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  • I would have left by now if I didn't love him so much by: asgoodasitgets 11 years 8 months ago

    Where to start.  My husband and I have been married for 14 years and have three beautiful boys, 13, 10, and 8.  Our marriage has been a bit of a roller coaster since our first year.  There were times that things were really great.  He was great with our first child; he would wake up crying at night and my husband would get up with him and walk him up and down the hall to quiet him.  As time went on things started to change.  I can remember the first time that he 'exploded'.  I don't know what it was about, but it was definitely not as if we were having a violent exchange.  He kept getting more and more upset and then he turned around and started punching the door.  He had never been physical toward me and I was in shock.  His hands were bloodied and our door was demolished.  As time went on his 'tantrums' became more common.  We moved out of one house and when a friend moved in to rent our home, she commented that her movers were worried that ours was an abusive relationship because of all of the holes in the walls (which, incidentally we did repair before she finished moving in). 

    It most certainly was not and has not ever been physically abusive.  But many many many of our disagreements end in him storming out of the house.   When he gets in this 'mode' he will not listen to reason.  He'll storm through the house in the dead of night - while our kids are sleeping - yelling obscenities.  This was also very out of character for some time, we were married several years before I ever even heard him cuss; and it was during a fit of rage.  He's also not very logical during arguments; he seems to talk circles.  And the more I try to reason with him the more upset he gets. 

    There have been times that I've thought that I was going crazy.  He has blamed me for every part of our lives that have made him unhappy, financial or relational or anything really.  So I've tried to compensate for the 'mistakes' I've made.  He once wanted to move halfway across the country to attend bible school.  We were young and we had a young child, no college degrees, no jobs waiting, we didn't even know anyone there.  So I insisted that I didn't think it was a good idea.  For years he blamed me for squashing his dreams and so when an opportunity came up for him to take a job halfway across the country (in the same general direction) I jumped on the idea thinking that it would be a way for me to redeem myself and support him in something that he really really wanted to do.  We were there about six months.  I was working two jobs - one of which I would get home from after midnight and find nothing had been done at home.  Often my kids hadn't even had baths. Hadn't done homework.  Then I'd get up the next morning and get the kids ready for school, only to do it all over again.  We fought regularly and it was always about how miserable he was and why I wouldn't agree to move back home.  He applied for a new job in the area (since he hated his new job) and it seemed promising.    He interviewed (he always does great with interviews - people love him) and was pretty much offered the job on the spot. He emailed the gentleman who interviewed him to ask more questions about the job and soon receive an email back that they had decided he wasn't a good fit. I read the email that my DH wrote and I was shocked. It was cold and unprofessional - nothing like he would normally write.  I don't know if he did it on purpose or if it was subconscious, but he sabotaged his new job. He returned to our home state with our kids to visit family for Thanksgiving and I stayed in our new state to work. While he was 'back home' he went and talked to his boss about getting his job back. He returned with our kids and eventually told me that his boss had offered him a job, but we had to move right away... the job had to be filled. But what he didn't tell me is that he went in and talked to his boss and they made a position for him to return and he convinced our landlord to release us early from our lease (provided that they could rent it out quickly),  he talked to his parents to borrow money because he just had to leave!!  So I agreed, despite feeling that I had been 'duped', I was exhausted and just wanted to go home.  I made up my mind that I was going to leave him when we returned home.  We packed up a truck and drove home (the same day we packed) 12 hours.  He did almost all of the packing himself - it was the most happy he had been in months and he did anything and everything I asked while loading!  He did just about all of the work. 

    But soon that enthusiasm waned.  He suddenly (in the same month) decided he wanted to return to school to finish his degree.  This has created a lot less time for him to be a partner in our relationship/family life.

