Recent forum posts (all topics)

  • Best way to initiate a serious discussion? by: little_c 13 years 3 months ago

    What is the best way to get through to an ADHDer if trying to convey that there are really serious issues that need to be addressed?  Is face-to-face better, or is it more effective in written form (a letter printed out and handed to them, not email) to give them a chance to sort through emotions/defensiveness/impulsiveness before having to respond?

    None of the issues are new; we've discussed them several times but there hasn't been any lasting change.  As I prepare to go home from my deployment, I'm establishing better boundaries than I had before I left.  I want him to know that I want to rebuild our marriage, but that it will take hard work from both of us, and there are things that MUST change to keep our marriage alive.

    I'm not planning on having this discussion or delivering the letter until after I get home in a few weeks.  From past experience I know that addressing it from afar isn't the best course of action.

    Any advice (from ADHDers and non's)?


  • Help... dealing with anger and adhd in marriage by: lynn4590 13 years 3 months ago

    I stumbled upon this website and can't stop reading the posts because it all sounds so familiar. I am sure my husband has undiagnosed adhd and am pretty much 100% positive that if he was a child growing up now that he would have been diagnosed and treated at a very young age. He has many of the symptoms and to a very high degree -- as a child, he struggled in school, was put in special ed classes because he was unable to focus and concentrate, impulse control problems, anger issues, inability to focus long enough to read a book. We have been married for almost five years and together for nearly ten. I have always known he had some problems but over the last few years, his anger issues have gotten to a point where I can no longer overlook it. To describe him overall, he cannot sit still - when he gets an idea or task in his head, he must complete it immediately and if it does not go perfectly, then he basically loses his mind. He has trouble following instructions. He gets extremely upset when something does not work correctly and once something sets him off, he cannot calm himself down. Most of his anger issues stem when something does not work properly, he will get angrier and angrier and the final result is whatever the offending item is ends up broken. I have seen many outbursts -- broken appliances, items thrown across the room, smashing his hand into things. I can see when the anger is starting and try to calm him down but when I try to interfere, then it ends up worse and I am called obscene names and sometimes pushed out of the way if I try to physically block him from doing something. After the incident, it is always the same story, he is very upset with his behavior, calls himself sick, and becomes so upset with himself. He tells me that I should give up on him and leave, that I can do better and that he is not worthy of me.  We talk things out and he promises to "try" better and we sometimes discuss him getting counseling help. The incident usually blows over though within a few days and we go on with life for a few months until another blow up occurs. At this point though, I feel as if I can no longer just go on as things are. We have two very young children. Overall, he is a wonderful father, very loving and involved with them. But I do not want them to grow up seeing this behavior and thinking this is normal and looking at how he treats me during his outbursts as a relationship example. I am scared of the thought of leaving. I do very much love him and 95% of the time things are wonderful. I love our family and being together, and I love seeing him with our children. Sometimes I feel like I am walking on eggshells though, trying to anticipate what will set him off and knowing deep down that I cannot stop it even if I know what the trigger will be. I'm scared that one of these outbursts will get out of control and he will hurt me. I have made an initial appointment with a psychologist for him and I truly hope and pray this is what he needs but I am afraid he won't follow through with it. I just don't know what to do and how to proceed.... if anyone has been in a similar situation, I would love some honest advice and feedback.

  • Competely and Utterly Frustrated by: doingmybest 13 years 3 months ago

     My oldest is 4 and was diagnosed with Autism at 2 and I have a 2 year old, both boys.  I have been with my husband 13 years married for 7 and spent a vast majority of them thinking I was crazy and everything was all my fault.  I've dealt with guilt, frustration, gone on medications everything but for some reason nothing changed. huh go figure.  Finally found a therapist that introduced me to ADHD and BINGO there is the Kaos.  My husband is undiagnosed and has refused to admit he  is anything but perfect - until recently.  He has and appt. today with a Psychologist and has gone to 1 other which was when he was in total denial still assuming his perfection and my faults. He is in sales and has learned quickly how to cover up or talk away his behaviors.  Basically, he was able to answer the psychologists questions without drawing attention to his ADHD.  She sent him home and said he was fine.  Well she needs to come and live in my Kaos for a day - he is not fine! It is as if I am the only one that can see his behavior, to everyone else he is nothing but and amazing man, doting husband and wonderful father.  I really wish that was true, and in some instances it is but not always.

