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  • Lost and Alone by: UKHubby8523 1 year 9 months ago

    Hi. I'm new here.

    I've been reading through some posts and I can see so many similarities with my situation. My head is mashed with everything I'm dealing with so I've probably left out a lot of details. 

    My wife's behaviour has changed so much recently and I dont know what to do. Shes identified to me that she thinks she might have ADHD. All the signs are there, but she will not have a talk with her Dr because she says they cannot give her anything to fix it and it will effect her having the kids if anything was to happen in our marriage. 

    She has always switched from extremely loving to a nightmare with mood swings in all the time I have known her. A few months ago I noticed her mood shift to becoming more distant. I offered natural spousal support and it was accepted sometimes, but also pushed away on others and seen as fussing. Things came to a head when, just before a big anniversary, she started to open up about her feelings for someone else at work. Her timing was impeccable, and knocked me down low. I was told nothing physical had happened, just a lot of flirting that had got sexual in context. I believe my wife. She has never lied to me. She was conflicted about what to do as her guilt was building fast and she told me she was unhappy with us. I struggled with this but showed empathy at the situation as she had explained what has actually been happening. After some time of reflection, I forgave my wife and she promised to get some help with her moods swings as she called them. She didn't, and kept putting this off. 

    We rebuilt our relationship following my forgiveness and moved on. But, I could see things getting difficult for her again. She considered every question to be  nag and it became my fault that I was hurting because I had nagged too much. Then she would switch to trying really hard to save us and build us back up. Researching ADHD to find out if this is why she was feeling like she was. It had clicked with me that this is the same reason we got together in the first place. In very much the same way, but it almost as if she had forgotten that. Alot of the main adhd markets seem to fit the bill. 

    We were going so well. Then a massive arguement. She called me from work feeling low due to another medical condition. Caught off guard, I responded that everything was fine, but we would have to make some re arrangements for the morning. I was told that my tone was off and to just forget it. When i got home I tried to explain  that my tone was not off at all, more so that I was just tired and worried about her. However, every part of me talking was seen as a nag or negative and as such i was ignored to the point I got angry and shouted just to get my voice heard. From that point  onwards, despite me apologising for shouting straight away, my wife has closed down our relationship. We have agreed recently to work through things for our kids but everything is too tense. 

    She still wants a sexual relationship but is talking time over the emotional connections. One minute, very frosty another no so bad. She is then hyper focusing on tasks like clearing her floordrobe which makes her feel good. We discuss decorating projects in the house and she is buzzing for a day or two, then it trails off because it hasn't been done there and then. Yesterday I came home to a loving wife, hugging and kissing, but avoiding the words I love you. Today, I was told that I was being difficult and snapped at all evening. I just cant win. It has always been that she has to be right, winning an arguement is a key point for her. Now I just feel so disconnected and alone. I have given her empathy and support as she has now said that I am always down on her. I have strongly denied this, although not in argument as I have always supported her to the max. 

    It's now midnight an I cannot sleep because we have had a row. She wont discuss because she is right and I'm wrong. I love her so much and I'm trying so hard to rebuild our marriage for us and the kids. I think we can , but getting her to talk openly without conflict is very difficult.

    Has anyone had this with your ADHD spouse and how did you start to break the barriers and work to a  better understanding? 



  • SENSE CHECK NEEDED: poor ADHD behaviour by: Elliej 1 year 9 months ago



    Ive posted here before about my separation. Its been 5months and things are calm. However im now in the mindset of "was what happened really that bad - should i go back". This is because ive been in denial, and have PTSD i think. So my ADHD partner of 20years has done the following, that i have found or know about:

    1. Sexually explicitly messaged another woman 11years ago, prior to proposing. 

    2. Messaged his ex girlfriend to clear the air prior to the wedding, stating "dont get me wrong, i do love her but i wish i settled down sooner". Intimating he wish he had settled with her. Is this how you read it? - 10years ago

    3. Sept 2020 he threatened to leave me, we were not getting along at all . So i dont blame him. 

    4. He got fired for sexual harassment in dec 2020. Sending a pornagraphic image of a mans body parts to a woman, commenting on another womans "big boobs' and various other inappropriate comments, a racist joke and a homophobic joke. I helped during the HR process. Told him to resign and he ignored me. The following 1.5years to 2022, he showed no appreciation towards me for suppirting him and building him up again following him getting fired. No dates, weekends away, or general grovelling. 

    5. March 2021 he partially completed a dating profile. It was not and is not active. It has a radom picture, his name and fake DOB. He stated he couldnt remember setting this up. 

    6. I found chitchat message attempts to other woman dec 2021, june 2022. These were late at night and checking in on them. They did not reply. 

    7. He was a frequent pot user from 2005 to 2020. This has now stopped when he got fired, despite me asking him to stop for near 10years. My issue here is he says he stopped it for me. He didnt, he stopped due to getting fired. He smoked everynight from 2017 to 2020, therefore impacting our intimacy levels.