    But let me back up. Our problems were exacerbated by circumstances when five years ago he went to the doctor for a rash and ended up having open heart surgery several months later (unrelated to the rash). He totally pushed me away. He insisted that it was him going through a tragedy, not 'us'. He just knew that he was going to die. He wouldn't hear any reasoning about the likelihood that he would not die. He had his mom and sister looking for a hospital bed to move into our house (because I wouldn't do it) despite the fact that he was going to be up and walking in the hospital within 48 hours of having surgery. Not to sound insensitive, but he was in panic mode and was blowing the situation up to be much more tragic than I felt that it had to be. I resolved to just be there for him if and when he decided he needed me. I never left, but I might as well have not even been there. 

    He has lied about other stuff.  1. He used our business computer to look at porn and I blamed an employee.  He let me believe it was our employee one night I was discussing it with my DH and he seemed off.  I pushed and found out that it was him, not the employee.  2. He took an inspector out to lunch and she was apparently really 'hot' (according to DH's co-workers).  He didn't want me to know because I might be jealous.  3. He told me that him and 'the guys' from work were going out for dinner and there were no wives allowed, only for me to find out later that there was a female co-worker going; but he didn't want me to know she was going and didn't want me to go, so he lied. 4. He went to a strip club on a business trip and he came home and told me that he had a lap dance and that he felt horrible.  He cried and I felt bad for him and consoled him (in very intimate ways)  But once again as we discussed the events the next day, he seemed 'off' so asked questions and found out that he had had three lap dances.  Hm. Must have been a horrible experience for him!  I felt used. 

    These are the four 'big ones' that he often refers to when trying to explain to me that it's not rational for me to not trust him over only lying four times.  But there are other small lies/omissions also. Such as leaving work early (I just happened to be leaving the house at the time he was pulling in) to study - but the only reason that he didn't want me to know was because I might tell him that he shouldn't. This is completely suspect to me.  It's not like a lot of lies happen on a daily basis, but over the course of 14 years one begins to wonder what you don't know.  He doesn't understand why I would feel this way and thinks that I should completely trust him. 

    As a side note, the strip club lie happened during a time that I had lost weight and I was in the best shape of my life and I felt great about myself.  However, since that event, any time I ask him why he doesn't want to be intimate he says that it's not him it's me, because I'm insecure because he went to a strip club.   Which brings me back to everything always being my fault. I'm insecure.  I'm controlling.  I've pushed him away and made him feel like he's not capable. He can't even help me by loading the dishwasher because I might not like it.  Yep, it's my fault that he doesn't help around the house. 


    I didn't leave him.  I talked to him and he told me that he wanted me to stay (this was a year ago).  He was so happy that I had agreed to move back that he would have done anything that I wanted in that moment.  But now I'm working more hours per week than he is and, oh yeah, I'm a part time student.  Managing the kids' lives.  Managing sometimes his life (except for when he has extra money from say a side job or something that he wants to use to buy something fun, which I apparently don't allow because I'm too busy using our money for boring stuff like bills - then he wants to manage that money).  I have three boys who don't know what to do around the house unless I tell them precisely.  I need a home-management partner. 

    We had a great weekend last weekend.  We even had a heart to heart over the phone and I told him how wonderful I think he is.  I woke up Monday morning and something seemed 'off'.  I don't know how to explain it but it was like I knew something was up when I woke up.  I noticed his phone was beside him in the bed and not plugged into the charger like it was when I went to bed.  I got online (this is very incriminating to myself and I'll probably take some heat for it and I can't really explain why I did it) and logged into our account with our phone service provider.  Our detailed data usage showed that his phone was using data past midnight (we were in bed before 11).  I asked him about it and he denied.  He started fumbling through his phone rather nervously and said he didn't know why that would be he was in bed.  He popped open his browser and said "there's this hustler page on here, but I didn't do there. Maybe it was a link from a website I was on or something" (disclaimer: not ver batim but you get the idea).  I don't really believe him but I don't really care either.  The kids and I have stayed at my mom's the last two nights because of the weather and her house is closer to the school.  And probably because it puts some distance between my husband and I.  I love him.  I love him so much.  I don't want to be without him, but I don't want to be 20 years older and still in the same place we are now. 

