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  • Married Single Mother of 5 by: NCYankee 9 years 11 months ago

    From day 1 it has been me and the kids - and then him.  It's like he's separate from us.  He's here, but he's not HERE.  We had 5 kids in  6 years and I have yet to feel like he's fully in on this.  He deals with them and me only when he feels like it and it's convenient for him.  He will never go out of his way or be put out for any of us.  It's always his comfort, his head hurts, his legs hurt, his pinky toe hurts.  He'll huff and puff if I ask him to do even something simple like tie a shoe for one of the kids.  Getting them ready for church on Sundays is like a marathon for me, as after he is ready (through much coaxing) he plops down on the couch (where he LIVES) and stares and his phone and dozes off.  The answer is always "In a minute!" when I ask anything of him. And heaven forbid I ask again I will likely get cussed out or a MAJOR random attitude.  He is OCD about NFL football and a few other things, incl work which is the only way I think he holds down a job for so long. He is scared to death of being broke even when there's plenty of money and no worry.  It's like I'm dealing with a rebellious 16 year old boy!  He has MASSIVE mantrums (tantrums) if his NFL team loses or the TV doesn't work right (antenna no cable) and has recently broken his 2nd TV.  He is intent on forcing HIS way of how HE WANTS to love me, instead of loving me the way I NEED to be loved.  I feel like I'm the only adult in this home.  If something needs fixing in this house I have to do it, cause if I ask him enough (nicely) he gets furious.  Everything comes back to "Well I'm tired!  I work you know"  Ha!  As if that's the only thing required of a father and husband.  I've taken truckloads of trash to the dump cause we have no trash pick up (out in the country - his idea) and I know if I didn't do that it would be piled a mile high.  I love him but I'm soooo tired of this.  It don't take you 10 years to "change".  I think he literally can't cause he's a mental case.  Not an ounce of gentleness or the nurturing heart of a father towards these kids.  2 of our boys are ADHD and I fear for them cause what kind of example do they have.  I pray everyday he would lose his job, the thing he holds most dear, maybe then he'd realize there's more to life.  He's told me more than once, "Well they pay me y'all don't"  WHAT!  Advice on this basket case anyone?

  • How to Rebuild Trust? by: william73 9 years 11 months ago


    I am a married < 3yrs, 41yo male recently-diagnosed with ADD:Primarily Inattentive. My non-ADHD wife and I are miserable. The dynamic I describe below is now one of our most common causes of conflict and a serious barrier to effective management of ADHD in our relationship.  I'm a long-time lurker here, and am looking for any insight the wonderful people of this forum, especially the non-ADHD spouses, may have to offer.

    Although related to shame; this issue is more specific to the erosion of trust in my relationship and the struggle to rebuild it. A life of adaptation to ADD and an unforgiving and violent father who wants the right answer yesterday, means that I have developed an insidious habit of impulsive speech including the making of excuses when asked questions where I either:

    1. Don't know the answer in 1 second.
    2. Know the answer but believe it will get me into trouble or put me under suspicion.
    3. Didn't hear the question well enough to answer it correctly.

    The problem I'm having is that when I am honest, my wife is so jaded from past experiences that she doesn't trust me. To her, every reason that is inconvenient for her to believe is an excuse. In her mind, I'm always avoiding responsibility. There seems to be no convincing her otherwise. I can't even get her to understand the difference between a reason and an excuse.

    Last Friday: The two front tires on her car need to be replaced, one of which was nearly bald. We are at a restaurant, discussing our plans for the coming days. We discussed a few options for getting the tires replaced. We settle on dropping her car off at the dealership before we head to out of town on Saturday and picking it up on our return trip, Sunday evening.  During this conversation, I didn't mention that I was off-work Wed and Thu of next week and could, if she liked, take the car in myself to have the tires replaced while she was at work. 

    My wife is furious that I didn't bring this option up in conversation. She believes it's evidence of my:
    1) Not knowing my schedule (irresponsible) and
    2) Not stepping up to help her plan our week (uncaring)

    What I told her: I wanted to get them replaced sooner rather than later because it had been raining a lot lately and I was concerned about her safety. In fact she complained about hydroplaning while driving last week. That's why I didn't even think to do it next week. I also just wanted to get it done.  This is the truth, as and ADDer I don't put anything off I don't have to, ever.  I'm terrified of forgetting things and like to get things off my to-do list ASAP.

