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  • The trap of Mothering and enabling.... by: c ur self 9 years 7 months ago

    How many of us started off just wanting to love our spouses unconditionally? This is a good thing, but, I just didn't know all the different faces of Love...Nor did I know how to recognize fake spirits that showed pleasing attributes, and influenced me to say it's Love. My perception, was skewed because of my own neediness, and my own spiritual immaturity. 

     I didn't even recognize it in my own heart, so how could I beware of someone else's?....Mothering or enabling an adult is the same as starving a hungry man...Right before his payday comes we keep jumping in and cutting him off.  Right before he can receive the just reward he so desperately deserves...

    Sadly mosts of us continue this cycle until he has been without nutrition for so long that we've turned him into an invalid...So his growth becomes stunted because we refused to allow him to eat...

    Why did I do this? Love? Sadly yes, but, it was a fake, that seemed pleasing...It fooled me...When I thought I was saving his life, I effectively starved him...

    What fooled me? My neediness?....My faulty faith in my own abilities? All the things I've blamed for our conflict?

    If you walk up to the payroll table and stick your hand out to get your paycheck it is your right to do so....If your spouse walks up to the payroll table and stands on their head, then reaches up to receive there paycheck it's their right to do so....

    The moral of the story?...Whatever you do, when you see this adult standing on their head, never ask why, or tell him it's the wrong way;)

    True Love isn't always pleasurable...If it was Jesus wouldn't have went to the cross...

    Blessings C

  • extreme anger /behavior from non-ADHD spouse by: curryflow 9 years 7 months ago
    Hello everyone, I am relatively new to this forum and definitely relatively newly accepting of the fact I have ADHD. To make a long story short I have been married for 15 years. Only in the last year or so have I accepted the ADHD tag and tried to do something about it. And for the first few months my efforts were pretty half hearted. I am now taking drugs...So my wife has been dealing with this for a while and had built up a lot of resentment and anger towards me. We have our first child now and he is an infant still. This baby has accentuated all our problems and definitely exposed my issues greatly especially with lack of sleep... I could keep going but I have noticed on this forum it seems that the angry person is often the ADHD person, not the other way around as it is with my situation. Problem is she has so much frustration that it has boiled over into abuse in my eyes. She has slapped me, pinched me and yelled at me and called me all kinds of names and says she hates me, wishes we never met etc. She used to apologize for this but now she feels completely justified. I used to think she didn't mean these things but now it is always bad it seems the past week or so. I have considered she might have post partum depression but it doesn't really matter because she won't look at her self anymore. Only blames me for all problems. And it's hard for me to argue with her because I can see how frustrating it is. Anyway. Anyone else have this issue and if so what are your suggestions? Thank you
  • Always assumes the worst... by: Lonely_and_confused 9 years 7 months ago

    My boyfriend is on medication for ADHD...has been for years, so I knew he carried the diagnosis before we began dating.  I didn't, however, realize that it would have such an affect on me and our relationship.  Or I guess that's one reason I'm see IF that is a reason for the struggles we face, or if the two things are completely unrelated.

    My bf constantly accuses me of looking at other men, when I am not.  I am completely in love with him and think he is the most attractive man on earth (to me), and haven't even thought about looking at others...but still, I am accused.  When this happens, it is almost always followed by hours if not days of him completely ignoring calls, no texts, if I am around him and am leaving to go somewhere he won't even acknowledge my departure with a simple goodbye.  Nothing.  I really don't understand how or why a person can do this to someone they claim to love.

    Anyway, I guess I'm just looking for any thoughts on if this is truly ADHD related, or if he has much bigger issues in play...

    Thanks to anyone who has thoughts to share.