    I'm not sure why I wanted to post on here.  I guess because after reading so many posts I feel like maybe there's a reason and I'm hoping that maybe there's an answer.  I'd like to think that he does love me and that he doesn't do the things that he does because he is 'punishing' me.  I feel like he is resentful and bitter toward me but he says he's not.  I just can't do it all by myself. I'm not a single mom - I shouldn't have to live like one.  He emailed me today (we communicate a lot through email because it seems to work better for us than talking face to face and getting heated) and told me that he wants to fix things but doesn't know how.  I don't either. But I know that this can't be as good as it gets.

  • Suggestions wanted on a very odd outcome of a highly anticipated dinner date by: I'm So Exhausted 11 years 8 months ago

    Let me have some input please.  We have been working with surviving the chaos caused by my spouse's ADHD traits for a long while, so I will admit it is difficult for me to get out of the mothering mode into the partnership mode.  Facts from my paradigm:

    Spouse is leaving for out of town for 4 days, 3 nights.

    Asks if I want to go out for dinner, specifically mentioning 'to spent time with me' before he left.

    I responded yes.  I am going out shopping in the AM with my friends, not sure what time I'll be home, but it will be 2-3ish. 

    No specific leaving time was set for the dinner date - which is best as time management is not his strong point.

    I got home at 3.

    5pm. - turned on TV to  pass the time while I waited for him to get home.

    6 pm  - I guess he is going to be late as usual.

    7pm - I am thinking this is a little late to be going out for dinner.  Not a new experience for him to get wrapped up in work, or be late.  After 20+ years of marriage it is a pattern. 

    I hear a vehicle coming up the driveway.  It was not my spouse, but my son -mid-twenties -  who works with my spouse.  I asked if he had been working with his Dad.  No.  He was with his friends all day. I told him I was waiting for Dad to go out to dinner. He texts his Dad - Aren't you supposed to be taking mom out to dinner?

    I get a call from my spouse.  He is livid.  He is angry.  He is mad as a hornet.

    Somehow, I missed my spouse ask me to text him when I got home.  It was not one of those situations where, when he mentioned it, I realized I had forgotten.  I do not recall him mentioning it - at all.  By 3 pm, he decided I was being mean and punishing him by choosing to stay out with my friends over going to dinner with him.  Rejecting him. He worked himself into a horrible angry depression.  

    It was my fault for not calling him.  It was moot point that I did not hear his request for a text when I got home. 

    For me, I really thought nothing of his being late - as it is normal.  He is known not to show up - to be late - to forget - doesn't understand how his family would get upset that he had to finish a job.   

    There was no understanding from him that it was poor communication that should get the blame.

    Nope.  I am punishing him.  Sigh.  He cried.  He cried the next morning.  He left for his trip carrying with him his opinion I rejected him and I am punishing him.  Sigh. sigh. sigh.  Also tossed at me a bit of a guilt-inducing slam, "Don't you realize how much temptation there is for men at these conventions?"

    I do not feel guilty.  I feel sad.



  • Emotion by: jennalemon 11 years 8 months ago

    I said, "I am going to grow up.  I am going to stop letting my emotions rule me.  I will feel the emotion.  Stop to think of what and why that emotion is with me.  What I want to do about the emotion.  Then I will let the emotion go.  I permitted the ideas and feelings of romance and love and art and sensitivity be part of who I am too much.  I must stop that now and be mature and be accountable for my own emotional well-being."    He said, "You and I are the exact opposites.  You have too much emotion.  I have none at all.  I try to feel emotion, but I can't"  

    This I suspected for a long time but didn't want to accept.  He does not feel shame, guilt, love, joy, regret.   He says things that are an attempt to make him "look" like a person with normal feelings. He distracts any deep conversations and turns to jokes, sarcasm, or argument to hide this.  This is not ADD I don't think.  But this is what I had been battling.  I am learning more about functional psychopaths.  It has been hard to be married to someone who is just acting and reciting words to make him "seem" like he has feelings....sentimental even.  But this is the real reason dh does not come through for us long term.  This is why he is not motivated long term to any promise. There is no feeling of love and care or guilt or shame to keep him motivated longer than his need to seem to the world and to himself like he has normal feelings of love and care and compassion and responsibility.  He says the words, puts on the act for a little while and then he is done with it...mission accomplished as far as his mind is concerned because he only needed to get through the conversation "seeming" like a nice guy.

