H has always been horrible with money. He has no savings and lives check to check (when he goes to work). Two years ago he had no credit cards. Last year he got one for "emergencies". It had a $700 limit. Then on Amazon he got one because you get $50 off your purchase. He had about $300 on that and said he was going to pay that off immediately and get rid of it. Well I just checked his credit history on a website and his $700 card has now been bumped up to a $1750 limit and his other one he was going to pay off is a $2000 limit. His one is OVER the credit limit of $1750 by about $25 and his other one has $1200 on it! He is nearly $3000 in debt with $20 in the bank! All of this because he hasn't been working and hasn't been telling me he has no money, but instead racking up his credit cards that he can't pay off!
I am SO AAAAAAANGRY! He will never be able to pay these off. I know his thinking is he's going to pay off his work loans (which is another $4000) and then take out ANOTHER loan to pay off his credit cards! I am so tempted to just say "Here's $3000 and just pay the whole damn thing off!". I hate debt. I've never been in it and have paid every single bill on time. It wouldn't surprise me if he used his credit card to take out money to pay his share of a bill just so he doens't have to tell me he has no money.