  • Only one trying to save my marriage by: HopelessMomWife 9 years 7 months ago

    I am a non-ADHD spouse married to an ADHD man, we have had our share of issues but I am wondering how I can better keep the peace. I am currently a graduate student & mother to 3 under 7yrs old. My husband feels no need to help lessen the load on me and it seems as if his interest is everything but our household. Another issue we are currently facing is that I have to manage everything in the house (appts, paying of bills, shopping, etc.) and when I make a plan for us (because he just won't) he always abruptly changes plans to do what benefits him and then we argue because he seems to not remember or has twisted the initial conversation to fit what he wanted. This makes me insane to the point that I will write down what I said or text it to him for proof later that it was him and not me. My husband always commits to helping around the house but hardly follows through without me having to ask him several times and a lot of times it turns into a war because it can be a week (or more) later and the chore still will not be done. I do not know if this is an ADHD issue since he seems to perform just fine at work. I have had to beg him to take 2 days off (or else he will work 7 days with no additional pay) as he works on cars (which is also his hobby) but he feels like even when they are closed he should be there to work on his hobby (car) as he put it, despite me needing help at home with the children as well as around the house. Also, I started grad school before his job so he knew my commitment usually required 40-60 hours of research per week (not including semesters I take class) but then decided that his wants were more important. I don't mean to sound like I am bashing him but truthfully, a PhD in a science field is what is going to carry our house and hopefully if he decides to, put him through some sort of schooling. I don't care about him going (or working on the car when it is home) the issue is that he does that FIRST and then always FORGETS his responsibilities at home. Instead of being home on Monday, like we agreed, he decided himself that he would go all day (8-5/6) and work on his car all day. This time could be used to help me with things like grocery shopping, cleaning around the house or a day-date where we don't have to find a sitter. My husband is irresponsible with money (spends on what he wants and has over-drafted the acct), impulsive with money, refuses to follow-through on anything other than his likes in life and really selfish. I do not know how to deal anymore. 



  • Only one trying to save my marriage by: HopelessMomWife 9 years 7 months ago

    I am a non-ADHD spouse married to an ADHD man, we have had our share of issues but I am wondering how I can better keep the peace. I am currently a graduate student & mother to 3 under 7yrs old. My husband feels no need to help lessen the load on me and it seems as if his interest is everything but our household. Another issue we are currently facing is that I have to manage everything in the house (appts, paying of bills, shopping, etc.) and when I make a plan for us (because he just won't) he always abruptly changes plans to do what benefits him and then we argue because he seems to not remember or has twisted the initial conversation to fit what he wanted. This makes me insane to the point that I will write down what I said or text it to him for proof later that it was him and not me. My husband always commits to helping around the house but hardly follows through without me having to ask him several times and a lot of times it turns into a war because it can be a week (or more) later and the chore still will not be done. I do not know if this is an ADHD issue since he seems to perform just fine at work. I have had to beg him to take 2 days off (or else he will work 7 days with no additional pay) as he works on cars (which is also his hobby) but he feels like even when they are closed he should be there to work on his hobby (car) as he put it, despite me needing help at home with the children as well as around the house. Also, I started grad school before his job so he knew my commitment usually required 40-60 hours of research per week (not including semesters I take class) but then decided that his wants were more important. I don't mean to sound like I am bashing him but truthfully, a PhD in a science field is what is going to carry our house and hopefully if he decides to, put him through some sort of schooling. I don't care about him going (or working on the car when it is home) the issue is that he does that FIRST and then always FORGETS his responsibilities at home. Instead of being home on Monday, like we agreed, he decided himself that he would go all day (8-5/6) and work on his car all day. This time could be used to help me with things like grocery shopping, cleaning around the house or a day-date where we don't have to find a sitter. My husband is irresponsible with money (spends on what he wants and has over-drafted the acct), impulsive with money, refuses to follow-through on anything other than his likes in life and really selfish. I do not know how to deal anymore. 



  • Father Daughter relationships by: jennalemone 9 years 7 months ago

    "Most women subconsciously gravitate towards men who accord her the same level – or lack – of value and empathy our fathers did. So if your father neglected to let you know how special and valuable you are, you may attract similar relationships with men in your adult life, unaware that you deserve better."  Psychologist Dr Linda Nielsen

    I was moved to write this:


    "The tears mean something", he said.

    "Oh, they are nothing.  I had a good childhood."

    "Your eyes filled up when you spoke of your father. That means something."

    "Oh it's just grief that he died."

    "Do you miss him?"

    "Hmmmmm?  What?"

    "Do you miss him?"