    She is convinced this is an excuse used by me to avoid responsibility for:
    1) Not knowing my schedule (poor planning)
    2) Not offering to do it next week when I was off work (selfish)
    3) Not wanting to do it (laziness)
    4) Not "stepping up" to help her plan our week (apathetic, un-manly)

    Of course the act of making the excuse itself is my avoiding responsibility for:
    5) Not telling the truth (liar)

    Yet, my schedule has been in our calendar for two weeks. I do things for my wife daily, all manner of cleaning and chores; I have no issues with doing errands or other tasks to help out. I have to be honest that I certainly don't want to do it...but that's life, you help out and do things you don't want to. Lastly, I did help her plan the week, it's just not the plan she wanted. In a sense she's accusing me after the fact by asking why I didn't I tell her I had those days off and offer to do it because she didn't want to do it this weekend? I'm in trouble for not thinking to offer to do it the next week when she gave me no indication that this weekend wasn't what she wanted.  When I ask her how would I know that she didn't want to do it this weekend if she doesn't tell me or look at the schedule, she replies that it's common sens eand I have none.

    And when I say I get in-trouble for these situations I mean, she stopped her morning routine to take a strip out of me for it in the house. Later argued again about it at the car, then put her car into reverse when driving away, stopped, got out and came back to call me stupid, an asshole, fuck you, etc. before getting back into her car and driving off.

    How could I have done this better? How do I get her to know that I'm being honest with her?

    Thanks to you all!


  • My ADD is both smothering and pushing her away by: Husky bro 9 years 11 months ago

    My girlfriend and I have been together now for about a year. When we first started dating, like all relationships, the coo coo stayed in the clock. It wasn't long before my jealous nature got the best of me and compounded by my ADD I began to slip. Get jealous about this minuscule event, blow up, apologize, hold it back for a bit, smother with love and repeat. All the while with her never having done anything wrong. These ups and downs have forced her to pull away, and me to grip and yearn for her. Clearly my self contious was bored and looking for trouble. Active minds need stimulus and without me noticing, this is how my mind was working against me. she has put up with enough and her patience has warm thin to a breaking point in afraid. She means the world to me, I'd do anything to control this.. I need some help, pointers, tips or tricks something to fix this. I'm afraid our relationship cannot handle much more

  • Why isn't it working for me? by: I'm So Exhausted 9 years 11 months ago

    I read the author's blog post : " How to Find Gratitude in a Struggling ADHD-Impacted Relationship"  Being the non-ADHD partner in my marriage, I have searched out what I can do to make my marriage thrive.  I have swallowed my pride more times than I ever thought I could, and put on the cloak of "It must be me."  I have been given "what for", and did not fight back, thinking maybe sitting in the posture of "she who made the mistake" would help the situation turn around.  "She who could learn a different way to act."  "She who could learn a different was to respond."  "She who could learn - SOMETHING!"   I have found my own limitations.  I am not that strong.  Even as a Christian, I was holding tight to the following : "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up."

    ADHD or not, a person can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

    ADHD or not, concerns are always easier to swallow when they are sandwiched between compliments.

    ADHD or not, carrots work far better than sticks.

    Based on my own life's experiences, my spouse could very easily be among the number of "I cannot count the number of times an ADHD partner has said to me 'I just am never good enough for my partner.'  Because criticism, rather than appreciation, is the most common comment they hear about what they do. "  What I see in our marriage is the probability that 50 compliments slide right off my spouse's radar, but one area of concern becomes a monster that is stuck like Velcro to the foremost part of his being.  And while it is stuck there, it inflates to obscure anything else going on in our lives.    

    My goal for my marriage is to determine if the only choice I have is "I must not voice a disappointment, I must not raise a concern, I must coddle, coddle, coddle, because that is all he can deal with in life,  or he will crumple into a ball of sobs."  That rips out my soul.  After such determination to understand it, I have also grown immune to being affected by it.  After years of various forms of counseling, I see it as a very effective defense mechanism.  It stops all progress.  Right in its tracks.  At least for me, it stops all progress in getting any where near the acknowledgement I need as a human being when I voice my emotional response to something painful.  Or disappointing.  

    These sort of things are just not conducive behaviors in the enrichment of a marriage relationship.  If the bottom line is "Well dear heart, he cannot hear you, he cannot bear to say he made a mistake, he cannot do anything but what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants it done."  That I can accept.  That I can deal with.  In as much as that is who he is as a man.  Who he is as a human.  

    Yet, in my sensibility, those are not what makes for a healthy marriage relationship.  I cannot cure what is on the other side.  I can only step back and work with what is on my side.

     "The injured party does not want to be compensated because he has been wronged; he wants to be healed because he has been hurt. - G.K. Chesterton"




  • The damage it's done. by: Christmas_2009 9 years 11 months ago

    So after half a year I have spent seeing this person it has finally ended. I can say these have been 6 of the most awful months of my life. I have tried many times to rationalise my strong feelings for him and understand why I love him so much, but the truth is I don't really know. Paradoxically I have received very little in return. He always seems to go out of his way to remind me how expendable and unimportant I am to him... which has done "great" things to my already little self-esteem. Basically, after this time with him, my sense of self-worth is completely gone, I feel possibly more 'unwanted', unlikable and useless than I have ever felt in my entire life, my depression (from which unfortunately I suffer from time to time) has come back full blast to the point of triggering suicidal thoughts and, lastly, I have pretty much no trust left in people or in the fact I could ever find someone who will not eventually get tired of me and flush me down the toilet.  I have never been more loving and affectionate to anyone else before and all I got back is hurt. 