    This is the reason he does not even respect me, much less love me.  He has manipulated me without shame to take care of him. Then looks down on me for being a maleable rube.  I am saying this with sadness.  It is something for me to grieve the truth I had been not wanting to accept.  I have given my children a father unable to share real feelings and it scares me to wonder what effect this will have on their lives.

  • Tech Envy by: yyq 11 years 8 months ago

    I know some women who wish they were billboard bodies with

    airbrushed perfect princess curves, but my desire is to have the unbreakable glass and

    entrancing dim glow of an ipad tablet that you would stare at for hours and

    never turn away.

    I wish all the holes I have to fill, the need and loneliness and fear were,

    rather, spaces in the New York Times crossword puzzle (online edition)

    compelling you with some transcendent force

    to find any way to work, to solve to and to complete,  and I picture myself with 

    the sleek holdability of your phone, which

    you like to curl up with in bed and fall

    asleep, your fingers gently stoking its luminous face.

    When I make myself small enough to say "I wish you couldn't take your eyes off me"

    I make myself small enough to fit in your pocket, and

    you say "I don't even know how to do that, I don't even know what that means,"

    But you do. 

  • DENIAL, PATTERN FIGHTING, CYCLING, BLAME GAME by: phyllisfade 11 years 8 months ago

    My ADHD husband and I are about a hair away from divorce.  The email you read the last session was similar to what I experience my anger is terrible.  I just want to shake him so that maybe he can see the patterns.  Tonight for instance we come home from having dinner out we can't find a parking spot and I say to him "maybe you can get the work truck out of the driveway?"  (it's been parked in our driveway for almost a year and there's also a disabled pickup in my mother's driveway for about three years) he says "well if I had time, you know I don't stay home and watch tv all day"  this sparked a huge fight.  I took this as a direct insult because he actually believes I do nothing all day.  I am a stay at home mom I have three children a girl 13, and two boys 11 and 7.  He just started another job as an Electrician on January 28.  He's not there two days and he's looking to apply for a different position. He makes great money, great benefits and tons of overtime.  (Now he's think HA I don't need her he gets this feeling of being invincible)  Before this job he was miserable at his last job, he started in September 2012  he was miserable as soon as he started he applied for the job he has today.  Before that job he was a General Contractor/Electrical Contractor for almost four years.  This is where all my problems began.  He was diagnosed in December 2011 only because I began researching and I spoke to our General Practitioner finally convincing him to see a neurologist.  He was self-employed from 2005-2012.  For the first 3 years things were great his business took off and although we fought it was never so bad he realized when he was wrong and apologized if necessary.  He was a good provider and always very giving and loved to spend time with his family, and a big supporter in having our kids get a private school education.  In the summer of 2008 we traveled to Italy with my parents for my best friend's wedding.  This is the vacation my kids refer to as "the last good summer."  When we returned he partnered up with a friend to start a General Contracting business.  I never liked this guy he was a hustler, had a drinking problem, was very verbally abusive to his wife.  I felt he took advantage of my husband's business connections and brought no business to this partnership but took half of the earnings.  In the meanwhile, my sister met her husband.  My brother in law and and his family own a chain of restaurants, my husband was in his glory.  He attached himself to these people and they did the same he was an electrician and a general contractor both sides had plans to use one another (to keep the price down they promised to recommend him to their contact who was building a warehouse, the job would be $1 million).  My antenna went up I immediately expressed my opinion to my husband.  My husband became a different person he would go out to dinner at least 3 nights a week, come home drunk, break doors, fall over ironing boards, and scream at me all hours of the night.  