    "What do you mean?" I said, not able to focus my thoughts.

    "Do you miss him?"

    "Hmmmmm...can't say.  He was honest and hard working and I was proud to have him for a father."

    "Do you miss him?"

    "He was a good man."

    "Do you miss him?" He was relentless.

    "In what way?"

    "Do you miss him?"


    "I so wanted him to like me, to notice me, to see and hear me."


    I post this on this forum to ask women here.  What was your relationship with your father?  Have some of us been conditioned to not expect much connection? Is there a way to become more functional directing a family toward loving wholeness? Expecting and directing others how to love us and show it? Permitting ourselves to feel worthy of attention, respect and love? I have not demanded attention....even thought that was "selfish" to want attention.  I didn't get attention. Not now. Not then.  This is my part of our inability to communicate and connect.

  • Today It Starts Because I Discovered my Own Key by: kellyj 9 years 7 months ago

    The key is Flow Charts.  I had an epiphany last night.  It came to me in the most convoluted way imaginable but only to say it came to me.  It is my key to getting things done and I already know that it will work before I even try.  I know this because of how I think, how I see things, how I process information, how I write and think and do everything that I do.  It answers why I am so bad at one thing and turn around do the same but different thing as well and in some cases better than everyone else.  It's how I got through school as well as I did.  It's how I do art and sports as well as I do (in specific areas).  It's how I can figure things out in the moment or can pick something up that I have never seen before and figure it out and how it works and then make it work by doing it without anyone telling me how or even knowing what that thing does...but yet, I can do this without even thinking about it.  All I have to do is hold it in my hand and I can tell you what it is and what it does...and with a little practice and only a few tries.....make the thing work as it was intended to.  It explains why I did well in school.....production systems analysis. It explains why people with ADHD need structure. It explains why day planners never work for me.  it explains almost every answer that I have ever wondered about and then suddenly there it was!  It explains how I know everything I know.


    As I stand on the ground and look up at the stars....all I see is endless possibilities and billions of combinations in no random order.  I see the same thing when it comes to organizing my day.....the answer is Flow Charts


    It frick'in took me long enough to figure this out!  I already had the answer in all the things I just said...that's how I was able to see it.  In the galaxy of endless possibilities.....I see a linear flow chart with different geometric shapes for each thing I need to do and know exactly what to put into each shapes but no one but me knows what this looks has to be exactly the way I see it in my head or it won't work:  linear not spread like a electrical schematic....  left to right.... not up and down....different colored boxes, circles,  and triangles...but now I know what it has to looks like too.  And it has to be this way or it won't work.  Now I know how to do it. The rest is academic. That's my structure.....the rest I can do in my sleep!  lol lol

    Flow Charts are already in my head and they've always been there.  I just wasn't looking in the right place....instead of inside my own head cool is that?

    Now...I gotta run.  I know what to do but I thought it would be fun to share this with anyone was interested even if this makes absolutely no sense to anyone else (aside from possibly someone like me)........ but that's not the point.  lol

  • why have i only realized this now??? by: Anonymous (not verified) 9 years 7 months ago

    My husband has been telling me over the last two years that there is something not quite right with me. why is it i tell him i hear what he is saying to me and that i am listening but nothing changes? my behavior and attitude stay the same and his frustration mounts. is it that i dont care? is it that i think i am always right and hes always wrong? is that i just dont care? why is it i clam up every time he brings up a difficult topic esp those which have me as the main topic. why is it that i say i will change and will do things differently, but i dont. that i constantly forget things or accident happen? its never my fault. i have always known that i am a little different and do things my own way as it were. i was diagnosed ADD as a child and now in my old age it have become more than apparent that i need to get assessed and start to know if I have adult ADHD and make my life functioning and save my marriage. and ultimately my sanity. but i wish i had this moment of enlightenment sooner so i could have avoided all this heartache and turmoil. Just hope its not too little too late. 

  • Help anyone? by: Maria1117 9 years 7 months ago

    Hi. I am new in this page. And i am soooo glad that i saw this. Please guys help me. But please don't judge coz my story is really a bit weird. But your posts really help me alot.  I just really wanna help this man who is very special to me. 

