Anyone got a circus for me to join??? I have experience!!
My DH's newest thing is to call me a dumb@##. He's been doing it all week (new thing for him) and its starting to REALLY piss me off. Last night we were laying in bed just talking (it had been a really good day for us) and we disagreed on a topic. I mentioned that I had just read about it in a magazine and told him what it said. He was like "your arguing with me again, dumb@##. I asked him to please stop calling me that, I didn't like it. He then went on to tell me that I called him that so he could call me that....I have NEVER called him that (I know because I am very careful not to and always have been careful not to, I reserve that name for someone who REALLY deserves ex-husband). He then went on to tell me "you told someone that I was being a dumb@##". I asked him when I did it and he said "when we lived in XYZ town"... ummm that was 5 years ago!!!! So hes holding something against me that I don't remember doing and really don't think I did (things were still good with us when we lived there). So when I expressed that I hadn't called him that at any point in the recent past and in fact I didn't remember EVER calling him that he just said "yeah it would be better if I just called you a bitch", then he turned over and went to sleep.
This morning he was fine, but my son (ADHD and 16) was being a complete pain in the ass! Not a good day!
I apologize for all the posts recently..Im just really frustrated!! I thought things were going in a positive direction, I thought I had made some positive choices in myself and I am finding that nothing is as it seemed. Thanks all of you for letting me vent and your thoughtful comments. ~~HUGS~~