My frustration was on overdrive my dad is now diagnosed with cancer.  My husband is too mesmerized by my sister's in laws they are building a mansion and two restaurants.  He did the electrical for a bare minimum this project took two years to complete.  He would spend his weekends babysitting them tile, kitchens, roofing, fixtures.  I was home with my kids and nursing my sick father; chemo, hospice the works. He would come visit me when my dad was in the hospital and leave to go to dinner with them. Like a complete stranger no sympathy, no support, no help instead he developed an inflated ego.  In the meanwhile, trips to Atlantic City, Vegas, expensive dinners, my bills are not getting paid, my car was repossessed, not paying tuition, my kids are witnesses to all this including coming home 2 days before my father died and finding a "For Sale By Owner" sign on my lawn I was distraught.  Also, during this time he joined Facebook and not one week into it he had reconnected with is ex-girlfriend talking for hours on the phone with her.  After my father died things with my sister's in laws began to turn sour with him.  They demanded more and more of his time he had lost all of his other accounts because he was depending on this $1 million job from them.  Someone whispered to him that that job was given to someone else.  He lost his mind.  The construction on this house was winding down but my husband was running out of money getting frustrated because they kept adding more work to the job and not willing to pay him for it.  He never finished the job.  My sister now has a baby and at his Baptism my brother-in-law's family including my brother-in-law ignored my husband; not a look, not a word, not a hello, nothing.  I was godmother.  I think my husband took this so bad and I, of course, supported my husband, enough was enough.  In the meanwhile, my husband's partner in the contracting business was caught inflating bills and pocketing the money, his business fell apart because my husband was never the money manager his partner was and my husband couldn't run the jobs because he has difficulty doing jobs in steps so, of course, his partner was verbally abusive towards him and took full advantage of the fact that we were having problems and that he was diagnosed with ADHD, my husband was preoccupied.  This past summer, his business had fallen apart, he had lost his best friend/business partner, who was robbing him, he had incurred tons of bills both at home and business, owed everyone money, our mortgage was backed up, and my sister's in laws are not talking to him, we were having problems I was very verbally abusive I was frustrated and all I kept reiterating was "I told you so".  All I kept thinking was this took years to get to and it will take years to get out of.  My mother said to him if you would only have listened to your wife about all these problems you wouldn't be here today. He turned on her.  My mother in law, who I think has ADHD, and I don't speak with because she has been the cause of many arguments is coming from Florida to visit.  My husband at this point is sleeping on the couch.  My husband couldn't deal with my sister's in laws ignoring him and decided to take my mother in law to their house and show her the work he did.  If you haven't realized it yet they agreed to have him come because they are narcissists and passive aggressive.  While there both my mother in law and husband take the opportunity to tell my sister's in laws everything I have ever said about them, everything my mother has said about them, everything my sister has said about her in laws.  He went on to tell them what friends of ours have said about them, and my mother in law told them things my mother had told her about them.  This was a mess and is a mess.  My sister is close to divorce after only two years of marriage and a one year old (this isn't the first relationship my husband has destroyed for her I can think of two others).  My mother in law stayed for three weeks my kids and I hardly saw him, she even bought him a bedroom and he sleeps downstairs.  I found out later that my husband would tell people like my mother in law, my husband's brother and sister in law, my sister's husband and his family, and even his customers things I would say about them during our crazy fights.  He had started a smear campaign against me.  