    I am mary, and i have a boyfriend who has ADHD. We are in a LONG distance relationship. I am 21 and he is 17. He admitted when we were still bestfriends that he has ADHD. He said he is hard on focusing. He had anger issues before which he said was now over. And i can see that. 

    He is very kind. Super very kind. When i ask him to do something he does it. He admitted he is a bit lazy. But when i ask him to do something like "pls clean your room before you go out" and eat proper diet he always do it without buts. Stuff like that. He had a broken family. His mom was married again to a man but sadly broke up so now his mom has another boyfriend living together. And he is with his dad. His dad is also married again but they always argue petty things which really i can feel that it affects him alot. He takes medication once a day everymorning. He tends to forget things but not often. He sees a doctor every month. But i read mostly with you guys that your partners are talkative. But my bf is not. He is likely to keep his problems from himself. And i am lucky that my heart knows when he has a problem. Idk why but i think it's a woman's instinct. He spends his time playing xbox and watching t.v. He always stays at his room for the whole day. Well he goes to the kitchen when dinner time. But mostly he wants to be alone. Coz of fam issues. His doctor gave him strong dosage of med which has side effects of headaches and moodswings. Because he was more focused on video games which i know is not because the fact we always talk alot. Which i am worried if that medicine e is taking now affects him coz he didn't tell his doctor about it. 

    My problem started after 6months. A week ago he just woke up sad. And soo dry. When i mean so dry like "yeah" oh, yup, okay.  Like that. I thought he just had moodswings so i passed it out. Then last 2 days ago. I just felt unloved. Like he doesn't talk to me anymore not like he used to.he always do the first hi's and replies before. Maybe that was the hyperfocus thing. 

    Then i asked him what's wrong. He said he is confused he doesn't know why. He doesn't know what he is feeling. And i asked him if he still loves me. He said he really loves me. And he will never cheat on me which i felt that it's true. And then i tried searching clues for people with ADHD and seemed connected with what's happening with him

    The thing here is, he sees a doctor but he doesn't tell what he really is feeling. Like what he feels with  his family issue. Which he only tells me. He doesn't literally open up with his parents. What he feels. He admitted me that he is having a hard time trying to open up. He isn't good at starting conversations. 

    Last few months ago he had trouble sleeping because he feels so bad for himself for not helping his mom
    When his step dad hit his mom. He really felt bad for himself. Which i kept telling him that it's okay. That his mom wouldn't want him to get hurt even more and wouldn't want him to urge into their argument. 

    Same with his dad's step mom which they always fight because of his dad finance problems just last week. I asked him if it bothers him alot with his family. And he said he thought of it sometimes why he had a family like that

    I pity him :'( that's why i wanted to help him. He is very kind and gentleman. He knows his limits. He is not that worst not like others with ADHD which i just read here. Which now i worry because if he doesn't start telling his dad about his feeling right now it might get worst. I wanted to ask him if he wants to see a doctor but i don't want to offend him. And i know he will not tell his dad. Pls anyone who can read this. Tell me what to do. Coz i love him very much. We may break up. But i will still help him as a friend. Coz he is really alone with himself. And i am the only person he is trusting. Thankyou for taking the time to read my story. I never had known a person with ADHD before. 

  • motivation by: dvance 9 years 7 months ago

    How do non-ADHD spouses stay motivated to take care of themselves when the spouse doesn't notice or care either way??  Last June I started a BIG weight loss thing--I exercised and lost 20+ pounds and I looked great.  Hubby liked it but also told me I looked fine before (that's nice actually, nothing I am mad about).  Now things are a little rougher and I have put 5 pounds back on.  Not the end of the world--this week was spring break and so I signed up for hot yoga (took five classes in 7 days) plus swam and walked a bunch.  No pounds lost yet, but feeling better.  And I got my hair highlighted four days ago and hubby hasn't noticed.  Now, to be clear, I am a big girl and I don't do things so others notice, but it would be nice, you know.  How do others keep motivated to take care of themselves when we are so busy taking care of everyone else AND no one notices anyway???  

    little bit of a pity party tonight I'm afraid...