    I separated in nov 2022. However all is now becoming real. My children are on a 50/50 custody split which i didnt want and think that is the reason i stayed so long. Am i mad to have left? Is any of this infidelity or cheating? My mind is so warped as i took on the ADHD narrative of its all a joke and no intent to hurt me. Thanks for your help as im drowning without my children.

  • Not settling anymore by: jennalemone 1 year 9 months ago

    I once was a person who was elected for leadership on committees and held leading parts in school plays and was active in forensics and a cheerleader.  Over the years, I seem to have lost my voice.  My voice and demeanor is now compromising and servile.  I shame myself and criticize myself and put myself in the shadows of others.  I am trying to grow and mature and heal and looking for words and ideology of what happened to me so I can take small steps. I was surfing the internet today and found an article that zeroed in on what I was looking for.  Here is what I read and it was helpful to me:  

    "Do you ever look around and think, “Wow, I could have done so much better.” If you answered yes, then you may be facing a loss of power in your relationship. When we have low self-esteem or low self-worth, we very often settle for partners who we know won’t fulfill us. It’s a form of self-punishment, but it can leave us trapped in dangerous and toxic situations with people who take our voice from us…and even our joy."

    H is who he is and I am accepting that he is like that.  I will find my strong voice but I will strive to keep it kind and keep my dignity. That will be my work.  To speak up and to be aware of the dynamics and responses. To acknowledge myself for each encounter where my words and my voice remain strong and dignified.  

    I am working on me now. I am stopping working on/with him.

    The article can be found searching: "You have no voice in your relationship" on the site. 

  • Finding Compassion by: Pelican11 1 year 9 months ago

    Hello All-

    I've just landed on this site. Have been feeling despondent and frustrated and maybe even a little sorry for myself and decided to be proactive and find a support group. Just reading your posts has been HUGE for me. I realize I am not alone, that my struggles are shared. Doesn't make them go away, but does make them easier to bear. My current challenge is a sense of burn-out. Near 30 years of coping with a partner with ADHD (he's been medicated for 8 which helps with focus, but not much else), and just finding myself at times truly, deeply burned out. You all know the drill- three decades of lonely hyper-coping, hyper-managing, picking up after endless unfinished tasks and projects, dealing with hyper-reactivity, screen addiction, endorphin seeking addictions, etc. I know I am preaching to the choir here. Ending such a long term marriage doesn't feel like an option for me- three grown kids with whom we are very close, a very entwined life, and my husband is a fundamentally good person- but I do know I would fare better if I could come to a place of continued compassion. So, do you find a way to compassion through burn-out? If anyone could answer that question it is you, those who have found a way not just to live but to thrive in these relationships. So appreciate any input, and advance thanks for your time!

  • Advice on how to deal with ADHD partner with RSD by: Starlight123 1 year 9 months ago

    I am looking for some advice on how to handle a partner with severe ADHD and RSD. 
    My partner has regular occasions when he is triggered by something I say which causes his RSD and ADHD to go through the roof. It can be something very normal that I say but sets him off and he gets very angry and ends up stomping off to the bedroom or out of he house for hours at a time. I apologise profusely as I try and help and support him even though in a typical non neuro diverse relationship there would not be a problem. It could be something such as not answering him in a full way or not speaking clearly enough. If a friend or family member said the same thing there would be no problem at all. And often he does the same things to me and I look at the situation and think it feels very hypocritical. I am very sad because it is becoming very regular that he goes off angrily and sends catastrophic messages which are very hurtful and upsetting at times. He always says it's his head that's the problem and not me however it is difficult to cope with and I'm constantly in tears. I want to support him by he can be quite cruel. And if I treated him the same way he would not tolerate it and would go wild. 
    I need advice on how to deal with his RSD episodes as they are getting more regular and worse. I see him happy around other people and although other people may say things that would normally trigger something if I'd said it, this makes it harder as I do so much on a daily basis to support him. When he is feeling happy he says we have a wonderful relationship and I am the best person he could ever be with but it doesn't feel like we have the best relationship to me. It feels like I am making him unhappy and I worry that we are not that compatible any more. I've read loads about ADHD and RSD and it all fits with the way he acts but it's very hard to cope with the extreme moods. Any advice would be most welcome as I really don't know how to deal with these situations and although I'm always on high alert to avoid triggering him, it would be a relief at times not to be constantly walking on eggshells around him. I do everything round the house and am his carer really which I don't mind but he says very hurtful things and I feel very undervalued and taken for granted. It feels like the hyper focus of our relationship has gone and I'm not shiny any more. I'm just there to do things for him. 

  • Sensory Processing Disorder Husband by: kosty 1 year 9 months ago

    Hi All,

    Just wondering if anyone else partner has Sensory Processing Disorder, my husband told me again last night that he has it. He says he has been telling me for years, but I'm finally listening to him. 

    If so how do you handle it and are there any books to read up on it. 