    My husband is pre-occupied always (computer and cell phone mainly), easily distracted, incapable of completing a task or doing it correctly, appears void of any and all emotion, deflects behavior by arguing and "turning the tables", knows how to push my buttons and does to avoid conversation, incapable of holding a conversation for more than 2 min., remembers nothing and lives in a world of utter clutter - hoarder. Basically the typical ADHD behaviors I have read here in the forum.

    Yesterday was supposed to be a good day.  A cook-out at my Uncles with my family, my kids and my husband.  Swimming, playing, visiting, eating etc.  Good time right?  Then why was I trying to get out of going? Trying to avoid this outing? I went and for the first time realized why I HATE doing these things I used to love.  I spent the entire time watching the kids and re-directing my husband.  All the fear I thought was because of me were clearly because of him.  I spent the day keeping us organized and on schedule (extremely important for children with Spectrum disorders) I had to keep all our stuff together, watch the kids, re-directing my husband.  By re-directing I mean if I asked him to do something - get the towels from outside, watch the oldest so I could eat I had to in return watch him to make sure he could compete the task without distraction, chit-chatting whatever.  He is great with first time conversations. The fear comes when he has the kids,  he is an awesome dad, but again gets distracted easily.  When they were in the pool I was a freak.  I finally realized why.  If my husband gets distracted for 1 second he will loose focus and my kids who are in the pool no floaters and can't swim are in danger.  I watched him like an intense hawk the entire time.  All 3 of them.  My family thinks I am this crazy horrible wife because I kept scolding him. Again they don't see it.  I was exhausted and relieved when it was over.  I did not eat, visit or have fun and that is my life.  If things don't change soon I don't know what I will do. My life is total and utter Kaos and after 13 years, like many of you, I JUST CAN NOT DEAL WITH IT!!  I am at a loss, no idea how else to find a balance if he will not admit he has ADHD and even then is there hope? 


  • Adderall addiction/abuse, aggression, living together/ must kick him out. by: onthefence87 13 years 3 months ago

    my partner lives with me and began taking adderall again in may. he has always known of his add and always been on different medications or taken breaks with no medications. he's in his 30's. he was up front with his add when we met. he was a loving, beautiful man and i fell for him totally. since may, his behavior has changed 180 degrees and that seems to coorelate with his increase in adderol. he began w/ 40mg a day...he was intense/standoffish, just being in the same room with him, he kind of bristled. talking to him i was on eggshells. i did not know what was going on and because i didnt make the connection to medication, i thought it was something inside our relationship. in july he added 20 more 20mg pills to his intake and started staying out late at night after work and not doing anything with me as a couple. so at that time he had 80 20mg's of adderall and was finnished with them in less than a month. he then got 30 more and those were gone in ten days. now he's gone to a new doctor, gotten a script for 60 30mg as well as an additional medication--vivance. the doctor was concerned for his racing pulse but gave him the medication anyway. at night his heart races faster than ive ever heard someones.  his intense behavior has bordered on volitile to hostile in these last weeks. he works until midnight, then comes in late-2..3..4 am..does his own thing in the house, bathes and eventually comes to bed around 4/5 am. he has nothing to say, not even 5 minutes to connect with me--either at night or during the day. he sleeps just up to the time he needs to be at work. if i try to connect with him or talk to him when he comes in so late, hes angry, confrontational and hostile. he takes a tone of voice with me that is infuriating. i pay all the bills, take care of the house and, because he is stressed with his own pressures, i dont ask him for much. i get angry at the fact that he disrupts my sleep, doesnt do anything with me--and we are talking months..inst available emotionally and just beside myself w frustration that he is making no acknowledgement of these things or discounts their reality if i try to gently let them know they are hurting me. in fact, being hurt is the one way to ignite his rage. it has become beyond painful to be around this man i love so much.

