed to have xmas at her house, and she told me today that she doesn't want him to come. I was very hurt by this, but she is right. He's not ready, she's not ready. 

    I guess the reason I am here, is to here that there is hope for us. Can finding the right medication help him get along with people better, or is that just wishful thinking. 

    We are tired of fighting. I tend to need to control things, and I have been getting so impatient with him. He wants to be better so badly, but can't seem to get out of his own way. He's also very impatient with the process of finding the right tools/treatments. 

    I guess I'm just looking for encouragement. We don't want to split up. Advice, info on medication, tips, anything needed!

    Thanks for "listening"





  • A moment in time by: MrsADD 6 years 11 months ago

    Every now and then in conversation my adhd h will open a window and I experience the person I love. But it seems within minutes of conversation the window closes and suddenly a new view is there which is totally different from the one I just saw. It's like you feel wow they are really hearing me right now seeing me they are with me. Then out of nowhere they are back in a fog discussing some completely random topic and you can't get back to ground zero again. It isn't only when we have seriously discussions otherwise I would think it is just avoidance. It is random. Does anyone else experience this? It leaves me lonely because I know he is in there and I always want him to come back. To feel connected. I know it never lasts though. I can't imagine he does it purposely.

  • Being supportive by: SweetandSour 6 years 11 months ago

       So, what about that question of how do you show support for someone's plans when you know they aren't likely to bear fruit?  It's very important to my husband to feel like I believe in him.  There's all this history for people with ADHD of failure and they feel that constant shame.  I don't want my loved one to feel that way.  I want him to feel good about himself.  But... And yet...  Years and years of promises, of enthusiasms that end before anything comes of them.  And somehow, try as I might, the cost falls on me.  I support us.  I clean up the messes (literally and figuratively).  I don't want to be the parent.  I don't want to be punitive.  Nor do I want to be enabling.  I keep being supportive of his ideas and efforts to do something productive, but so far, none of it has panned out (in ten years together, but we are in our 50's and his past history is pretty much the same - 3 years of a full-time career 20 years ago).  He is falling into despair and nothing I do makes it better - I think he almost resents me more for being supportive because then when he doesn't follow through it makes him feel worse.  

  • Inability to speak it... by: c ur self 6 years 11 months ago

    It is very difficult to communicate with a spouse who can't speak their feelings...What is the reason for this? Is it the absents of the ability to mold words around convictions? Is it fear of commitment to the call on their life TO BE a spouse? Is it the inability to SEE and FEEL what the role of a H or W is?

    Denial of what is healthy and right will always make our relationships completely hopeless until the light comes on for each person....(Responsibility of what it means to be a spouse AND Ownership of my current thinking, feelings and resulting behaviors, as it compares to this role I am responsible for)...

    We are all human, and we will make mistakes, we will believe untruths, and we will have to battle our own selfishness....But when I, or my spouse refuses to give effort (do the work) and also refuses to even communicate the reality of what we are making important.....Then there is no hope for that relationship to move into a healthy state....




  • Passive Aggressive? Withdrawing? Withholding? ADD? by: jennalemone 6 years 11 months ago

    I just read this on a site called ""  It really speaks to me.

    "The passive aggressive man sabotages his marriage but it takes that one special woman to enable him to do so. That woman who, in dealing with her own issues is attracted to the walking wounded. That woman who goes above and beyond when it comes to making a relationship work.  And, she will continue to attract passive aggressive men until she realizes that, as an adult woman she has the ability to limit how much damage another person can do to her life. Being loved should never mean turning yourself inside out for anyone. Being loved means knowing when to set boundaries, knowing your own worth and if need be, walking away from a man who does nothing but withdraw and withhold what you desire."

    I have been turning myself inside out and don't recognize 2 people I once liked and loved - him and me.   I am doing a lot of soul searching and acceptance lately.  I am just sharing because I guess this morning I feel lonely and alone.

  • Hygiene and cleanliness vent by: MrsADD 6 years 11 months ago

    I know this is a function of distraction and disorganization but it is awful. And I am guilty I knew he lived like this when I met him but I started parenting right away. I did consider it a red flag then thought maybe I am just being picky and started just taking care of him. 

    I moved from the upstairs in May due to a unexpected pregnancy even with prevention, at age 40, and already have a 2 & 5 year old. It was too much and I needed space and to decrease my workload. I told him he cleans everything up there and does his own laundry now. I still buy whatever toiletries he needs that he informs me of.

    Since May I think he has vacuumed twice. And maybe done his laundry half way ( I say half b/c his mode is to overload the washer and just leave it in the laundry room and washer till I get sick of it then do it for him to get it out of my way). He leaves hunting knives, guns, fishing hooks and crap everywhere upstairs. Q-tips, change, and garbage fill the room. Clothes all over the place, some dirty some clean. Bed sheets with dog hair, and dirt from dog. Instead of doing laundry he buys more clothes. I suspected this way of living when dating but it was hard to tell as the place was so small. Then we moved in together and I was like HOLY CRAP he is a slob! I would fight him on it, but finally just decided I would do everything instead of fighting. (wrong choice)

    Hygiene. When I met him he did not brush teeth much which I thought was weird and gross. I asked him about it and he said it was not good to brush every day. (yuck). So I told him it grossed me out and he started brushing more the smell went away and all was good. We moved in together a year later and he went back to the no brushing, but upon mentioning he started again. Plus I always had lot's of mouthwash and toothpaste ready for him to use in plain site. Then after our second daughter was born (year 2 of our marriage, 4 of being together) he just stopped caring if he brushed or not. Our marriage was rocky with that pregnancy and has been ever since. We have free dental cleanings and he won't go to dentist. I used to schedule and make him go, but decided that was a "parenting" behavior I needed to stop doing. 