  • Relentless LYING by: snowflake2022 1 year 9 months ago


    My partner with ADHD has a very long-standing maladaptive habit of lying. Lying to cover up if he didn't follow through, lying to avoid *perceived* conflict, lying if he feels shame about something. It's got to the point where I don't know what's what with him. It may not be ill-intended but the impact has been proud. I feel detached from him, deeply frustrated- trust and honesty and transparency is a huge necessity for me I'm feeling close and emotionally safe. It just seems like when he is anxious or fearful he immediately goes to lying without pausing and thinking about consequences or other options despite having an ADHD coach and a therapist. I just feel hopeless. It's like- on one hand I have empathy for the ADHD and it's various symptoms- some I have flexibility and understanding around (like him being 5 mins late somewhere etc etc) but this lying- I'm losing steam and momentum in this marriage. We have two kids and I don't want to give up but if I'm honest with myself,!8' quite fed up :( 

    Mostly just looking for validation or shared experiences. Thank you for reading.

  • How to Move Forward? by: Neuchatel81 1 year 9 months ago

    Husband refuses to even consider that ADD is a problem in our marriage.  It has come to the point that if he texts he will be home in 10 minutes that may mean 10 minutes or an hour so I no longer trust what he tells me. It came to a head yesterday and rather than take ownership, he asked why I did not contact him to confirm his arrival time.  No more!  I am done covering and making HIS life easier due to his choices.

    I truly love him and after over 40 years of marriage do not wish to divorce, but neither do I wish to retire from my job not even having an idea of our financial future since he is unable/unwilling to even have that discussion.  How does one move forward with future planning if partner is NOT part of it? I feel as if I have to do all of the planning, bill paying, and anything else that takes adult thought. He is actually brilliant so I struggle with the fact that he is unable to see the destruction he leaves in his wake.

    I am so tired of him saying "I understand" or "I apologize" when that means nothing changes in future but more understanding and more apologies. He insists each time that he will improve the situation but that rarely occurs.

    I fully realize my patience is at an end.  Is best option to set boundaries to the point that I feel as if I am not even in a loving relationship? Guess I will go back to therapist to try and determine how to move forward since I am on my last nerve at this point. 

  • ADHD husband and divorce by: DebbieM 1 year 9 months ago

    As a follow-up to what I posted last year about my husband's ADHD... He has since been diagnosed with a few other things, so basically, he has ADHD, MDD, Anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and most recently, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and Alcoholism. He is going through extensive therapy and is on meds, but our marriage is over. It all came to a head on Christmas night when he drank too much and turned into a monster. He was literally out of his mind and crazed/combative, yelling at me and my sister and brother-in-law in the middle of the night UNPROVOKED. He beat me down verbally for over an hour and a half. There's no calming him down or talking to him when he gets like that - he just doesn't stop until he finally falls asleep. He has been on adderall (ADHD) and 2 anti-depressants (trazadone, primarily for sleep) and another one during the day which I forget the name of right now. Thankfully, he did not take his Trazadone as I am certain it could have killed him along with the alcohol. He was babbling and crazed due to the alcohol and the effects of the other meds.

    Anyway, that night was the final straw for me and my family as this was not the first time he has exhibited strange and combative behavior, although in the past it was never this severe. And for the past 3 years he has sabotaged holidays, birthdays, our anniversary celebrations... you name it, with his behavior. The good news is he hasn't had a drop to drink since that evening, so he says. I really want to believe him when he says that, but I have a hard time doing so as he has lied to me for years about his alcohol consumption.

    He is doing better I suppose, but it's too late. 20 years of marriage gone... It's a shame it took my leaving for him to get proper treatment for his issues. I hope he learns something through all of this, in that no matter the illness or disorder, you just CANNOT treat your spouse like this and expect to be forgiven and everything gets brushed under the rug. For me it's impossible and I don't see him in the same way anymore - I have been his parent and babysitter/doormat for too long. Mental illness, disorder or not, one should at least accountable for their actions at least somewhat. I hope he succeeds with all of this, but as for me, I am moving on. I need to focus on treating my blood cancer, and getting my life back in order. 



  • ADHD related or just otherwise frustrating behavior? by: allyourbrokenluck 1 year 9 months ago

    My husband's default excuse or argument is always that he "forgot." 

    It is always he couldn't do the dishes because he always forgets. He didn't do laundry because he forgot. He didn't call the school to let them know one of the kids was home sick because he forgot. he wasn't ready on time to go because he forgot. 

    Which... A. I could see being a struggle, sure, but if I bring up the fact there's not any additional ways he tries to actively remember anything it becomes a bigger argument. For example if I ask about leaving visual notes, setting an alarm, looking into medication... "He doesn't need extra reminders." 

    and B. This excuse is solely for me and the kids. He can remember all of his appointments and make it on time. He remembers to call and cancel or update things for himself. He remembers he's going to his friend's, what parts he needs to buy for a go cart needing fixed. Which makes me feel like it's more on purpose and/or maybe he just remembers what's important which is anything but his family. 

    And when we were dating his house was picked up. He cooked cleaned all of it just fine. So it feels a lot of the time like it's just he doesn't do anything he knows someone is there to catch the fall for and take care of. 

    im just to the point of hopeless. 