    his behavior patten is whack. he completely starves us as a couple, spends no time with me in or out of the house, has no interest in physical affection, then is full of rage when i ask/inquire with him about these things or say i really miss him and need to spend time with him. he blames me for his rage, holes up in another bedroom, leaves the house without speaking to me. writes me how much he loves me and would never do or say anything intentionally to hurt me. yet the cycle continues night after night. i asked him to leave 2 nites ago. he did. i have not heard from him since and do not know where he is staying.

    please tell me that i have done something reasonable in asking him to leave.

    does anyone have experience with a partners aggression on adderall? or with them increasing their dosage to a point where it is effecting the relationship this bad? yes, i have told him at different times that this drug is wrecking us and i am worried he will hurt himself. but he is in denial. do i speak to another friend of his about my concern? my partner doesn't think there is any problem. there is clearly a massive problem. it has all but destroyed us but it may be putting him at risk for od or heart attack. he has had shallow breath at times, sweating, some signs of taking to much. i need to know how to approach it with maturity for the highest productive outcome.





  • Is it really about a ring? LONG! & Not sure where to put... by: Aspen 13 years 3 months ago

    Ok so my 10 year wedding anniversary is coming up and we are about 4 years post diagnosis.  Things are going REALLY well, and this month I didn't even get my "I am doing too much of the heavy lifting at home" overwhelm at PMS time that I commonly do.  It is pretty much our only ADD-fight danger period now, but that is improving partly because I recognize now what is causing it and am making a consistent effort to focus on all the things he DOES WELL (which is a lot) and partly because he is stepping up and helping out where I need him to pretty consistently.  So we are in a good place, and we have an AWESOME trip booked.  Will be 2 weeks involving one of our favorite locations in the US followed by a week in a villa on a Caribbean Island.  I've taken care of all the arrangements, and we got a fabulous deal due to shopping around, internet sales, & family giving awesome gifts.  Very very happy and honestly it would be a sufficient gift, but we are big gift givers & love to celebrate occasions--esp relationship ones (we still celebrate the anniversary of the day we met every year :), so we both want to do more.  We take a trip every year for our anniversary and do gifts too so this isn't unusual, but 10 years is causing us both to want to make it extra special.

    So to the ring...(btw, I am probably one of the least materialistic ppl you will ever meet so please understand that going in)  We had exactly one engagement ring convo before he asked me, and I told him QUITE HONESTLY that my biggest concern was for him to buy something he could afford to pay off b4 the wedding.   He picked my engagement ring out entirely on his own & did awesome.  He got me a small (which is good as I am small LOL) platnium ring with a solitare Sapphire (remembering I think diamonds as centerpieces are fairly boring and sapphires are my favorites :D ) and 2 wing diamonds.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my ring and made sure he knew/knows it. 

    Then came the wedding ring.....and here the break down occured.  It is very understandable now that we know about the ADD but it was baffling at the time. He was very involved in the wedding planning and helping me decide things, he lived 4 hours away, did most of the travelling to me since the venues and such all had to be vetted here, was the one moving & was squeezing in job interviews during his visits also, we were planning a large wedding & with a sitdown dinner for 300 in only 6 months, and with the anti-debt thing to consider we had a budget to stick to wedding wise, and we agreed all his personal debts (he didn't have many but he is also terrible with money so this was probably hard) had to be paid off before the wedding so we'd be starting with a fresh slate.  He did come with a car payment but that was it.

    So when we discussed wedding rings, he was definite on us each picking out our own.  Not sure why he was so firm on this point, but it could have to do with the ring he fell in love with.  It is a very unusual ring and had to be hand made in Germany  It wasn't terribly expensive, but he just loved how different it was, from the process in making it to the final design.  I really, really wanted to get him a titanium ring with sapphires in it or because he isn't big on stones with some sapphire blue enamel in it so it would *go* with my ring, but though I showed him the designs I loved and he was ok with them, he was in love with a different ring, so that is the one I bought him.