Now no one speaks to me, my sister, or my mother but, of course, he still has contact with them all.  My guess is that they view him as a loose cannon who knows too much about their business so they keep him close.  I often say to him do you realize that I haven't had one verbal exchange with any of these people but they don't talk to me Why? He looks at me with a blank stare and doesn't respond.  My kids are so disgusted with him he doesn't have a relationship with them he doesn't know how to be a dad unless I'm around to buffer.  My kids hate my mother in law and brother in law and blame them for our problems but all he cares about is that the kids talk to his mother.  They resent him, for instance, if he's out with them he will dial his mother and give them the phone.  I try and tell him and he doesn't want to listen.  He also resents me for being a stay at home mom.  He actually believes I live a life of leisure.  I run around chasing my tail, my house is a mess, my laundry is backed up, my bills unpaid he constantly says he works (my response if you have been working so much how did our bills get so backed up he says because I haven't worked in 13 years).  I feel as if he has been brainwashed don't know by who exactly my mother in law or my sister's in laws.  There are certain topics he continuously brings up when he needs a fight my not working and I do nothing all day, calling his mother and handing my kids the phone, the bedroom which is in clear view of everyone who enters our house and my kids refuse to have friends over and they tell him his answer to everything "what's the big deal." Throughout this whole ordeal I have tried to be strong for my kids and dedicated to them.  They are honor students, on student council, they are involved in tons of activities because they enjoy being at school they get some normalcy.  He is bored by this and doesn't find all I do necessary but at one time he did and was proud.  I have a BS in Accounting and am the PTA at my kids school for 5 years now.  I get to feel normal here but it's also quite painful to see parents interact with there kids in a way my husband doesn't find necessary.  My daughter recently won scholarships and made the scholars program to all three of her high schools.  Not one relative that he has smeared us with called her to wish her luck or congratulate her but yet he still calls them and has contact with them.  I say to him "how can anyone respect us, your family, if you allow them to treat us this way?"  Again, no answer.  My daughter will be attending small Catholic all girl school in September 2013 on scholarship.  I am so proud of her but he doesn't understand because my mother in law had him drop out of high school to pay her rent he has a GED his brother is a drop out with no GED.  My mother in law has always been jealous of our relationship (when it was good) and was happy when he contacted his ex-girlfriend the one she always spoke about.  I contacted her when this happened and her answer to me was "why should I help you, when were you ever here for me?" She poisons him and he believes her he will fight me till the end but will not realize how much she's hurt us.  It bothers me to see him call his mother.  My kids want me to leave, I am so hurt by his betrayal of my trust, I recently found out he owes a friend $5,000, he has a joint account with his mother.  I wonder how much I don't know.  How do I look past this?  Does he only have ADHD?  Maybe Bipolar?  He is on Vyvanse 60mg but I don't see a difference.  Through all of this he is constantly complaining about the lack of sex in our relationship. Really???  He is very charismatic people love him but a totally different person at home.  I have anxiety all the time, heaviness in my chest all the time, I cry all the time and don't understand why this had to happen to me.  I met him when he was 17 and we have been married 16 yrs and together 23 yrs. I am 41 yrs. old and I'm miserable. When we do Melissa seminar and things she says hit home he gets very uneasy, refuses to accept any responsible all he says is "are you listening ya see ya see that's you."  If it wasn't for me he wouldn't be diagnosed and still I try.  But I feel like I keep hitting a brick wall repeatedly.  How do you get him to admit to what he has, what he has done, and start to heal? He is compulsive, hyper, always looking for conflict as if he gets a high....