    So now he stinks because his clothing is dirty, his breath smells horrid and the upstairs of my house is disturbing. My kids don't like using the bathroom up there b/c it is gross. How can all this come from ADHD. I am thinking poor parenting and adoption of bad behaviors in life is also to blame? 

    Oh and my favorite is when I tell him, you really need to brush your teeth or put on a clean shirt (like this morning) he denies he smells and tells me (in front of kids) to shut up or shut my mouth, get off his ass, and just go to work. Love it!

    ugggg! I keep praying literally that he finds another woman to take care of him so I can leave this marriage in peace without a fight!


  • Healing From Abuse in Marriage by: ADHD From Birth 6 years 11 months ago

    I’m a 62 year old man with ADHD, married for 29 years. My wife and I have 2 children, ages 29 and 28.  Although my wife and I knew I had ADHD all along, we never realized the extent that ADHD negatively impacted our marriage. Taking “The ADHD Effect on Marriage” last year helped turn our marriage around.  I’ve optimized my meds and have developed systems to improve my reliability and productivity.  My wife finally understood the destructiveness of her unrelenting criticism and aggressive anger, which frequently escalated to rage and abusive behavior. We’ve both successfully eliminated most of the negative behaviors that had contributed to an unhappy marriage.  Our marriage has greatly improved.  Thank you Melissa.

    Before taking the course, I regularly experienced verbal, emotional and psychological abuse in my marriage.  And on one occasion, my wife hit me. The abuse was never reciprocal.

    Due to the positive changes we’ve both made and instituting healthy boundaries, I know my wife’s abusive behavior will not reoccur.   Yet, I still bear the scars. Sometimes, I relive the specific incidents of abuse.  My confidence and sense of self-worth took a beating.  I have a diminished capacity to experience fun and joy.  In response to maternal gatekeeping, harsh criticism and abuse, I physically and emotionally withdrew from the family.  I was not the father I should have been to my children.  Witnessing their mother’s behavior, my children concluded long ago I was not worthy of their respect.

    My wife and I have never discussed the abuse. It’s never been acknowledged nor apologized for.  I’ve not disclosed the abuse to anyone outside of therapy.  I’m no longer willing to bear my experience in silence.  I’m ready to face the darkness, start healing myself and hopefully remove a huge barrier in our relationship.

    Melissa, I’d appreciate suggestions on how to raise this issue with my wife.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Non ADHD spouse disinterest by: bwolfe09 6 years 11 months ago

    I was just recently diagnosed with ADHD and medicated with Adderall.   I have seen such a difference and felt I was cured until I read the book ADHD effect on marriage.   I now realize all the problems in our marriage are all my fault.   I feel completely overwhelmed with guilt and sadness, but hopeful that we could change.   But with that said I have begged my husband to read the book I have even suggested we read it together but he seems disinterested in doing this.   I feel if he reads the book he would also understand what are problem has been along, and if he does not  we are doomed.  Any suggestions????    Thank you for your help and suggestions on this matter 

  • Learning how to coexist..... by: c ur self 6 years 11 months ago

    I've read a lot of posts the last several years, and definitely wrote my share. Most of what I have read and wrote has one common theme...How do I live with this person and have a relationship that mirror's anything close to healthy? We all have different spouses and different barriers to over come (although the similarities are amazing for many of us). I've learned what doesn't work more than what does, although I think I've learned quiet a bit about what does work also. It's just the things that work are more difficult for me because of two main reasons...One is in order to live peacefully in our relationship. I have to recognize all the inability's that limit communication...Which limits most things...Secondly, it becomes a daily game of discipline for myself. There are so many triggers that it's hard to stay aware, and discipline myself to not go there....Things that I didn't give a thought about in my first marriage of 30 years....

    Also these things change based on time of day, medicated vs non-medicated...So it's quiet a difficult read at time, but, we learn...Also, what about ourselves, we are human also, and have our own problems to mix in there, which in our case, can be much like oil and water...Or gas on the fire....

    LOL...sometimes I think the answer is right around to corner to better days in our marriage....And the good times (peaceful times) have gotten much better...The times I've struggled the most over the years is when I was in denial of her mental illness...There are just times that her behaviors or going to be such that the only way to deal with it is to walk away and do nothing and say nothing....Why is this the answer? Because in my W's case....She is proud, She wants to control anything she takes part in, and is defiant any time she is spoken to about her behaviors, or is questioned....She refuses to see herself, and will 98% of the time justify her actions....(denial) So that alone makes questioning her decisions the start of conflict...This is hard on me, because I think loving partners should be able to calmly discuss and thing, but, not so....All I got out of thinking that early on was my feelings hurt, very anger and very bitter....I was full of anxiety....

    So my advice to myself and anyone reading this is....Step one to a peaceful life will always be Acceptance of what is possible and what is not when it comes to communication with our spouses....

    Step two is to recognize the ease at which parent/ child dynamics can start up. And no matter how selfish you think you are seeming, never start down the road named enablement....You just can't love a victim with acts of service, they will use you up...So do what you do in love, but never feel bad about forcing another adult to carry there own load in life....

    I've made all these mistakes, and it's takes years to undo them, and only a short time to form these bad habits.....

    Also we do well to never label people, it makes it to easy to excuse sin....I've read posts where a wife will say my husband cheated on my because he adhd....NO, if he cheated on you or you on him, it's because of something else. (heart condition)....We must be truthful with ourselves, about our actions, and those we are confronted with from our spouses....Two wrongs has never made a right, and never will.....

    I wish great peace on all who post here....