    Because my engagement ring is non classic with the sapphire centerpiece, we decided to go with a ring guard that would fit together with my ring and also have some diamonds and sapphires in it to make it more formal looking.  It was a really beautiful design, BUT he dropped the ball.  He forgot that he really needed to get a jeweler working on it at least 2 months early, and though he'd talked to some jewelers about options, he ended up just before the wedding scrambling to just get something.  He called me apologetic that the option we'd decided on couldn't happen (the ring guard would have had to be modified to go with my ring and he didn't allow enough time for that) but said he found another option that would be a band with cutouts along the side that would fit with my ring.  I never saw it but he said it would fit together like puzzle pieces and it was a very cool effect.

    I said ok......I mean what else could I say and it wasn't a huge deal.  Then he called me just before the wedding apologetic because he hadn't done what needed to be done to get that ring made in time either, but that they were going to be able to do *something*.   He also said the platnium was going to be more expensive than white gold and there was really no difference, did I care which one he bought?  I mean really this is a question only a man would ask right?  But I thought about it and told him that it was important to me that my ring match and that it go together.  If that could be accomplished with white gold and it was cheaper too, I had no problem with it......and I truly didn't except the low priority issue was coming up for me for the first time and I didn't like how it made me feel.  Why were we now out of options because he couldn't finalize our decisions??

    The ring kinda looks like it was thrown together at the last moment, which to be sure is what it was :(  They took a ring of white gold in the same thickness as my band and basically put a bend in it so that my engagement ring sorta fits into the bend.  It doesn't fit together at all exactly, but it is fine and I love it as the wedding ring I was given more than I love it for itself.  Mostly I have no issues with it at all, but at certain times it a little bit says low priority without the time to be done correctly.  Also the metals clearly are not the same if you look at it all.  I mean no one could tell on quick glance, but anyone with eyes looking even semi closely can see it doesn't go together. 

    He felt bad especially as I bought him exactly what he'd wanted, and after the wedding he immediately offered to get me a new band, but I told him there was no point as a new band would never be the one he gave to me at my wedding, and it would always be special for that reason.

    When the ADD behavior was bad and undiagnosed and I was feeling low priority, it did come up that I couldn't believe that with 6 months he couldnt make any effort to make sure the ring I'd be wearing for the rest of my life was ready.  Seriously it was more about priority than anything else.

    A couple times a new ring has come up, but every time I've said I love what I have, upgrading the wedding band would be nice, but it would never be my true *wedding ring* so we should let it go.  Obviously it came up as a discussion again with regard to a 10th wedding anniversary gift, and this time I agreed.  I will continue to wear my *real* ring for day to day, but for church and dress up occasions and date night, getting the ring we originally chose would be awesome.  He seemed surprised that I agreed which surprised me because he has been the one mentioning it occasionally all these then I started wondering was it a test?  Was he was only mentioning it to make sure I didn't want a new one or something!??!

    I agreed because he had said this would put a period on the last real ADD caused angst.  So though we originally discussed this close to a year ago, when we started discussing trip options and saving for it, come 2 months ago he'd done nothing about it and I got for some reason REALLY REALLY ANGRY.  I yelled at him that this was a stupid exercise and instead of curing the ADD angst it actually was causing it all over again by him having the exact some priority issue.  I was always fine with my ring, he was pressuring me to get a new one, I agree and then he drops the ball AGAIN.  I begged him to just drop the issue forever.

    He felt terrible of course :(  and spent the evening looking at options & then went back to doing nothing.  Turns out he was afraid of getting the hard sell from jewelers and wasn't ready to go in person to talk to them, NOT that he told me this of course.  We also have a great friend who used to be a jeweler, but he never even considered talking to him about options  (He has the most frustrating attitude of he has to do everything himself with no help from anyone even when he doesn't know what he is doing).   At the 3 month till anniversary mark (very recently) I just started talking to him about other options for my present (usually we offer little to no imput into eachother's presents so maybe I was being sorta passive aggressive about this).  He said "what about your ring?"  When I asked if he'd done anything whatsoever about looking for a ring, he had to admit that other than emailling one place online 3 times (and getting no response) he hadn't done anything.