  • Dilemma of Differential Diagnosis by: Anita Peters 11 years 9 months ago

    I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Texas who is in private practice and also works with a large college. I also have an adult family member who has ADHD. I have specialized in the field of ADHD for 20+ years, but here is my concern:  I diligently try to find physicians who will spend at least an hour on the initial visit with the patients that I refer so that they have the opportunity to do a thorough differential diagnosis to determine a) if a psychiatrict "disorder" is indeed present, and b) if something is present, to carefully sift through all obtainable information to determine what it is and what it is not. I advise my clients that there are a number of other issues that can also exhibit many of the same symptoms -- anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc.  and that it is of paramount importance to go to a psychiatrist who is experienced in attention-related issues. But here is the dilemma:  due to insurance constraints, it is almost impossible to find a doctor who will spend that amount of time with a patient, even on the initial exam. Most doctors in this area seem to be utilizing Nurse Practitioners. The physician may very briefly meet the patient on the first visit and will "sign off" on the diagnosis, but the NP is the individual that patients see, who they follow-up with in future visits, and is the individual who prescribes or adjusts dosages of medications. Although I respect NPs, I am very uncomfortable with this practice and understand the vital importance of careful evaluation in diagnosis and treatment. The cost of paying cash for the visits is prohibitive for most of the individuals I see, and even though I make a conscious effort to locate psychiatrists who I believe to be experienced in the area of ADHD, I find myself increasingly uncomfortable with referring. Suggestions? Thank you, Anita Peters, LPC


  • Medications to help with DESR and emotions by: rachellekelly 11 years 9 months ago

    My husband has recently been diagnosed with ADHD.  His doctor has started him on ritalin.  It has seems to help with his focus... but that was never really our biggest concern with this disability.  Its his emotions or lack of control over them that really hurts our family.  I know he has DESR (deficient emotional self-regulation) which from what I've read approx 50% of adults with ADHD suffer from.  He gets so upset about trivial things... fits of rage... teeth clenched.. has to punch something (wall / door etc).  Then when we need to deal with something more serious, he is so emotional its like living with a teenager girl on PMS!  It drives both of us crazy. 

    I'm wondering if any of the ADHD adults out there also struggle with this part of ADHD and what medications have helped?

  • need some kind words to reassure against time/task management overwhelm by: frankcesca 11 years 9 months ago

    Hey everyone,

    Just looking for a bit of support.  I feel like I am barely treading water and am looking for hope.  There is WAY TOO MUCH going on in my life and I don't know how I will manage it all.  Just some kind words & reassurance from those who have been through this.  I've had good periods before but am going through a bad one.

    I am at the start of a new phase of life:

    • just moved to a new city in a foreign country 2mos ago
    • my wedding is happening, overseas, in 3 months (thank God we hired a planner)
    • just started a new internship (in a foreign language) working full-time
    • still trying to get our apartment in order (we don't have shelves or closets yet and have been here for 2 months)
    • want to get on top of the ADD 
    • just started new meds w/a local doctor (ADD specialist, but he is on the other side of town and only open during office hrs so I have to take 3hrs off from work every 4th Monday to go see him)
    • trying to find a couple of friend groups over here, including an ADD self-help group, and trying to get exercise back into my life, so going out 1-2 evenings a week (and giving the DH some blessed non-chaotic time at home)

    I am trying to get on top of the ADD.  I am reading Ari Tuckman's workbook, looking for some kind of CBT and/or psychotherapist who a) knows ADD and b) possibly speaks some English and c) maybe can do some couples work with the DH involved.  I am trying to always make schedules which I just know I will break.  I am so frustrated at my inability to schedule, to follow my own plans, to listen to what my DH says he wants to do without forgetting & suggesting something else 20 seconds later, and to not get anything done at work day after day because I spend my whole day doing wedding stuff, looking up ADD stuff, or writing emails (e.g. hi friend, do you think you can come to the wedding).  I spend my mornings coming up with fun ideas which only irritate my DH, who just wanted to have a quiet morning after a LONG day at work yesterday and not think about adding anything else to our schedule.  On Sunday he talked about making a master list of everything that needed to get done wedding-wise and guess what, it's Thursday and we still haven't made that list.  Nor a meal plan for the week, nor a schedule, nor nothing, and we've floundered through more than half the week now.  

    I listened to a webinar on overwhelm a couple weeks ago which suggested doing a brain dump then just focusing on what I have to do for the next hour.  But I don't WANT to stop thinking about these things because I know I'll just lose the paper the brain dump is written on, not do anything about what I've written down, not finish the tasks I was supposed to wrap up 2 hrs ago, etc, etc, etc.  I will just end up failing again.