    I am sorry if this offends the many ADHD sufferers on here; I understand it is something that you cannot help, but how many people must get hurt because of this?

    Sorry for the rant, but I really feel like I need to get this out. 

  • Where do I even start? by: Mystic 9 years 11 months ago

    I guess I'm looking for someone to talk to, someone who has been, or is, experiencing a situation similar to me.  Someone objective, a sounding board, who would be willing to be a friend.  I see a lot of descriptions on the boards that sound a lot like me but with one major point of difference from a lot of them, my husband is not hurtful or mean and I know he loves me and wants me to be happy.  However, his habits and characteristics are really grating on me lately, making me want to pull my hair out and seriously pushing me to contemplate whether I've fallen out of love.  Which is upsetting.   He doesn't know I'm so frustrated with him.  He knows I've been unhappy, but I've been off my meds so he tolerates my moods (I'm sure) with that being the reason he tells himself.  I know that I need to change something.  The way I approach him, what I say and what I don't say, how I react, how I cope, but I don't even know how to start.  I feel like instead of my partner he is my ward.  That I am his handler, and if I want something done a certain way I have to construct methods to direct him around it, and that I can't expect anything from him, including a consistent level of responsibility, but we've been together for 17 years and handling everything from bills and finance to hiring plumbers and scheduling vet appointments is really exhausting.  And the little things I can't count on wear me thin.  He responds to every criticism, even offered good naturedly as a suggestion or request, as an assault on his character and he's really good at filling the role of a victim of all the world's injustices. Talk about the melodrama.  I know I need to focus on myself.  I keep thinking "be the change you want to see" but like I said I don't know where to start and I'm feeling pretty depressed.  I feel like a need a sponsor.

  • Is it Him, Me or OUR ADHD? - I'm going nuts! by: Best2You 9 years 11 months ago

    I'm so angry right now I can't think straight and need honest feedback! I know I have ADHD and 99% sure my husband has it. Below is a situation that just happened and I need to know who's responsible him, me or OUR adhd?

    We're in the car at the library that's about to close. In a sea of CDs it's taking him more than 5 minutes to find the discs that go in the 8 CDs he needs to return. I watch there patiently thinking he definitely has ADHD. Still trying to find discs, he places some on top of my computer bag which is on my lap saying"hold these", 5 seconds later I move to touch/play with my child who is getting bored in the seat behind me, so 1-2 of the discs he put on my laptop fall down. He's upset and says thank you for throwing my stuff, like it was done on purpose. I tell him "hey I wasn't paying attention" (now I'm thinking that's because I have ADHD) then he says "sure, as long as it's MY stuff it doesn't matter what happens to it." I raise my voice "I said I wasn't paying attention". Him: "sure".

    I feel like an engine on fire, I want to scream from the top of my lungs pure outburst, but resort to adjusting my seat and mumble "OMG JESUS help me with this crap". I was about to have an angry outburst but managed to calm down. He leaves the car, goes to the library. In the car I'm still trying to get over my anger and I'm not saying a word to him, even after he gets back. I talk calmly to the kids but not a word to him. I'm already at a rocky point in our relationship and this is more fuel to the fire. As we drive home I'm thinking, is it his fault or my fault. then I think this is OUR adhd issue, and we both need to do our part to manage our symptoms. As we get home I'm still angry and not talking to him, then he goes to grab my ass... in my head I'm like DON"T TOUCH ME! He's completely forgotten about what happened like 20 minutes ago.

    We may be having a great day and then something like this happens. I used to get depressed and upset about things like this in the past, sometimes all day. But now what I am about to do is say I'm DONE! Can't have these up and downs anymore. Then he does not want to learn about adhd, and doubts he has it. I cannot manage his ADHD on top of mine. Being a mom and working full-time it's too much.

    So, it's your word, is it him, me or OUR adhd?


  • Arrrgh! Why can't H remember something 24 hours later?! by: Anonymous (not verified) 9 years 11 months ago

    H has been working OT for the past couple of weeks. He hasn't worked the weekends but has been working an extra 2-4 hours a day. I told him a month ago about our Christmas Party which he said he couldn't wait for. I told him again about it last Thursday when we got the details on it. I told him on Monday night that I signed us up. Each of these times I told him it was on Friday Dec. 12. He went "This is going to be an awesome time". I said "It WILL be fun. Just be sure not to work OT that Friday or that weekend". He said "You got it". Last night when I get home he tells me that he's not working this weekend but next weekend for sure. I sighed and told him "I told you not to work next weekend because we will be out late on Friday for the party." He goes "Uh oh". I said "Is it mandatory that you work next weekend?" and he said "Pretty much." They can't MAKE you work a weekend! Just tell them something else came up. He says "Oh I'll just take it easy at the party.If we are home by 11PM I'll just have to sleep fast and be up by 2AM and suck it up" No you won't! You NEVER take it easy at parties. You can't help yourself but drink.Plus there is no way you are going to be up 3 hours later. Just tell them now you can't make it. I don't want this party to be ruined by you wanting to leave early or getting upset that we are out too long. We'll be on a boat for the last 3 hours of it so there's no leaving that!