    I said I want to put a period to the ring forever.  He was upsetting me with it and I needed him to understand why.  We had a long non angry this time convo about feeling like a low priority and making the same mistake over and over, and he asked if I would give him one day (which was today) to take my ring to local jewelers and see what could be done.  I said yes, but no more drama at all about this......I am done and over it and I need it to stop being an issue plus if something nice coudn't be found for what we determined was a reasonable price then it needed to be dropped!


    He went to about 6 jewelers today!  He called after each fairly excited about some of the options, but the prices were higher than expected. He has to buy a guard, and then they want to send it off with my engagement ring (which I am not comfortable with them shipping my engagement ring off since they could never replace it if it was lost) to be matched, plus insurance, it was going to cost about double what he's saved so far.

    The prices really shocked me since originally it was only going to be a few hundred plus insurance probably less than $500 total, but then that was 10 years ago too........we aren't big jewelry buyers obviously but every option was close to double that by the time it was all done.  I told him I thought it was probably too much money, but now he was a man on a mission.

    He called me over the moon excited from the last jeweler.  He loved the ppl there.  First thing they did was clean my ring and fix a post that was loosening on one of my diamonds for free, then showed him the options.  They have a designer setting in platnium that is on sale since it was last year's model that he is completely in love with.  Naturally it is more expensive than the white gold options he had already found, he came home with cell phone pictures and I agree it is by far the best and since their insurance policy is different than the others it won't really end up being a lot more money. PLUS their jeweler is on site and my ring doesn't have to be shipped.

    Perfect right?  But he doesn't have the money.  He only has 1/2 and he really wants to buy it.  He has been so excited all day with his adventure (which part of what really helped is that everyone was really nice to him and there was no hard sell), and is in love with buying me the ring *I've always wanted*.  Now I do love this ring, but the *always wanted* I honestly think is more about him making up for previous mistakes than me longing for a new ring. I honestly do love mine.  It is not what I picked out and is not what I planned to have, but it is absolutely fine.


    And after he spent the day looking for a ring for me, and did it in enough time that all 4 of the rings that he found that would work with mine could be modified to fit, I find the period is already on the previous angst for me.  It was really about feeling like a priority and that he could get himself together to do this thing more than it has ever been about getting a new piece of jewelry to me.  His attitude and his priority has been exactly right, and as much as I think a new ring would be an awesome present for my 10th wedding anniversary, I really feel like the issue is over for me.

    SOOOO for anyone who has made it this far.......this has clearly not really been entirely about the *ring*  it was about the way he made me feel with his poor planning in a time when I had no idea why he would prioritize getting speciality napkins ordered because we liked them better, but he couldn't seem to find a wedding ring.

    Since I feel he has made up for it already, should I still let him buy me a new ring?  It is gorgeous and I love it, but even with the sale he is about 60% short on cash.  He says he knows of extra work he can do to make up the difference and that he wants to, and I get the genuine sense that he feels so accomplished now that he is making up for what to him was a huge screw up (he's even said HOW, when I did so much else for the wedding,  could I ever screw up the wedding ring!?!?).  He loves it ,and he wants me to go look at it, but I feel the way I felt about my engagement ring, buy me what you want and I will love it because it came from you.....I'd rather it be a surprise.  Though I did see his blurry cell phone pic and it was beautiful.

    Thoughts?  Concerns?  Everything think I am a materialistic princess?  Thanks for reading and for any feedback!

  • I NEED HELP - MY HUSBAND WAS JUST DIAGNOSED WITH ADHD by: patlorenz 13 years 3 months ago

    After being married for 24 years, my husband was just diagnosed with ADHD.  While I am so happy and relieved to know that all of the craziness of the past 24 years has a reason and a name.  But, I am honestly very confused.  I have to do most of the research, etc.  And I am very, very afraid of where to turn next.    As of now I am desperately trying to find a Psychiatrist in my area and also, perhaps to, start a support group.

    I also do not have a strong support system at all as we both have very, very small families.

    I live in Pennsylvania in the Lehigh Valley Area.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? 

    Any advice at all  would be greatly appreciated.