    People are always saying it takes us more time to do things, well, where do you get that extra time?  Stay up late to do stuff, not get enough sleep, and then feel worse the next day?  But all the books say to make sleep a #1 priority because getting enough sleep decreases symptoms.  It does for me.  So what do you do?  Work fewer hours in the day?  Earn less money?  Skip out on time with your spouse?  Skip dinner?  Skip the ADD support group?  Skip the concert Friday night which you were looking forward to and might help you relax?  


    In my panicked motivation I am thinking of buying a Franklin planner (as suggested to me in another thread) and signing up for Laura Rowlands' time management course before the discount ends tomorrow but am pretty convinced I will just lose enthusiasm & fail at both of those too.  I can't talk to my DH about it until work hours are over because he is blessed with the ability to concentrate on work when he tells himself to, even when he has big emotions going on.  I feel like a sailboat blown around wherever my emotions lead while he is a steamboat, able to work despite what he's feeling, and put away whatever he needs to for the evening and pull it right back out of its drawer at the appropriate time.


    Oh and meanwhile my mom (the ADDer too) has apparently been suggesting to my friends that DH and I have extra frequent flyer miles that we can give to, like, anyone who would have a hard time getting to the wedding.  Which is not the case - every mile we have has a purpose.  We are splitting wedding costs 3 ways (us, his parents, my parents) and don't want to go around giving extra money to anyone who asks.  So I have to respond to a friend's facebook message that no, we can't help her, and tell my mom to cut it the heck out with this promising-our-stuff-to-others-behind-our-backs.  And add on to that, both my grandparents are in bad health & my grandpa has gotten much worse in the past couple days.  And these are my mom's parents, and in this difficult time I have to scold her.


    I can't breathe; can you guys help?!?

  • My ADHD husband thinks I'm boring by: rachellekelly 11 years 9 months ago

    My husband and I have been together for 13 years.  He has been recently diagnosed with ADHD and began medication this past month.  We both always knew he had the disorder (his father is undiagnosed add). 

    My husband is always looking for stimulation.  When we were in our 20s we partied a lot.  Lots of drinking... some drugs... That all ended when we got married.. then soon after had our son.  When our son reached 3 years old, we both were feeling a little bored with life so we tried the "swinging life style" (swapping partners).  My husband was beyond excited!  to the point his ADHD ruined everything.  He became obsessed with it... hyper-focused on it... talked non stop about it... became overly flirty with my girlfriends.... told most of his guy friends (was furious about this)... didn't handle the rejection very well (lots of rejections in this life style)...the list goes on and on.  yes we did have some good times.. but as I looked back, more trouble then it was worth.  So I told my husband I wasn't interested in doing this anymore.  It just left a bad taste in my mouth every time I thought of it.  Honestly, I think I would really enjoy this lifestyle if my husband did not have ADHD.  He's just too emotionally unstable and not laid back and cool enough for it.  (not sure how else to word that)... Well my husband is pretty depressed about exiting the lifestyle.   Yes he agrees that he didn't handle some situations well.. but he has a hard time remembering truly all the negative moments... (he is always living in the now and can't remember how he felt a week ago about something)...  But I remember!!!   I want to go back to the way things were before we started this life style.  He says.. "but there was always hope before... and now there is none... I look at you and see how boring you are... there is no excitement in your life."  You would think he was talking to a depressed person.  I'm happy!  I'm content!  I'm almost 40 and like being a wife and mother and living the suburban life.  I can't help how I feel.  I can't help how he feels.   Any advice?


  • Does it ever get any better? by: mmarq 11 years 9 months ago

    After years and years of all kinds of therapy and med cocktails, he's getting worse.  Does it ever get any better?  Or, am I just stuck with whatever the day holds?  DH has ADD with high anxiety.  Has been on meds and in therapy for too long.  Nothing is changing and in fact, is getting worse.  Not sure what to do or which direction to go next.  Any advice is appreciated. 