  • Anger and Bitterness.... by: c ur self 9 years 11 months ago

    Can we talk?

    ( My spouse is a great man.  That great man is angry and bitter and is difficult to be around. ) I just borrowed this line from a post because I think it needs discussed. This (Anger and Bitterness) is a show stopper! Or at least it was in my life and marriage. This line I just borrowed is exactly what my wife would have said about me a couple of years ago...And she would have been right....She has quiet severe add, and I do not...But I was usually the first one to let anger flare up. And even if she was the first one to have an outburst of anger, 99% of the time, I provoked it. Now the difference in me today vs the person I was two years ago, is right here two years ago is where I would tell you why I was angry and bitter. Heck, I wouldn't have had the self awareness to even start this post two years ago.

    How many of you are in a marriage where either you are angry and bitter or your spouse is or both? I read in these posts all the time where one or the other is angry. What happens to the countenance of an immature child who is spoiled, when you tell them no? We call it pitching a fit in the Southern US...The word spoiled and adult are interchangeable...You can try to sugar coat it and use terms like "reasonable" or one of my favorites "common sense", (my wife probably wishes she had a nickel for every time she heard that term barked at her the first 4 years of our marriage) but I like spoiled, because if I'm actually going to fight you about my expectations then tell me how I am any different from the child? One is to immature to understand he can't have every thing he wants, and the other is to blind? selfish/self-absorbed? fill in the blank. 

    So, the million dollar question: How do we stop this cycle? I'm sure many of you who have success stories can share what has or is working for you...For me (I'm a hard case, because I was like the poster's husband in the original post above, I was the great man, who worked hard, faithful friend, excelled at my job, loved my children, you're getting the picture, I was the one who had it all together, in my mind anyway) it took months of soul searching...She moved out for 11 months, and we went to a Christian Counselor for 10 of those. I listened to tapes, I read books...And I prayed!

    Acceptance of her!...And self-awareness for me!

    You may be saying is that all? lol...Well lets look at it...So I'm going to have acceptance of someone who blows my mind with how she lives life? Someone I daily have to guard against enabling...Someone who see's life through a completely different lens, than most of us:) lol...Yep...Why? Because she is my wife that's why...

    What about self-awareness for me...This is the big one, because just knowing God loves me, and knowing that anger and bitterness was only ruining my own life...expectations was killing me....Now I just make sure my spirit is right, and when that is happening, no matter the circumstance's that my day deals me. I know it's going to be OK.

    Most everyone on these forums are just full on expectations....Most every post is about what I'm not getting from my spouse....Hey I'm not throwing any stones here!...I wish my wife new how to manage time better, I wish she wasn't so distractible I wish she didn't talk so much during sex, and I wish she wanted it more, and realized how much I like it:).....And on and on...But what is the alternative? Acceptance and thankfulness, because she is my wife? Or, anger and bitterness because poor c-ur-self has gotten cheated in life?....I'm smiling now:)

    If any of you are dealing w/ anger and bitterness...Please take your eye's off of what fuels it...There is healing for you...

    Blessings and Merry Christmas to you all.

  • Not at all interested in sex by: Lowered_expectations 9 years 11 months ago

    My DH has ADHD and I have no sexual desire in our relationship at all. I feel like I am married to an adolescent. I've been carrying us for years, and he hasn't had a job since April. His ADHD is quite severe, and so he literally doesn't notice things - barbecue sauce on the hardwood floor, unlocked car (we've had 3 cameras and a Macbook Pro stolen out of his car), dirty baby diaper left on the's exhausting. And while a lot of the time, I'm too tired to want sex, the rest of the time, I'm not sexually attracted to him. I feel the exact opposite of cherished. I know he doesn't mean to behave that way, but it's just so unfulfilling. So, I have sex with him, out of obligation, while I think about other things and pretend to enjoy it.


    I try to be like the Buddhists and release all expectations. But, it makes me want to cry...Not sure how long I can live this way. I don't want a divorce (my son is one), but how do I not detach entirely (he doesn't like it when things are "weird") while getting to a space that I don't feel irritated all the time? I try to release judgment and blame - it's really a difficult path. I will say, if I can get my mind around this, I will be a Jedi Master.