  • Verbal abuse and ADD: Do they always go together? by: Bitanonymous 13 years 3 months ago

    I think that my ADHD spouse verbally abuses me at least once a week. I know that people with ADHD have a really hard time with managing anger, and my husband has the trifecta: speech problems (hard to communicate, causes frustration), inattention (ADHD), and probably a mild form of autism (very sensitive to the environment and even the smallest stressors). On top of all this, he's lacking in the empathy department, which makes it very easy to objectify others and take out his anger and frustration on me. But I don't know how to differentiate between what's really abuse and what are his neurological issues.

    It hurts so much to be called "b---h," "f----r," "s---h--d," and "a-----e." Sometimes all within the same sentence.  He will apologize half-heartedly, with a lot of coaching, then quickly turn around and do it again. Each time, I did something to cause him to lose control. I talk too much. I want to talk to him during the wrong part of the day. I'm a nag. I'm needy. I deserve it. I interrupted him. I'm "crazy." I'm a "wacko." I make things up. It never happened. I'm exaggerating.

    Today, which just happens to be my birthday, he threatened to leave me if I ever used the word "verbal abuse" in his presence ever again. Of course I'm uncomfortable with that, because how can we fix the yelling and name-calling by censoring ourselves (or silencing the victim)? So he hit the road and left me here, devastated and alone on my birthday. (I live far away from friends and family and pretty much spent the day alone.)

    The bad behavior started a long time ago, but he was going through so many interpersonal crises that it was hard to tell what was stress, what was ADHD/speech/neuro, and what was really verbal abuse.

    But this became a little clearer to me three weeks ago, while we were on our way to work. We had an argument about his child. The kid is having a lot of serious attendance and behavior issues. When I tried to share my concerns, I think he mistook my worry for criticism, because he just exploded at me without warning. His anger was so horrible that I was in the fetal position in the passenger seat of our car, crying and begging for him to stop yelling. "Please stop, please stop, please, please . . . " He kept going, bellowing at me, "you deserve to get f-----g s--t!" followed by "go f--k yourself! go f--k yourself! go f--k yourself!" over and over. Other times, he throws his phone at me. He has (once) threatened to hurt my cat.

    After an outburst, I feel obliterated. But he's sweet as pie to me. He may be cheery and want to make dinner plans, catch a movie, or go for a walk. He'll call me "honey" and offer to carry my bag or groceries for me. Does this not describe an abuser, par excellence? As soon as he gains control, he feels happy, calm and soothed? When he feels out of control, he yells, screams, and bullies?

    This has been happening on a regular basis, and sometimes, I don't even know what I did wrong or why he's angry. I worry because it feels like it's getting more frequent and intense. So I gave my husband an ultimatum. Deal with this or be out of my life. He left the apartment, took some things, and went to a friend's house to think things over. Three weeks passed and I hadn't really heard from him. I finally caught up with him, and he admitted that we needed to talk. We were scheduled to talk yesterday, but he postponed until today.

    Of course he would wait until MY BIRTHDAY to have this conversation. He pretty much admitted to everything that's stressing the relationship, but refused to acknowledge the name-calling, yelling, swearing and insults. I just know that I can't put up with it, anymore, and unless he's penitent and really, truly sorry for the hurt he's caused me. I'm sobbing as I write this post, because I just don't ever, ever want to be called a "b---h," again.

    I feel so low and unloved. Worst. Birthday. Ever.

  • The Big Conversation by: gardener447 13 years 3 months ago

    End of week two, and I did something I couldn't imagine doing even a week ago.  I broached the subject of ADD with my husband.  I didn't really plan it, but suddenly the moment was upon me and I jumped in.  We were in the car, him driving, and I know, because he has told me, that that is the easiest place for him to talk about "serious" things.  I think by serious he means important.  I made a note of the time, so I wouldn't stress him out by going on "too long".  I began by asking him some questions, which just sort of came to me from my reading about ADD, and my years of observation about how he seems to experience life.  Do you feel like it's only a matter of time before people figure out you're a fake?  Do you think all your achievements are mostly due to luck?  Do you feel like there are a million important things you've forgotten to do, and you're waiting for the S#*t to hit the fan?  Do you always feel behind, or like there's a catastrophe just around the corner?  He looked at me like Duh! and said, yeah, like doesn't everyone?  I said no, many people don't feel those things most of the time, and I didn't, either.  I asked if he thought it was just difference in style, or was it striking to him that he preferred to have two computers, a television and music playing while he "worked" then take a "break" to play video games while leaving all that other stuff going, too?  He said, sort of smiling, I suppose you're going to tell me that's not normal.....  I said I know you think it's a "guy" versus "girl" thing, but that I believed other couples could make plans, share dreams and disappointments for more than five minutes at a time, and without one of them flipping blindly through a magazine, or turning on the television, or leaving the room.   He said I suppose you have a way to fix it?   Gulp here we go.  Well, I stumbled on a book, with no idea that this was something to even consider, and I think you may have ADD.  We're at the seven minute mark now.  Hurry it up.  It's caused by a brain needing more stimulation than usual to stay focused on something, and when the brain doesn't get it, just keeps looking for more.  I told him there might be ways he could not feel out of control, lost, like a fake or a lucky loser.  Totally just my take on the process, but he only cocked his head and said I suppose there's a pill for that.  I said people use counseling, medication or both to help.  He said I'm not taking medication.  Pulled into a gas station and got out.  Eight minutes. 

    We're done with the subject for now, but at least the seed has been planted.  And 24 hours later he related a comment his boss made about his organization skills, and he was bothered a lot by it.  Hope dots are connecting.  A week with a lot of ups and downs.  Why do I have to keep learning the same things over and over?  How can I have good boundaries, self-esteem, and objectivity one moment, and be crushed and discouraged in the next?  I'd really rather not keep zooming from patience to frustration, from cool observation to mind-tripping, from loving understanding to numbing loneliness -- at least not so many times in a day!  I suppose I should sleep.

  • Just completely frustrated by: mamaluv5 13 years 3 months ago

    Just got my husband diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago.  After several dosage changes on his medicine, I thought things were so great.  I thought we could finally have a "normal" relationship, but I was wrong.  Now he will threaten me that he won't take his pills if I do this or that.  He takes his pills at odd times when he is supposed to take them the same time each day.  This causes him to stay up all night doing whatever he is hyperfocused on at the time.  We have 2 teens and 2 toddler twins and of course this is all affecting them.  On top of it all, just found out I am pregnant - not happy at all.  Everything I have read in the forums sounds just like my husband but I am at a loss of what to do with him.  He thanked me for doing the research that lead him to find out he had ADHD and get him a doctor and the right meds.  Now he says I am the one who is crazy and I am the one who needs pills.  Do I continue to fight for him and my family and get him more help, or should I give up? 

    I want a "normal" quiet, drama free life but feel I will never get that.  Our main problem with his ADHD is money.  He can't handle it, can't budget, can't pay a bill.  I have been "trying" to keep up with our bills all these years but he has made it so impossible.  If I don't give him the money he wants, he throws a tantrum, threatens me, throws things etc.  He always has something going on to make "extra money" but it always ends up costing us in the end and coming out of his paycheck.  I work part time so he is the sole provider.  He has lied to me about money, stolen from me, taken my debit/credit cards without telling me, even forged my name on a check.  He has completely ruined our credit, we have never been able to save a dime and even the kids are tired of it.  Oh yeah, I have to make sure the teens hide their money and debit cards from him too. 

    His rage when he feels frustrated or when he doesn't get what he wants is completely out of control.  He yells at the top of his lungs so loud it hurts our ears.  He says the most hurtful things to us all, then the next day acts like nothing ever happened or expects us to apologize.  We have been together for 18 years (I don't know how I stayed so long) and I love him, I do feel sorry for him because of the ADHD and the horrible upbringing he had.  I want to fight this and get him the help that he needs but he is so stubborn he doesn't think he has a problem and that the pills work fine. 

    I know from reading these forums that I am not alone and that is a great feeling but I just seriously don't know what to do!  Please give me some advice. 

  • Going camping by: needsalifeline 13 years 3 months ago

    The hubby and I are still going camping...just happy he still wants to go.  Catch ya all on Tuesday when we get back, keep your fingers crossed.  Hopefully we will come back in a better place than we are leaving.  Gotta think positive right?! :)
